General Qin

Chapter 308: Assassin Haunted

"Zhao Tuo's son knows the etiquette."

In Zhencheng's mansion, Sima Tianchong, Grand Duke of Qi, looked at the precious gifts on his case and couldn't help nodding.

Since the last time the Qin envoy sent gifts to Zhao Tuo, the main generals between Qin and Qi have been on the line.

After that, Li Shiqi often came to Zhencheng to walk around.

One ceremony today, one book tomorrow, the words were humble and flattering, and the gifts they brought were precious and heavy, which made Tian Chong feel a little embarrassed.

Today is the age of the Warring States Period, with frequent wars by various countries, the rituals have already collapsed and music has been destroyed.

But the situation in Qi is somewhat different from that of the other five countries.

Since Qi State closed its borders and defended itself, Qi people under the age of 40 have not personally experienced the cruelty of war, nor have they experienced the real dangers of the world. What happened to them did not happen to them, and it is always difficult for the new generation or two to really feel it.

Especially for an aristocrat like Tian Chong who was born in rich clothes and jade food since he was a child, he would also study books such as "Spring and Autumn" and "Rituals" while learning the art of war.

His thinking will inevitably be influenced by the spring and autumn nobles mentioned in the book.

Hundreds of years ago, the form of war was very different from what it is now.

In wars between countries and nobles, the two sides often make an appointment and arrive at roughly the same time, after each has lined up. Sound the war drum again, and drive towards the opponent.

This is the so-called "set the day and place, live on one side, beat the drums and fight, and don't cheat each other."

This kind of war is not so much a war, but more like a sports competition. Both sides abide by certain etiquette and order on the battlefield.

The more famous one is the battle between Gongzicheng and Huabao in the former Song Dynasty.

The chariots of the two sides met at Zheqiu, Huabao drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot at Gongzicheng first, but the arrow missed and missed Gongzicheng.

But Huabao moved very nimbly, and once again nocked the arrow.

Seeing this scene, Gongzicheng shouted contemptuously at Hua Bao: "It's contemptuous not to shoot!"

You don't let me fight back when you shoot arrows, how despicable!

In the war between nobles, when one person shoots one arrow, it is the etiquette.

When Huabao heard about it, he pulled the arrow from his bow in shame and let the opponent shoot.

Then Huabao was shot to death by Gongzicheng.

This is the so-called ritual of war. In addition to shooting at each other, there are also various rules of war such as: no attack for serious injuries, no capture of two hairs, no drums, no row, no chasing north, etc.

And every time before a battle, you must have a famous teacher, and you can't fight without an appointment. In wars, after the two sides have lined up, the two leaders will meet for a while. All formations, command to charge and kill.

Although Tian Chong lived in the Warring States Period, he had read many deceitful war examples, and he was also familiar with the art of war, knowing the truth of the deceitful tactics of soldiers.

But this true nobleman, deep down in his heart, still has a lot of reverence for the battle of nobles in that distant era, and he always longs for the enemy he faces to have a real gentleman's battle with him.

If it is used as a metaphor, perhaps deep in Tian Chong's heart, there is still a heart similar to that of "Song Xianggong" in the past.

Today, Zhao Tuo, the general of the Qin army on the opposite side, seems to be a general with aristocratic etiquette.

He gave a generous gift, and the words in the letters were full of respect for himself, and he often asked himself modestly about the art of war in the letters...

With all these behaviors, it was hard for Tian Chong not to have a good impression of Zhao Tuo.

Therefore, he often wrote back greetings, and even sent envoys to visit and return gifts.

Under such circumstances, the two armies of Qi and Qin confronted each other at the border, but they didn't have the slightest intention of drawing swords. On the contrary, they seemed very harmonious and friendly.

"The people of Qin are cruel and cunning. Now they are sending gifts and sending envoys frequently. I'm afraid they have ulterior motives. Please also ask Da Sima to check it out. Don't let the people of Qin want to trick you!"

This was the remonstrance of those people from the four countries after they knew that the envoys of Qin often came. Tian Chong responded with a "hmm" on the surface, but in fact he had his own thoughts in his heart.

"What Zhao Tuo did was because he was injured and lying on the couch. He was afraid that he would take the opportunity to attack him, so he sent envoys to give gifts and begged me to keep my hand. Second, it was also because he had a heart of admiration for me, otherwise there would be no such thing in the letter. Many words of respect and advice.”

"No matter what, this son really knows how to be courteous. When Wang Jian Xiang Yan decides the result and I lead the troops to attack Puyang, I will treat Zhao Tuo with courtesy, so that I can live up to my name as a nobleman of the Tian family. "

Favor towards Zhao Tuo, contempt for his injured leg and foot, and pride in his 100,000 troops and his own abilities.

The combination of various reasons made Da Sima Tianchong completely let go of his vigilance towards Zhao Tuo and Qin Jun.

Affected by him, the 100,000 Qi troops around Zhencheng did not pay much attention to the Qin people, and even the soldiers at the bottom made fun of Qin general Zhao Tuo breaking his leg from time to time.

The Qi army went up and down, and they were no longer vigilant against the Qin army more than a hundred miles away.


"The general's strategy has been completed. The Qi army is no longer vigilant against the general. If our army launches an attack, it will be defeated in one battle and smash the 100,000 Qi army in Zhencheng."

After Li Shiqi returned to the Qin army's camp, he smiled and congratulated Zhao Tuo.

"Mr. Lao is here."

Zhao Tuo asked again about the situation of Li Shiqi's mission this time, and after confirming that the Qi people really relaxed their vigilance, he couldn't help but feel at ease. Then he remembered something again and asked: "I don't know if Mr. has seen the people from the Four Kingdoms in the Qi army. Are those people aware of our strategy?"

"I haven't seen it before, but I have tested Zou Yang once or twice. There are indeed many people from the four countries in the Qi army. Before, they often urged Tian Chong to attack our Qin country. But they have calmed down in the past few days, except for Xiang Tian. Other than Chong's advice, don't trust us, he didn't do anything big, and he didn't persuade Tian Chong to attack again. From my humble point of view, Tian Chong doesn't trust these people, and it probably won't have any influence on the general's plan." Li Shi Qi opened his mouth to answer.

Zhao Tuo nodded, his heart moved, and he asked again: "Sir, have you ever asked if there are any famous people among those people from the Four Kingdoms?"

Li Shiqi was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly, "I didn't ask specifically for fear of arousing the other party's vigilance, but when Zou Yang spoke, he mentioned something about Hengyang Lord, who seems to be the Korean clan."

Zhao Tuo nodded. Although the Four Kingdoms are gone, there are still many clans and clans left behind. It is not unusual for a few of them to appear in the Qi army.

When Zhao Tuo came to this era, South Korea had already perished, so he was not very familiar with South Korea, and the title of Lord Hengyang did not attract his attention.

He turned to say: "Since the people of the four countries have not seen through our strategy, the Qi army has let down its vigilance again. It is time for our army to attack. We should attack the Qi people quickly, otherwise we will change if we are afraid of delay."

"Let people go to the city to invite Tu Junwei to come, and then summon the generals to discuss matters. Make a plan today, and you can send troops tomorrow. At that time, you will send troops south in the name of the rebellion of the Wei people in Dingtao, walk to the middle of the road, and then turn east. Xiang, go straight to Zhencheng!"



Because 20,000 Dongjun soldiers had been stationed near the city, the 20,000 Qin troops brought by Zhao Tuo from Huaibei were all stationed in a wide area about ten miles outside the city, near the water source.

Between Puyang City and the 20,000 Qin Army Camp, there is a road that can accommodate two vehicles.

Among the roadside trees, the autumn leaves are bleak, but the dense grass and woods are still enough to hide people's whereabouts.

"Chen Jun, we have been waiting here for two days. Will the county captain Tu Sui really come?"

A ranger opened his mouth, and while speaking, he stretched out his hand and killed a blood-sucking mosquito. There are red packets all over its arms.

Chen Yu scratched the back of his itchy ear and whispered: "I will come. The Qin general Zhao Tuo broke his legs and could only live in the city and lie on a couch. The highest position and title near Puyang is the county captain Tu Sui, Although Zhao Tuo's 20,000 people still have a commander in chief, but after all, they have to rely on Tu Sui to provide supplies and grass, and the soldiers under him also need someone to command and issue orders, so Tu Sui will go to the camp every few days."

"There are too many guards of the Qin army in the city. It is difficult for us to strike. If we want to assassinate Tu Sui, we can only act halfway. Don't be in a hurry. Assassination requires patience."

Just as Chen Yu was imparting the assassination experience to everyone, the sound of horseshoes came from the road in the distance...

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