Chapter 432 The sudden growth!

Wu Yueyue couldn't accept such a gap for a while, but the current situation made it impossible for him not to accept it.

Wu Yueyue raised her face, this time he found that the space barrier around him had dissipated silently, and the force that had been imprisoning him also disappeared.

But he felt that there was still a big stone in his heart, which kept pressing on his chest, making him breathless.

It is true that this stone cannot be removed, because this is not the imprisonment imposed on him by others, but the demon of his own birth.

After the pride was shattered, he couldn't admit his failure. He felt that he was very cowardly, but there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't even imagine what it would be like to tell his father what happened to him.

What can I say about the current situation? Because I am arrogant and arrogant, I feel that I can calm everything down by taking action, so I don't listen to my father's advice and come out to provoke Ling Xiao at will.

As a result, he was severely taught a lesson, stamped with the seal of a slave, and became a pet of others.

Not to mention whether he accepts it or not, his father can't stand it either.

He could imagine his father's anger and his heartbroken expression.

Will the always rational father suddenly rush out of the hole, find Ling Xiao, and fight with Ling Xiao, but he understands that his father can't beat Ling Xiao.

Even if his father was severely injured in Ling Xiao's place before, he didn't feel that the difference in strength between the two was too great.

I just thought that Ling Xiao must have some inexplicable cultivation technique, and that he was able to plot against others, so that his always-strong father accidentally made a mistake and caused his own failure.

But when he really fought against Ling Xiao, he realized just how strong Ling Xiao was, and it was an existence that could not be confronted at all.

He could clearly remember the battle between himself and Ling Xiao, and it was almost over before it even started. Ling Xiao just used a few space barriers at random and locked himself firmly.

It didn't even consume much of the body, and then another operation that he had never seen before, he stamped his soul with his brand, and made himself his slave forever.

Even his apprentice, who seemed to be ill and could not stand up, had such a powerful ability.

How on earth did such a person appear? Why have I never heard of these two people in this universe for so long?

Then there are only two reasons, either they are both very low-key, low-key to a state of almost seclusion, in order to avoid the eyes and ears of the outside world.

Either these two people just came to this universe, and they came from somewhere else. Either of these two guesses is very scary.

If it is a seclusion, then how powerful is the ability to avoid the prying eyes of so many powerful people in the world, occupy a treasured place, and still be in a noisy city, not a sparsely populated place.

If it is from another universe, it proves that he has the ability to split space. He has only seen such an ability in legends, but he feels that the two people in front of him have it, and it seems that it is not impossible. things back.

After all, they have done so many incredible things, which completely subverted their previous cognition and made themselves realize for the first time how weak they are.

He manipulated his body back into a human form, and the spiritual power on his body also emerged because of the release of the confinement, which made him feel his own power again, but he would no longer be as confident and strong as before.

Instead, the edges and corners have been withdrawn, and the temperament of the whole person has changed a lot.

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