Chapter 186

I learned some details about the competition from Han Shiyu, and Fang Zheng didn’t think too much about it, so he asked Han Shiyu to deal with the competition.

Among them, what kind of designer identity, the submission of grade certification materials, the detailed information of the entries, etc., were all handed over to Han Shiyu for processing.

The annual best game selection contest is said to be a competition, but he does not need to worry about anything in the early stage. The game selection will be reviewed by a dedicated person.

And he only needs to pay attention to the final result of the game, so in general, Fang Zheng himself is still very idle.

But Fang Zheng is not out of things to do. When he broadcasted the live broadcast before, he promised to make a public promise to make a game facing women.

Most of the games that female players like are just a few.

One of them is leisure, such as easy games like elimination and placement; there are also games such as palace fighting and dress-up, such as “Food Language” and “Nuan Nuan”.

In addition, Otome’s games are also very popular among players. The biggest feature of this type of game is that the main storyline of “love” is that the player can assume the identity of the heroine and have an emotional intersection with the NPC boy. The representative works are compared. The famous “Love and the Producer”.

In addition to the mainstream games that female players like in this category, there is also a special category of games that are also popular among female players.

That is Danmei games. The main audience of this kind of games is actually those rotten girls, especially those who like men and boys… ahem, because of the value problem, the spread of this series of games is limited.

Female-to-play games actually have one thing in common, that is, compared to the game’s playability, female players have stricter requirements for the game’s picture quality, music, and plot.

And this is also a big selling point for women to games.

Fang Zheng thought about it. Since it is a game for female players, he can choose one of his next works.

And it happened that he thought of a work in which there is love, touch, and regret, which is very suitable for the current situation.

The work is called “Sweet House” and Fang Zheng decided to take this work as a surprise for female fans.

“Sweet House”, just listen to the name, this game is tailored for female players.

“Sweet House” Fang Zheng himself has played one and two, but compared to the two, Fang Zheng thinks that the first generation is more classic, and more terrifying… ahem, sweeter.

The plot of the story roughly tells the protagonist and his wife, the small life is very sweet, the protagonist himself is very responsible, and works hard for the family every day.

Although the work is exhausting, the protagonist is full of energy when he thinks of his wife.

The protagonist’s wife is also very virtuous. She is a writer. Since she is a writer, it is inevitable that Calvin’s things will happen.

Although the wife was a little upset because of Calvin, she did not tell her husband the matter because she knew that her husband was tired from work, and she didn’t want to trouble her husband any more.

Therefore, the wife found her husband’s friend and passed on the responsibility that originally belonged to her husband to her husband’s friend, thus reducing the pressure on her husband.

Husbands have a sense of responsibility and work hard, while wives know how to be compassionate to their husbands and do not cause trouble to them. Husbands and wives are harmonious and considerate, making them a model couple.

Such a warm family and such a sweet married life are just a contrast to the name of the game-Sweet Home.

But the game, there is always some ups and downs in the plot, so the wife is missing…

The husband saw that his beloved wife was missing, and followed the clues to search for it. He ran into a lady tailor, who is also a person with a story, and the story is also a very poignant love story.

The beautiful seamstress in the game turned out to be a college student. When she was young, she fell in love with a boy. She thought that she could grow old with the person she liked, but what the seamstress did not expect was the man she liked. He was actually a scumbag, and he actually stepped on two boats.

After discovering the true face of the man, Miss Tailor decided to retaliate against each other and devised a series of plans for revenge.

The so-called deep love and hatred, Miss Tailor hates that man very much, but at the same time she has great admiration for that man in her heart.

Seeing that man fell into a life crisis because of his own revenge, Miss Tailor finally couldn’t bear to hurt her beloved man, even though he was a scumbag…

Finally, Miss Tailor chose to leave, accompanied by a utility knife, instead of the man she had loved so much.

In addition to Miss Tailor, there is also a speeding party. Although the speeding party looks bad, but on the inside, it is a very filial person. In order to prevent his mother from suffering and to support his old mother, he willingly embarked on the business of stealing cars. .

This is simply a model of motherly kindness and filial piety~

It can be said that although there are not many characters in the work “Sweet House”, each one has its own unique story.

And these stories may be sweet, touching, or teary, but there is only one starting point, and that is to capture the emotional heart of the player.

When it comes to sensibility, there is no doubt that female players are more emotional than male players.

So “Sweet House” can be said to be a game very suitable for female players. Whether it is the story, the graphics, or the beautiful music, it seems to be tailored for female players.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng himself feels a little bit, such a good work, if you don’t make it yourself, it’s simply unforgivable~

It just so happened that he promised his female fans that he would make a game for them, “Sweet House”.

After all, girls always like some love and touching stories. The sweeter and touching, the more they like them.

And in this respect, “Sweet House” is undoubtedly the best among them. This 0.3 product is a perfect gift for those female fans.

Even in order to give his female fans the best gaming experience, Fang Zheng decided to change the release time of the game. His previous works were released in the morning.

But this time is different. He decided to release “Sweet House” at night, because playing “Sweet House” at night can achieve the best gaming experience.

“For you, I really broke my heart, and you should be grateful and enjoy this sweet work~”

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of “Zhiyouqing, Xiaomidi HK, 188…71, sometimes die, and be born, may you be kind”, thank you for the reward of “Midnight Ozy Moon”, thank you guys! ! !

Guiqiu the big guys for a lot of support, please! ! ! .

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