Chapter 179

In the live broadcast room, the players were shocked.

Qin Simiao is also one of them. At this moment, she finally knows what Fang Zheng asked her to cooperate with.

However, Qin Simiao felt that Fang Zheng was too worried.

The game kingdom has such a huge plan, and it is still a plan for players to participate in it, which is completely enough to make the enthusiasm of the majority of players.

You don’t need to take the lead in participating, and you don’t need to cooperate.

Fang Zheng is still a game designer after all, and he doesn’t fully understand the players’ thoughts.

The live broadcast continued, Fang Zheng continued to slowly state his plan, and paused several times during the period, leaving room for players to think and digest.

“Old thief Fang, are you serious about letting us participate in your plan?”

“We are not architects, are you sure?”

“No, I’m very curious, how can we participate in it, can’t let us all go to the magic capital~”

“Don’t worry, everyone, since the old thief Fang said so, he must be ready, just listen patiently.”

The players were relieved from the shock, but doubts also followed.

When, where, and how to participate, these are what players desperately want to know.

763 Just as Qin Simiao expected, the enthusiasm of the players at this time has been fully mobilized, and if conditions permit, they will definitely participate.

But there are also many players who are worried. After all, although they are players, they still have work and study in reality. They can’t leave their own affairs behind and participate in Fang Zheng’s plan~

This is not realistic.

During the live broadcast, Fang Zheng smiled as if he expected the players to ask this question.

“A lot of people asked how to participate in my project. It’s actually very simple. You are all familiar with Minecraft, right?”


Fang Zheng’s words fell, and the players were struck by lightning.

Everyone is not a fool. Fang Zheng mentioned “Minecraft” at this time. If you think about the rich construction elements of “Minecraft”, everyone instantly understands what Fang Zheng means.

“I’m Gan! Fang Lao, you have planned everything a long time ago, right?!”

“If this is not planned, I won’t believe it!”

“Good guy, it is because of this plan that you developed “Minecraft”?”

“Mom asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees, and I said I didn’t know.”

“If it’s “Minecraft”, it’s okay at all!”

When the players heard Fang Zheng’s words, they woke up like a dream.

At the same time, everyone was shocked by Fang Zheng’s arrangement. First he launched “Minecraft” and then disclosed his plan. In this way, players can participate in his plan through the game…

Hiss~ The players don’t know what to say about this arrangement anymore.

Players who understand the whole story secretly sigh, only Fang Zheng can come up with such an unthinkable way.

Fang Zheng saw the shock of the players, but he didn’t express much.

“Tomorrow, I will set up an official server for Minecraft. In this server, players are in creative mode. You can build it alone or cooperate with multiple players. There is no problem.”

“Feel free to use your imagination and creativity, and use the game as the theme to create your own game kingdom, but everyone must be harmonious and not malicious competition. The server data will be uploaded in real time.”

The game kingdom is meant to provide services to players. Fang Zheng understood this from the very beginning.

Since it is for the players, let the players design and build by themselves.

“In terms of time, starting tomorrow, the server will exist forever, and the game kingdom will not be immutable. I will always pay attention to this server, and I will continue to enrich the kingdom with your buildings, so…”

Having said this, Fang Zheng paused slightly, and then continued with a smile.

“So whether or not the game kingdom meets your expectations, the extent to which it can be built depends on your upper limit (bgad).”


After listening to Fang Zheng’s words, the players’ hearts can be described as mixed.

Excitement, shock, distress… and so on.

Being able to participate in this plan is certainly an exciting thing, but how to build and what kind of buildings to build makes everyone annoyed.

“By the way, the last point, everyone should try their best to consider the feasibility issue during the construction process. After all, reality is not a game. I will hand it over to professional designers to judge your designs and see if they are capable of being built in reality. possible.”

During the live broadcast, Fang Zheng thought of something and exhorted the players again.

After all, games and reality are two different things, just like some wild buildings in the game, it is impossible to achieve it in reality, at least not with current technology.

Therefore, Fang Zheng felt that he had to emphasize it so that the buildings designed by the players would not be too exaggerated.

“In addition, for the selected buildings that can be constructed in reality, the palace will give a reward of 100,000.”

One hundred thousand?

The players were stunned when they heard this. What does this mean?

They still have money to take?

“Damn, old thief Fang criticizes!”

“I still have money to play games. Am I being taken care of by Goddess of Luck?”

“Wake up upstairs, you need to have this ability, not that anyone can get the money.”

“Chong Chong Chong! I am a civil engineering major, do you have a team?”

The players are excited. If everyone was shocked just now because of Fang Zheng’s crazy and huge plan, now it is the excitement of monetary rewards.

Once the building of your own design is selected, it will be 100,000 yuan~

“If the time for the first review is… it will be after the Global Game of the Year Selection Contest. Take advantage of this time, let’s work harder.”

Fang Zheng stated all his plans. Obviously, the players are very excited at this time. If nothing happens, this matter should be stable.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, a rocket animation flashed by in the live broadcast room, making the players who were still in a state of excitement stunned.

“Miaomiao presents a rocket to the anchor. PS: Miaomiao Construction Company has opened and is now recruiting staff. Come sign up!”

“My little sister, I donated a rocket to the anchor. PS: Everyone rushed, one hundred thousand per person, and he made bankruptcy!”

“BDD presented the anchor with a rocket. PS: How can you not participate in such a good thing!”

“Ugly gave the anchor a rocket…”

Big anchors such as Xiao Tuantuan and Xiao Sima have been on the Rockets one after another, and the postscripts are all expressing that they want to participate in this plan.

Driven by these anchors, players have also expressed their participation.

Seeing this, Fang Zheng smiled, his plan was successful.

PS: Guiqiu the big guys for a lot of support, please! ! ! ! .

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