After Ye Bo and Zhou Xixian left, Su Jing continued to study the remaining animals and plants. In fact, whether they were sent to the Zhongyun Zoo or the plants that Ye Bo and Zhou Xixian took, he had previously studied and found They have no special effects except for the rareness of Earth, so they are unscrupulously illuminated.

With these animals and plants left, firstly Earth can’t find a corresponding one. Secondly, I don’t know if it has any effect. Naturally, I have to keep it first.

Su Jing still has a lot of expectations for them, after all is “Classic of Mountain and Sea” time and space creatures. He released some mice from the Spirit Beast Bag and prepared for the experiment.

“This kind of lovebird is really more and more magical, but it should be useless. I can’t bear to kill them, keep it.” Su Jing observed the contrasting birds for a while, when they were separated, they were inconvenient to move, but when they were flying. , uncomfortable. It’s better to describe the love of the husband and wife with each other, and to support each other.

Su Jing let the lovebirds, experimented with other animals and plants, and gave the rats a separate mark as before. Because there are so many species, the number of rats tested is also very large. Over a hundred.

In addition, Su Jing also took out mice that had been prepared for various defects, such as serious injuries, physical insufficiency, weakness, eye problems, problems with the ears, etc., and let them eat a variety of things. In this way, you can try to avoid ignoring certain effects and save time as much as possible.

After a day, I saw the change.

I saw that most of the mice were walking against the wall. There were a few mice, but they were basically not attached to the wall. They encountered obstacles and the like, and seemed to be more sensitive than others. At first, Su Jing felt that it might be a coincidence. After observing it for a while, I found out that it was the few.

Su Jing decided to experiment further, but he was only moving, but immediately saw the difference. The mice immediately responded and quickly escaped, but the other mice did not notice anything.

“I just didn’t make any noise. I just moved. The other mice didn’t notice it. How did the mice feel so alert? Did they see it?” Su Jing thought of a possibility.

It is also a mouse, and the visual acuity is very different. The group of mice that Su Jing used for experimentation is a type with poor eyesight. The idiom of the mouse eye is not out of thin air. This kind of mouse with poor vision can see the distance is very short, all use the tentacles as a guide stick, so I like to go against the wall. Just Su Jing just moved, no sound, they could not see at all, so there was no response.

The mice did not stick to the wall and responded to their slight movements, probably because their vision was promoted and they could see the distance.

Su Jing continued to test a few times, basically can be sure that they did not guess wrong, they really promoted. To further verify, Su Jing released four mice from the Spirit Beast Bag, two of which did not feed, and the other two fed the kind of mark. In fact, it is a kind of plant, its sunflower-like rhizome, but the leaves are like the fruits of apricot leaves and pods. Once again, the experiment proved that after eating, the mouse’s vision was promoted.

“I think of it, this should be called 箨. There is a record in the Classic of Mountain and Sea, Kwai Ben and apricot leaves, Huanghua and pods, the name can be smashed. It means that this plant can be treated The eyes are blurred.” Su Jing thought.

Su Jing continued to experiment and determined that it was harmless to humans. She also got a test from Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital. She found that this kind of “sputum” was far less effective than Luminous Sand, and could not treat azure light eye blindness and improve the degree of vision. Also a difference. Simply put, it can alleviate blurred vision, make eyes clear, and improve vision. In addition, for the treatment of cataract, it is very effective, the vision caused by cataract blur, eating it is immediate.

“This kind of plant, although not as good as Luminous Sand, has a very good effect. The key is that it is a plant that can be regenerated on a large scale so that it can be sold on a large scale.” Su Jing wonders, Luminous Sand from Zhu Xian Universe , can not be regenerated, use a little less, and have a magical effect, naturally take the high-end route. The effect of “箨” is much weaker, but the victory can be planted and regenerated. It can take the route of small profits but quick turnover. The general eyesight is blurred and the students’ vision is reduced. They can all be bought and used. Of course, the small profits here are only relative to Luminous Sand. Relatively ordinary eye drops, it must be profiteering.

“Not bad, it’s a good thing.” Su Jing laughed, continue to observe other mice. Soon, he saw the change again. Among the normal mice, there was a mouse that was marked with a defect. It was mixed in the ordinary mouse at this moment, and there was no defect at all. Su Jing looked at the mark and found that its flaw was flawed.

This mouse has not eaten cockroaches, and its vision is very poor. If you add cockroaches, it will react very slowly. However, now it reacts very quickly. When there is movement, it immediately flees.

“That is, its deafness has been cured?” Su Jing smiled, looking at another mark on the mouse and finding what it was eating. It is a small tree that is more than one meter tall. I can’t see what the plant is. The fruit is a bit like jujube.

Su Jing picked out a few deaf mice and gave them the dates. After a while, they found that their hearing was really slowly recovering.

“In fact, like jujube, it can be already smashed. There is a record in Classic of Mountain and Sea. This plant should be called a stem.” Su Jing pondered and continued to test, confirming that it was harmless to the human body, and also got Zhongyun Kangfeng. In the hospital test, it was found that the same kind of “stem” of the jujube can be treated for the treatment of deafness, even congenital deafness.

Su Jing discussed with Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital and published two pieces of information. First, from now on, the non-Paragon vip area has a new prescription for treating cataracts and blurred vision. In the near future, Making prescription medicines for sale; second, the Paragon vip area, adding a treatable deafness.

This time the news broke out, basically no one expressed doubts, because it is relatively nothing compared to the miracles before, even if it is treating deafness, where is it comparable to the treatment of gradual freezing? However, the people who eat melon can’t help but vomit, Su Jing, can you stop it a little bit, and if you go on like this, will you die too much?

Of course, those who have cataracts, blurred vision, and deafness are seeing new hopes and surprises.

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