Future library

Chapter 196 The beginning of the miracle

On the mountainside of Mang Mountain in the eastern suburbs of Beijing, there is a complex of traditional temple buildings.

The first priest of the Holy Temple who came to Xia Jing that year did not achieve the expected results except for being able to get the attention of some upper-class people with astrology. The treatment he received was not even comparable to today's Star Warlocks. And his first fixed foothold, the place where he gave alms and preached, could only be in the outer suburbs of the capital.

After hundreds of years of development, the current Mangshan church complex has a hall made of huge stones and a pulpit paved with granite and marble. The road along the foot of the mountain to the capital is even more straight and flat.

In recent years, this road, which can be said to be the best in Xia Jing, has hardly been used. The previous priest lacked passion and rarely left Xia Jing. However, today, almost all the residents of Xia Jing came out in full force, passing through the road guided by the priests in white, and gathered under the huge granite pulpit.

Ordinary residents may or may not know what a miracle is, but the propaganda of many astromancers is enough to arouse their interest. Coupled with the free lunch provided by the church, there is no reason not to come and take a look. Even the imperial court had to declare a day's holiday for the whole city at the request of the church. Residents outside Xia Jing also do not have to work on this day as long as they get a note stamped by a clergyman. Any employer who violates the law will be arrested and imprisoned.

Pastor Li Zhong didn't want to leave much time for priests other than Xia Jing and the gentlemen of the Star Warlock Association to prepare. The activation of miracles will have different effects in the hands of different people. He is not only worried about his own ability, but also worried about the level of communication between Cheng Jinzhou and the Star God.

Standing on the hidden balcony behind the pulpit, Father Li Zhong looked at the endless flow of people and said worriedly: Master Priest, all the savings of Xia Jing Holy Church over the years have been spent. The number of people we counted has exceeded 30 Ten thousand people, you must stabilize the star line, and leave the rest to us.

Four years ago, the last priest returned to Xingzhou Temple, and Cheng Jinzhou is actually the only priest now. Throughout Daxia, besides Pastor Li Zhong, there were three other priests. Father Li Zhong was able to stand out from the crowd, but he could not say that he had secured his position. This miracle was related to the future of the entire church, and he naturally did not want to let him. Things within the Holy Church are getting in the way.

Cheng Jinzhou nodded his head nonchalantly and said, Don't worry, I've said it three or four times.

Seeing that they all looked like playboys, how could the priest feel relieved? In fact, he had misunderstood classmate Xiao Cheng. For young people from modern times, the good things will be transformed and ruined by the feudal society. How can the originally worse attitude and ruffian behavior pattern be like the dark original ink? Ink stains black.

The number of people under the pulpit is still increasing.

As the saying goes, once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.

Standing above the water level, Cheng Jinzhou soon lost sight of the figures on the edge. From the running of the priests and the flight of the star warlocks in the sky, he could still see that the crowd did not stop flowing.

The Holy Cult has been hiding in Daxia for many years, which is not only due to the character of the old priest, but also limited by reality. However, the result of Tao Hui has allowed it to have explosive influence at certain times.

If you look at the history of the development of most religions, you can always find one or even multiple sudden developments. Of course, some religions have become silent.

Sir, let me take you to the holy bath. A priest wearing a white robe came to invite Cheng Jinzhou.

Take a cold shower again? Cheng Jinzhou said, but still followed.

He knew that opposition was futile.

Although the miracles will be created by the gentlemen of the Holy Religion together with him, the difference is that the clergy of the Holy Religion really believe in miracles - they believe that even the miracles they create are Miracles are released into the world.

The tongue-twisting statement is more like a kind of self-hypnosis.

But no matter what, routine procedures will never change because of certain realities that Cheng Jinzhou believes.

For the fourth time, cold water was poured on him from head to toe. A young priest put a white linen gown on Cheng Jinzhou. It looked a bit like the Roman-style formal dress Bishop Kant wore the day before, but not much was exposed.

However, the priest prohibited Cheng Jinzhou from wearing underwear, even if he showed his identity as a priest.

Walking out of the holy bath hall, Cheng Jinzhou met Bishop Kant head-on who had also completed his bathing and changing clothes.

The bishop wore a wreath on his head and long linen clothes, with two hairy hands sticking out of the sleeves. However, his classic big leather shoes are still on his feet, which makes people wonder.

Master Priest, follow me. Bishop Kant's expression was serious, and he had no intention of walking on the catwalk, just like those models who regard walking as their job and taking photos as their job.

Cheng Jinzhou was still walking behind him, and the four white-robed priests were holding long towels or bath towels in their hands, like male waiters in a sauna, following suit.

In full view of everyone, Bishop Kant led Cheng Jinzhou to the pulpit.

This is a high platform about 20 meters long and wide, with a granite base and marble repair. It is about 10 meters high and can overlook the believers at more than 30 degrees.

Seeing the bishop's appearance, most people stared with bated breath and closed their mouths.

But there are still people who are unaware or not so conscious. .

At this time, the Star Warlocks will shoot out a beam of electricity without hesitation. The weak one will only make him stand and twitch, but will not fall to the ground and take up his position.

Without any unnecessary words, Bishop Kant said: Kneel down.

With that said, he handed the scroll to Cheng Jinzhou and said, Hold it.

The people below couldn't hear Bishop Kant's words. They were more concerned about the actions.

Cheng Jinzhou followed what he said, picked up the scroll, and slowly raised it above his head.

There were sounds of ah and pop coming together from below.

The bishop himself began to speak in a voice that Cheng Jinzhou could not understand, shaking his head.

He talked for a long time, enough to make Cheng Jinzhou think wildly, from his parents to life, from life to philosophy, and from philosophy to suicide.

Then there was another prayer that Cheng Jinzhou could barely understand.

As usual, he thanked the Star God, and then thanked the Holy Church... Cheng Jinzhou thought to himself, could it be written by the Star God's office?

Kant began to spread holy water to Cheng Jinzhou again - the first dew that was illuminated by the sun in the morning was the most pious gift of the church.

First the head, then the chest and shoulders...

The Bishop sprinkled slowly and loudly to ensure that everyone could see it.

As expected, he is a veteran who has secured his position. Mere performance of prayers can determine whether a church official is suitable for the position.

After sprinkling the holy water, the bishop still did not speak, but lightly tapped the scroll twice with his hand.

A faint blue color began to appear on the scroll.

The miracle really started now.

A strange star map appeared in front of Cheng Jinzhou.

Bishop Kant could not see the star map at all, and finally said worriedly: The more star lines you can connect, the more stable they are, the longer the miracle will last, which proves the deeper the star god's favor.

As he spoke, he closed his eyes and sat in front of Cheng Jinzhou, saying: You are a two-star warlock. Maybe you can try the nearest one or two rings.

It's a bit rushed. I will try to save the manuscript in the future so that updates will not be unstable. We are always making progress.

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