Future library

Chapter 158 Gravity

The new star array was engraved on the left shoulder.

Cheng Jinzhou's heart moved slightly and he gently pushed it.

Different from the feeling of using the zero-level star array, he seemed to be able to feel the connection with the starry sky. A transparent grid appeared in front of him in half light and half darkness. The way it appeared was actually the same as the one in the ring. The interface is quite similar, but more unclear.

If he were an astronomer, he would definitely find that this is the astronomical map with Bactria as the center of the observation angle.

Cheng Jinzhou couldn't tell whether the gradually twinkling stars were distant stars, but he could tell at a glance that the grid that appeared inexplicably in front of him turned out to be a dynamic three-dimensional figure, although its Z-axis appeared in a non-proportional form. , but it exists after all.

To the monkeys of the 17th century who didn't even fully understand Euclidean geometry, it seemed even more magical that their star arrays had three-dimensional images. It's no wonder that few astrologers and painters could develop brand-new star arrays. , I’m afraid even if they are researched, most of them will come about by accident.

Although Ma Heron had handed the bill to the priest of the church, he still stayed here and gave instructions loudly: If you can vaguely see a star map, it means that the star god has recognized you. From now on, you can borrow it. The power of the Star God can theoretically obtain energy from any celestial body in the universe.

I saw a network of light and dark. Cheng Jinzhou kept moving his head up and down.

Yes, that's the star map. I was able to open the star map smoothly the first time, which is not bad. Ma Helong praised Cheng Jinzhou in unskilled language.

The question is how do I use it? Cheng Jinzhou looked at the star map flashing in front of him, completely confused.

His anti-gravity star array is very simple. As a zero-level star array, it usually starts to be used as long as it is turned on, and it loses its effect when it is turned off.

The star array from the Temple is more advanced, at least it allows him to choose how much driving force, but from a mechanical point of view, it is just a few more gears. In addition, including changing direction, etc., all require manual and foot processing and cannot be controlled by the star array.

But the memory star array, as a first-level star array, is obviously much more complicated, so much so that Cheng Jinzhou doesn't know where to start.

Ma Helong looked at Xiao Cheng up and down with his blistered eyes, and said: I don't know how you became a star warlock before. Others have learned the manipulation methods, but have no chance to become a star warlock. You He has become a double star warlock, but he doesn’t understand anything.”

When he said this, the two star warlock apprentices behind him even lowered their heads.

It is really difficult to become a true Star Warlock.

To them, what seems so far away is like a lifelong goal - but in reality, if you can't become an Astromancer at the age of 40, your remaining chances are slim.

For every Star Warlock apprentice, time is so tight.

Ma Heron muttered twice to himself and continued to guide: Do you see the black dot in the center of the entire star map?

I saw it. In the half-darkness, there was always a black spot floating in the middle.

It is the center, which is you. All the bright spots on the other star charts represent the celestial bodies of the universe, which are consistent with what you see when you look up at the starry sky. If you want to use the power of a certain celestial body, you must communicate with it...

How to communicate?

Ma Helong hesitated, coughed and said: Between different points, there will be different sizes of suction. After you become familiar with the specific size of the suction, you will have a general impression. Now, first of all, you have to imagine that there is a force , connect the celestial bodies you want with yourself, and then transfer them to yourself.”

When it comes to celestial bodies and attraction, the first thing Cheng Jinzhou thinks of is universal gravitation - any two objects in nature are attracted to each other. The size of the gravity is proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects and their distance. is inversely proportional to the square of .

In other words, assuming that the star map that appeared in front of him really represents the relationship between various celestial bodies and this planet, then there must be a gravitational connection between all celestial bodies. The power Machron calls must be gravitational force.

It was the first time he made a guess about the original power of the astromancers. Cheng Jinzhou thought excitedly: If the different bright spots were celestial bodies and he was the earth, then there would be a gravitational force between each point. The farther away the celestial bodies are, the smaller the gravitational force would be. But distant objects may be more massive.

The astrologers of this era only had a vague concept of gravitation, so they could only use star gods to explain everything and solve problems through experience - just like people have explained all uninformed natural phenomena for thousands of years. Same.

Newton's universal gravitation is so simple, yet so bold. Perhaps no gentleman in this world has such imagination yet has the ability to prove it.

However, although the description of gravity is so simple, its application is often frustratingly complicated.

Think about it, within the radius of the universe, in addition to the moon, the sun and several other planetary siblings, there are also planetary satellites, comets, other stars in the Milky Way, and stars in other galaxies farther away - Although many celestial bodies have a negligible effect on the earth, they still exist.

Specific to the star map in front of him - Cheng Jinzhou is very sure that the star map is incomplete - the distances between countless celestial bodies are guessed, the masses of celestial bodies are guessed, and there are so many of them. No matter how clear and simple the formula is, Cheng Jinzhou used the elementary mental arithmetic tutorial method, but he couldn't get the point for a long time.

Ma Heron got tired of waiting and said angrily: You're too stupid. Let's try the sonic attack first. Think about the celestial body closest to you. Do you see a black line connecting the two?

Cheng Jinzhou stopped ineffective calculations, listened to his words and gave it a try, shrugged and said, I saw the black line.

Okay, now is the black line constantly undulating there, swinging left and right, up and down?


This shows that there are other celestial bodies that have an impact on the black line, and it means that you are not pious enough to the Star God. Ma Heron used a scientific method in the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence mentioned religion, which is also the habit of the Holy Cult. He asked Cheng Jinzhou thought for a moment and then said: What you have to do now is to think about adding reaction force to the black line and how to keep it straight. If the black line between the two stops shaking, then your relationship with this celestial body will be Even if the connection is successful, try more. How much reaction force to exert and in which direction, others can't teach you this. A good astromancer can be considered good if he can contact two or three celestial bodies in his lifetime.

Cheng Jinzhou raised his eyebrows and made the gravitational force between the two celestial bodies align in a straight line. Isn't this just to calculate the influence of other celestial bodies on the gravitational force of the two celestial bodies? And cancel each other out?

He asked very confusedly: How can I make it straight? I mean, how can I balance other forces without exerting extra force.

Then move yourself, move the black spot. Ma Helong was surprised by Cheng Jinzhou's quick reaction.

Can the black spot move? Cheng Jinzhou was stunned for a moment, but gravity was different. If anyone has the ability to move the earth, then he should be a sorcerer or a devil.

Use your fingers.

Cheng Jinzhou quickly stretched out his hand and flicked it with his fingers in front of him, and sure enough, the black spots started to move.

The black line also fluctuated more and more violently.

Just try to stabilize it. After saying this, Warlock Machlon packed up his things and ignored Cheng Jinzhou, who kept moving the black dots and had a great time.

The black spot can only move within a small range, but considering the relationship between distance and mass in the gravitational force, if the moving position is accurate, it is not impossible to offset the gravitational force generated by other celestial bodies.

After playing for a while, Cheng Jinzhou discovered after repeated attempts that there was something wrong with the distance between these bright spots and black spots.

Seeing the unequal proportions of the Z-axis again, Cheng Jinzhou suddenly stopped.

It turns out that the proportions of the entire star map are confusing. One centimeter may represent 10 light years, or it may represent 100,000 kilometers, or it may even represent 10 meters.

No wonder the astrologers use star maps every day and do not vigorously develop three-dimensional concepts or consider the issue of gravity. If the displayed proportions are chaotic, then they will not consider the issue of gravity at all. When there is no inevitable connection between mass and distance, he seems to be helpless.

Ma Helong slowly packed up his things. Seeing Cheng Jinzhou lost in thought, he finally smiled and said: Everyone's first time using a first-level star array is very complicated, especially when trying to combine two celestial bodies. It may take a long, long time to balance the black lines between them, so take your time.”

Thank you very much. Cheng Jinzhou also laughed.

Perhaps because of the sincerity of his expression, Ma Heron forced a smile and said, Did you see a bright spot to the right of your black spot?

I saw it.

The brighter the dot, the less interference it will receive from other darker dots. You can try it first. It will be easier to stabilize the black line. Ma Helong said this tip, which countless star warlocks have spent countless hours practicing. came.

The value of civilization lies in its inheritance.

Cheng Jinzhou immediately realized that the brighter point meant that it was a celestial body with a larger mass. Compared with a celestial body with a small mass, it was naturally easier to stabilize.

However, looking at the star map, the bright objects are basically in the outer circle. Although the specific distance ratio is not known, it is certain that the outer objects are farther away.

There is only one very bright spot next to the black spot, which must be a celestial body commonly used by astrologers.

Cheng Jinzhou immediately drew a line between the two with his hand, and a black line instantly connected them.

And the stability is obviously better than the black lines that were casually connected just now.

Cheng Jinzhou looked at the floating star map and marveled. He didn't expect that in such a backward era, he could find something more advanced than the entire system of graphics.

But he didn't know that not every star warlock could see a clear star map, which was related to their clarity of thinking.

It is precisely because Cheng Jinzhou can understand things like universal gravitation that he can see very clear star maps. If he has no concept of astronomy, the light points he sees will not only flicker, but also the frequency will be very slow, making it impossible to judge.

Before Maghelong Star Warlock left, Cheng Jinzhou hurriedly asked: If the black line is not absolutely straight, can the star array be used?...

It's called a star line. Ma Heron's old blistered eyes were helpless, and he paused and said: There is no need for an absolute straight line, but any bend will reduce the power. The more stable your star line is, the more stable the output of star power will be. , the longer the time. In addition, although the brighter points can bring more star power, star warlocks also use it more. If everyone uses the same celestial body as the source of star power, the star power obtained will be reduced, so you Try to master as many celestial bodies as possible to prepare for emergencies.

Cheng Jinzhou nodded gratefully, and was secretly stunned. Who came up with the idea of ​​using gravity as energy source, and he didn't know if it would interfere with the operation of other planets.

Ma Heron nodded and carried the box himself and walked out.

Cheng Jinzhou continued to play with the little black dots with one finger.

Without knowing the mass and distance, balancing the universal gravitation is essentially a very good graduate thesis direction.

If we can study it clearly, let alone in a barren scientific soil like Daxia, even in the 21st century, it is possible to get the qualifications to stay in a Chinese university - if the research is more in-depth, it will be said in Nature It is not impossible to publish it.

Thinking this way, Cheng Jinzhou does not expect to be able to completely offset the gravitational pull of all celestial bodies on the star lines, but he can ignore most of the farther and fainter stars, thereby greatly reducing the difficulty of calculation.

As far as calculations are concerned, gravity is just a formula, as simple as boiling an egg. Cheng Jinzhou didn't know how many planets there were around the planet he was on, but considering that there were only 10 important celestial bodies around the earth, he simply chose a dozen bright spots around the black spot, and then picked the three closest ones. A very bright light spot, where I started to guess.

He first assumed that the universal gravitational constant was constant, then treated mass and distance as unknown quantities, and the rest were known quantities.

The whole process of trying is just to list a dozen quadratic equations of two variables, and then put them into inaccurate three-dimensional geometry to do experiments to see how the position of the central black point changes and the direction of the star line changes - although it cannot Although specific numerical values ​​can be obtained, the relationship between magnitudes can be obtained. For Cheng Jinzhou, such questions can only be regarded as difficult elementary mathematics.

After only seven or eight attempts, Dr. Cheng Da was able to do it simulatingly, and the swing range of the star line was significantly smaller.

Although I don’t know what the so-called stability requirements are, as long as the known quantities are constantly approached, there will always be a period of time when satisfactory results can be obtained.

Cheng Jinzhou was doing paper work with ease and felt very relaxed.

If his attitude were known to other star warlocks, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

However, reality itself is what it is.

6.67259 was meaningless before Cavendish, but in 1798, the British physicist used an extremely beautiful experiment - rated as the top 10 most beautiful physical experiments in human history - to determine it as the universal gravitational constant. , countless physical practices seem to be given life.

The star warlocks of Daxia, of course, cannot know the gravitational constant without knowing what gravity is. Therefore, even if they can think of the method used by Cheng Jinzhou, they cannot get the answer.

Because when G (the gravitational constant) is not an exact number, but an unknown number, those dozen quadratic equations will become a dozen terrifying quadratic equations of three dimensions, trying to calculate the results with bare hands. It's really not as realistic as fighting a dinosaur with bare hands. At least the latter can be solved by intelligence.

Ma Heron walked slowly on the hard stone ground with an old man's stagger.

His wooden suitcase was never allowed to be touched by others. When he was young, this was a good habit that brought security, but when he got older, it became a tiring and bad habit.

Ma Helong walked from the room to the corridor for four or five minutes. The two star warlock apprentices followed patiently and did not dare to help him.

Mu Yin and Tian Shimin came quickly from the main hall. As one of the five famous young masters in the capital, both of them are star warlocks from wealthy families. When they are interested, they dare to break into even the temple. If it were other nobles, they would probably have to weigh one or two.

Machron Star Warlock, you haven't carved star formations for people for a long time, haven't you? Why are you here in the temple today? They both stopped when they saw the old man's blistered eyes from a distance. Star Painters are often more popular than ordinary Star Warlocks.

It's two young men. I'm here to carve a star formation on a young man. Ma Heron's bubble eyes bulged.

Is it a first-level star formation? Tian Shimin asked curiously.


So, Daxia wants many first-level star warlocks again? Why don't we see the honor guard of the Holy Church and the Star Warlock Association?

It is not easy to be promoted to Star Warlock. The Holy Temple and Star Warlock Association will naturally not give up the good method of exchanging worthless honor for trust.

Ma Helong laughed, put the heavy wooden box on the ground, pointed back and said: He is a young man from the Cheng family in Shaonan. He has been a two-star warlock for a long time. Now he has carved a first-level star array. The level of the warlock cannot be considered improved.”

Tian Shiguo said Huh?, and Mu Yin's handsome face twitched, and he almost shouted: Cheng Jinzhou?

Yes. Ma Helong didn't know the cause and effect, and didn't want to ask Mu Yin why he had such a big reaction, so he lifted up the wooden box.

When did he become a first-level star warlock?

Ma Helong said unhappily: Just now, Muyin Star Warlock. He is communicating with the Star God. In a few days, he will be able to use the star formation smoothly.

With that said, he continued walking forward.

But, but... Mu Yin's face turned red when he remembered that not long ago, he had declared that before Cheng Jinzhou could become a first-level star warlock, he would become a second-level star warlock.

Tian Shimin gave his fourth brother a funny look, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: Since we know this first-level star warlock, let's say hello next time.

He was really afraid that the two of them would get into trouble again.

Mu Yin has been known as a genius since he was a child, but now that he is being overtaken by the country nobles in everything, he feels depressed, not to mention his face changes from red to white to purple, and finally turns completely black.

Tian Shimin put an arm around Mu Yin's shoulder, turned him around and said with a smile: Let's go, let's go back and play two more games.


It was like a loud thunder, exploding more than a hundred meters behind.

The three people watched helplessly as a spherical shock wave blasted flying sand and rocks into the fountain in the garden, splashing water columns like hailstones.

At this time, even the gamblers in the main hall couldn't help but walk out and look in the direction of the corridor.

Cheng Jinzhou walked out of the big hole in the wall in disgrace. While wiping his face, he apologized with a silly smile: I'm sorry, I didn't expect the sonic attack of a first-level star to be so strong. Sorry, sorry, I'm not familiar with the star array yet...

Ma Helong's eyes were as wide as goldfish, as if he wanted to squeeze out the blisters in his eyebags, and couldn't help but said: He just started to communicate with the Star God, how is that possible!

Li Zhong, who hurried from the inner hall, happened to hear his words, and his eyes brightened when he looked at Cheng Jinzhou.

In addition to the word count: In fact, I often read the book review section, and I have seen everyone’s comments. I welcome everyone’s enthusiastic comments.

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