Future library

Chapter 149 Plunder (2)

There are many disadvantages to warehousing.

Throughout history, during times of peace and prosperity, officials who committed crimes one after another were always in the shadow of warehousing fraud.

When the resources of the entire state, county, provincial highways, and the entire country are concentrated in remote corners and placed in warehouses that few people pay attention to, it is inevitable that someone will be tempted. The so-called people rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water, and rely on warehouses to either eat rats or become rats.

However, being a mouse is easy, but eating a mouse is difficult.

Even for the huge Xia Jing, the number of people who are qualified to eat rats can be counted on one hand.

If Cheng Jinzhou himself was not a star warlock, the most he could do was to be two big rats with Cao Lu, eating some leftovers, and he was far from qualified to talk about a few warehouses. But when he was an astromancer, the criminal immunity he possessed, the resources of the astromancer, the money and power he possessed made him surpass all rats.

Shen Cong finally agreed to Cheng Jinzhou's suggestion. The children of aristocratic families do not lack food and clothing, but what they lack most is a sense of identity. On the road to the imperial examination, he obviously saw his limit, when neither his literary talent nor his intellectual level could be improved. Having a big fight with Cheng Jinzhou seems to be a turning point in life.

On the one hand, this will allow him to have enough money to use, so that he can go further in the officialdom. On the other hand, it will also bring him closer to Cheng Jinzhou - important officials in the court will keep close to one or two star warlocks. If the relationship cannot be recognized by any star warlock, then as a political figure, it is obviously a failure. Just like American politicians cannot be recognized by Wall Street, British politicians cannot be recognized by American politicians, Zimbabwean politicians cannot be recognized by British politicians, and Chinese politicians cannot be supported by the people...

Cheng Jinzhou and Shen Cong found an excuse and got into the archives of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Logically speaking, those who can enter this place should be officials above level 12, but since Cheng Jinzhou is a star warlock, and Cheng Jinzhou's father is an official above level 12, it seems that the gentlemen of the archives will not change. So literal-minded.

Shen Cong even called a staff member and asked him to help: Go and get all the warehouse information near the capital and Tong County for me. The quantity, storage time, and resume of the officials should be included.

The staff didn't care if it was illegal or not, they went to find it seriously.

Other servants came and served tea and snacks to the two of them, and they left after being carefully served.

Cheng Jinzhou picked up the tea and said with a lazy look on his face: If you ask me, Huangjin County is pretty good. Why bother looking for Tong County?

As a local snake, Shen Cong sneered and lowered his voice: Huangjin Port is only a little smaller than the West Pier of Beijing. It is still a busy port. How many people are watching it, and the Cao Lu you mentioned is smart. Think about it, he can It takes so much energy to get the news one day earlier than your father. Let’s snatch food from his mouth. Although we are not afraid, I don’t think it is necessary. Let’s start small first. And... Tong County is a good place. .”

Why? Cheng Jinzhou estimated that in such a county, it would be good to be able to get 10,000 taels of silver, and most of them were probably food and the like. For him, the quantity was too small.

Shen Cong laughed twice inexplicably. After the clerk in the archives handed him the information and spread it on the table, he explained: Tong County does not have the warehouse of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so there is no warehouse division, and other small counties. Likewise, the warehouse is managed by the master bookkeeper.

What kind of advantage is this? My father is the head of the household department, not the official department. Cheng Jinzhou muttered.

Shen Cong chuckled twice, looked around and saw that no one was there, lowered his head and said with a smile: The best thing is right here. Tong County has two advantages. First, the chief secretary Guifang broke away from our Shen family. He was a servant, and he was bold and careful. I still remember that when I was in the mansion, during the holidays, Guifang was the only servant who dared to open a gambling house in the mansion. She was not beaten to death by my father. She was so lucky. good.

As a member of a noble family, the fate of a slave released to serve as an official will obviously be closely tied to the master's family, regardless of whether they are separated by contract or not.

Cheng Jinzhou's face softened slightly and he asked, What about the second one?

Don't forget that Tongxian County is also on the plains. Mines are produced here.

Could it be copper? Cheng Jinzhou suddenly became interested. Gold mines and silver mines produce the least, so copper mines are the most profitable.

Shen Cong smiled mysteriously and said: You don't have to think about the gold, silver and copper mines. As soon as they are discovered, they will send troops there. Where will it be the turn of a master to distribute them.

What kind of mine is that?

Tin mine.

Tin mine? Cheng Jinzhou repeated.

That's right. Shen Cong was very satisfied with Cheng Jinzhou's expression and laughed loudly and said: I didn't expect that tin mines were worthless in the past. The Ministry of Revenue would rather build a warehouse in the iron mining area than build a warehouse in the iron ore area. Tongxian County built a gateway so close to the capital, and did not want to spend money and be impeached by the censor. Who knew that starting from the first half of the year, several nearby trading houses bought tin mines on a large scale, and only purchased from near the capital, reducing the price of tin mines in Tongxian County The price has increased by at least 20%. If the traffic here is not bad and the mines start to recruit people again, the price can still rise. Do you think we would be too sorry for ourselves if we don't take a bite before Tobu opens his mouth?

The expressions on Cheng Jinzhou's face are colorful.

For Bactria, which was equivalent to the 17th century, they had very few opportunities to use tin mines. The price increase is like Penglai Fairy Island.

The price of tin mines can go up. To be honest, it is almost because of his purchase. The supplies of 100,000 taels of silver every half month are a huge driving force for all the raw material producing areas around the capital. Of course, it’s okay to call it oppression.

When there is no other way, it is natural for Qin Yu Trading Company and others to acquire large quantities of tin mines.

However, considering the natural environment and traffic conditions in Tong County, their acquisitions are quite insufficient compared with people's enthusiasm for digging after the price rise.

It took the group two days to arrive at the warehouse in Tong County. The owner, Bo Ze, had already been waiting at the scene. Although the latter was a position equivalent to the deputy secretary of the county party committee, he still showed great enthusiasm when facing two dandies from Beijing.

It was obvious that Mr. Bo cared more about Shen Cong. Perhaps for him, Star Warlock is too distant a term. In a small county town, it is rare for a star warlock to appear. Or perhaps, Cheng Jinzhou's age makes it difficult for people to treat him equally.

Taking advantage of the lavish entertainment, Cheng Jinzhou found an opportunity and whispered: How do you convince him to sell us the things in the warehouse?

After all, the output of the mine is limited, and the tin ore they value is still stored in open-air warehouses. In the absence of waterways, transportation volume determines sales, and the motivation brought by rising prices has solved a large number of jobs. Question - if there is a similar term in this era.

As for Cheng Jinzhou, there is no need to consider transportation issues.

Shen Cong made a reassuring gesture and said, I know this guy very well, just leave it to me.

With that said, he took Guifang and said, Xiao Guizi, my money is a little tight. I came to see you today to beat the autumn wind.

Guifang, who was in her thirties or forties, stood in front of the big boy Shen Cong, smiling like a walnut that had been smashed open. She ignored the looks of the people around her and said, The second young master is joking. How much do you want? I'll give it to you. It must be done for you.

As the concubine of the prime minister, with this status, Master Bo is not afraid of defaulting on his debts, and he is eager for Shen Cong to default on his debts.

Shen Cong glanced at Cheng Jinzhou, smiled a little evilly and said, To be honest, I have taken a liking to the things in your warehouse and want to borrow them for three months.

Three months. Guifang did not refuse flatly, but began to think about it.

Shen Cong smiled slightly. The Shen family has a huge network of connections, so he did not choose a place casually, especially when it was his first time to get familiar with the situation, he had to choose it many times. The Gui Fang in front of her was released from the government for three or four years. She was able to rise from the unpopular level 24 to the top position. The relationship between the Shen family was indispensable. In addition to favor and interests, boldness is also an important factor.

Sure enough, Guifang didn't even need to go home and think carefully. In just three to five minutes, she nodded quickly in front of several people and said: This opportunity cannot be missed. Xiao Guizi is following the second young master in this shop.

As he spoke, he yelled at the few people he brought with him: Come here and kowtow to Second Grandpa. For what happened today, even if you are on the boat, I will eat a bite of you. I will starve you to death. Who dares to talk nonsense? Please be careful as a family. On.

A group of people plopped down on their knees like dumplings, shouting: Second Grandpa!

Hello, second grandpa.

Second Grandpa, don't worry.

The eldest son in Shen Cong's family is his father, so he is the young master. These people are one level lower than Guifang, so he has evolved into a grandfather-level figure.

Cheng Jinzhou's jaw dropped when he heard this.

Guifang smiled and nodded to Cheng Jinzhou, then turned to Shen Cong and smiled: I am in charge of the warehouse, but it is troublesome to have few people to help. Don't worry, Second Young Master, they are all people who have been with me for several years and have a clean financial background.

As long as you are innocent... Cheng Jinzhou said, claiming to be a star warlock, somewhat unscrupulously: Get ready, when will we move things?

As he spoke, he stared at the open-air warehouse not far ahead. Tongxian County is vast and sparsely populated, and the land is barren, so the land price is naturally worthless. Any land that is freed up to build a warehouse is considered a good place. It is at least tens of thousands of acres in size. The ore is still divided into piles inside, with loess padding in the middle to facilitate large trucks.

Because there is no fear of theft, the wall is very short. Even so, very few ores will be piled over the wall, and there is plenty of room to spread it inside.

When an innocent gentleman heard Cheng Jinzhou's naked question, he immediately came forward and said: 200 oxcarts go through the warehouse every day. If we find a way to make the oxcarts make two more turns, we can produce tens of thousands of stones.

Another innocent gentleman said: It's too little. We can move it at night and dig a tunnel on the hill over there. It only needs to be transported a few hundred meters from the warehouse and it will be brightly lit.

A group of innocent people discussed how to steal national assets.

Cheng Jinzhou was still looking at the open-air warehouse in a daze.

Customer service 010 came out after a while and said: Do you want me to test it for you?

Don't you think it's a bit far? They are now several kilometers away from the other edge of the warehouse.

The testing fee of 1,200 Xingyuan is enough.

No money. Cheng Jinzhou is a standard playboy. After discovering the weakness of customer service 010, he couldn't help but take advantage of it.

Customer service 010 was indeed aggrieved. After more than ten seconds, he said: I hope you can raise funds as soon as possible.

Cheng Jinzhou chuckled, then coughed, interrupting the confessions of the innocent people, and said: You don't have to worry about how to transport the ore. But I took away the things. How did you hide it for several months? Let's talk about it.

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