Future library

Chapter 144 Importance

The characteristic triangle is not a unique idea, but Leibniz's characteristic triangle is based on combinatorics, making it easier than predecessors to realize two important issues - the tangent depends on the difference between the vertical and horizontal coordinates, The area depends on the sum of the ordinates.

Through these two points, Leibniz easily derived a large number of new theories, the quantity and quality of which are enough to support mathematics professors in any province in China.

In Leibniz's own words: I established countless theorems effortlessly.

Just like what Cheng Jinzhou is doing now.

Leibniz's characteristic triangle can be said to play a role in connecting the past and the future, or in other words, it is a support, allowing mathematicians to see further.

It is not necessarily an important or difficult theorem in itself.

But once you think of it, it's easy to derive it just like people understand logarithms.

Cheng Jinzhou believed that since he wanted to take out something important and sell some original shares, he obviously had to sell them at a sufficient price.

On the basis of this consideration, the characteristic triangle is a good choice. If you want to compare the number of corollaries and theorems, even Mr. Leibniz's most important Leibniz equation may not be able to compare with it. Comparable.

In comparison, Leibniz's equation is obviously more important. It completes the basic building blocks of calculus.

Of course Cheng Jinzhou is not willing to push Warlock Jiang Huangxing to master calculus now.

Although this trend is unstoppable, he will not actively promote this trend.

Even with a strong desire to converge, when Cheng Jinzhou explained the so-called characteristic triangle clearly on three whiteboards, the proof of the theorem that came out still shocked everyone.

Starting from drawing lines on the whiteboard, Cheng Jinzhou's pen never stopped.

He never looked back to see Warlock Jiang Huangxing or other Star Warlocks. He didn't care about the creaking sound of the old wooden door opening and closing. He completely ignored people's heated or suppressed discussions behind him...

Cheng Jinzhou squinted slightly, writing formulas, proofs and theorems like a perpetual motion machine.

It was like taking an important exam, and also like venting one's emotions.

In fact, Cheng Jinzhou may not admit it, but he does have an innate affinity for physics and mathematics - his father, his mother, his family, his life, his work, his Everything about his life is closely related to mathematics and physics.

His life has long been integrated into mathematics and physics.

Whether he likes it or not, whether he hates it or not, whether he is good at it or not, he belongs to mathematics, he belongs to physics, and he belongs to this world.

From afternoon to evening to late night, from dazzling sunshine to dim sunset to bright white candles. In the largest workshop of the Royal Astromancer's residence, more and more Astromancers gathered together. Everyone tried their best to maintain a quiet posture and looked at the young man who was writing furiously in front of the whiteboard.

Many people also wrote furiously and fell into deep thought.

Under the influence of Warlock Jiang Huangxing, the Star Warlocks in the official residence will at least understand the basic problems of calculus, and these are enough for them to understand what Cheng Jinzhou is writing. In fact, when the star warlocks of Daxia have developed to today's level, calculus is about to emerge, like a creature that is undergoing piston movement for reproduction. It is only a matter of time when to eject, and it will not be too long.

Leibniz's characteristic triangle is not difficult at all, but most people fail to think of it.

Of course, the speed at which everyone read the whiteboard, including Warlock Jiang Huangxing, was far slower than Cheng Jinzhou's writing speed, especially the proof at the beginning, which blocked most people there.

As a result, more and more people are picking up pen and paper and doing calculations by themselves or together.

More and more people are coming.

Even the star warlocks who were stationed in other places slowly appeared in the official residence starting from the evening.

Everyone will not give up such a starry banquet.

For them, understanding and watching first-hand announcements of groundbreaking mathematical achievements is like investors flocking to buy new stocks with great growth potential, and is even more valuable.

The large room, which could accommodate more than 100 people, was actually overcrowded.

The Star Warlock Apprentice had been kicked out long ago, and the table was either carried out of the room or wiped out on the spot by an unknown Star Array. People who needed a flat surface to perform calculations had to choose the floor, ceiling, or other people's backs. More and more people were floating in the air, so that everyone had to start using star arrays.

Those who are half a step ahead of the world are geniuses, and those who are one step ahead of the world are madmen.

When Einstein said that only three people in the world understood his theory of relativity, his tone must have been sour. When a Nobel Prize winner enjoys applause for his theory thirty years ago, his mentality must have gone through vicissitudes of life. When Bruno was tied to the Pope's stake - not afraid of the fire, fighting unyieldingly against the church and theology, and dedicating himself to science, he must have wanted to say: What is said in your textbooks is not what I said. of.

No matter how talented a scientist is, he cannot control where he goes. He could never guess to what extent he would be welcomed, admired or not. The only thing he could do was to say it, and then wait, wait, wait...

Cheng Jinzhou's luck is that he can choose to publish the appropriate research at the appropriate time.

Newton, Gauss, Pascal, Faraday, and Hawking are all good luck and suitable subjects to learn from. Galileo, Bruno, Einstein, and Yuan Longping can all be regarded as brave and admirable people-don't learn from them.

Characteristic triangle is exactly the mathematics that Warlock Jiang Huangxing needs most.

Simple, clear and consistent.

There may be a better option, but there is no easier-to-explain option.

The candlelight flickered slightly. It was already dark outside, and the candle as thick as an arm was slightly lowered. Warlock Jiang Huangxing flicked his fingers without hesitation, and a beam of light as big as a grain of rice slowly floated into the air, emitting an emanating light. Bright light.

Star warlocks will not use their star formations easily. The number of star points that each person can master every day is limited. Always operating to the limit will weaken the body's endurance. Old people like Jiang Huangxing Warlock, even more Consciously reduce the use of star arrays. Only at this moment can you be willing to be a light bulb without even thinking about it.

Cheng Jinzhou felt that his thinking was so active. What I read when I was reading seems to be fresh in my mind.

Although Cheng Jinzhou could not replicate what Leibniz did back then, he was able to express the characteristic triangle without any hindrance when he knew the premise assumptions, results and ideas. For Dr. Cheng Da That said, it is already an amazing achievement.

At least, not every graduate student can do this without checking the information.

When the room could no longer accommodate anyone, Cheng Jinzhou slowly stopped writing.

At this time, the east has turned white, and there are dozens of wooden boards piled up. The words written at the back become smaller.

Cheng Jinzhou touched his head and then gently rubbed his wrists. He felt a sense of joy, as if he had finished the 10,000 meters exhausted and had finally finished watching three porn movies in a row.

Quietly, quietly, after enjoying it for three minutes, Cheng Jinzhou slightly pushed back two steps, then stood in the open space given to him by four or five people without knowing anything, and said slowly: Warlock Jiang Huangxing. , this is my job.”

Thunderous applause sounded instantly.

Real applause.

A shower of applause.

The Star Warlocks are a loose yet tight organization. They are loose because of their independence and their rights, and close because they have the same world view, the same outlook on life, and the same values.

When a decisive breakthrough appears in front of you, no one will be stingy in applauding wisdom.

a long time.

Warlock Jiang Huangxing stopped his aching palm and said with a smile: Mr. Cheng, please forgive me, I haven't finished reading yet, and I know you are very tired, but please allow me to invite you to answer a few questions for everyone. I want you all to There are many questions to ask, which is also a tradition among Star Warlocks.

Of course, but before answering the question, I want to say a few words to you alone. Cheng Jinzhou was also slightly excited, but his words did not weaken at all.


Yes, about my experiment.

Of course. Warlock Jiang Huangxing was puzzled, but he still opened the door and walked out with Cheng Jinzhou.

The entire aisle was filled with Star Warlock apprentices who hurriedly backed away.

Seeing this scene, Warlock Jiang Huangxing looked a little unhappy. Facing a group of Star Warlock apprentices, he said rudely and loudly: Although I can foresee that in twenty or thirty years, with good luck, , one or even two of you can become a real astrologist, but to understand today's proposition, I think it is too unnecessary. Don't believe those words that encourage you, the world of astrology is extremely cruel, try to get Understanding things you can't understand is just a waste of time. Read something you can understand with peace of mind. If one day you can study something less embarrassing, you will thank me for what I said today. Okay, now it's all Go back. Cheng Jinzhou Star Warlock, let’s talk here.”

A group of Star Warlock apprentices lowered their heads and disappeared from the aisle. Not every Star Warlock is a good boy, but they don't have much to say. Warlock Jiang Huangxing was just stating the facts.

Cheng Jinzhou had been busy all day and blurted out the words he had prepared. He said straightforwardly: Jiang Huangxing Warlock, whether you know it or not, I should tell you that a Star Warlock who belongs to the Royal Star Warlock Association has a question about my experimental field. I was disturbed. In fact, I hope this was not your instruction, but no matter what, a civil servant named Hou Wenwu, who claimed to be an inspector of the Ministry of Household Affairs, came to the land that belonged to me and kidnapped my subordinates, and they were originally people who were preparing to carry out experimental farming according to my requirements. This behavior made it impossible for me to carry out my work. As for your star warlock, Mr. Duan Ming, although his attitude is very good, he obviously protected This civil servant prevented me from killing him, thus successfully completing the kidnapping, and in fact preventing my experiment. I hope you can deal with it.

Oh, I don't know about this. I will find out. I'm sorry about this. If it were two days ago, Warlock Jiang Huangxing would only say I will find out.

Cheng Jinzhou flatly said: As you can see, I don't have much time to deal with things other than work. If the matter is still unresolved when I return to my own land, I will go to the Star Warlock Association for summer Beijing Branch, issue necessary tasks, I hope you can understand.

His attitude was extremely determined. Ever since Warlock Cao Fengxing told him that this could be done, he had been a little moved.

Warlock Jiang Huangxing discovered this keenly, so he put aside his rhetoric about understanding and said firmly: Your work is very important. I will never allow any messy things to interfere with your work. I will handle it personally. This matter. The civil servants of the Great Xia Dynasty must not interfere with star warlocks like you.

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