Future library

Chapter 107 Viciousness (3)

If God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy.

Zhao Quanhua took the initiative to pursue madness, and two hours later brought about 10 minutes of passive madness, and the damage of the latter was far greater than the former.

He could not have expected that Chen Jie would appear, let alone that Chen Jie would baptize Yuanqian Street with blood with a dagger.

He also didn't expect that the archer who swore that he was a divine arrow would insert his bow and arrow into the bodies of passers-by one after another.

As a result, a simple assassination operation turned into a large-scale attack.

Hong Debiao didn't care about this. He took the money from the middleman. According to the truth, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he would have to leave for another country. The difference was that if he completed the task, he would take the money and leave. If he failed to complete the task, he would have to leave empty-handed. gone.

As for how many scholars were killed, where they were killed, and how much impact they had, the sponsor did not explain it in advance, so it was something that no one could predict. ,

Hong Debiao's only interest was in practicing archery. If he had money, he could buy the best five-stone bow, or even a star formation's rapid-fire bow. By then, no matter whether you go to Daliang or Southern Dynasty, you will still have a good life.

He gently released his index finger that was holding the arrow's tail.

A crack sound

The tail fins of the long arrow rotate rapidly, like windmills held in a child's hands. One brings death, the other brings hope...

Cheng Jinzhou kept staring at the archers on the tower opposite. He knew in his heart that his small body could not cause violence, so the only thing he could do was to shrink and shake his head.

So, when a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, Cheng Jinzhou couldn't help but think of a series of formulas - the reason why the reflection of the arrow is caught by the human eye is first of all because the sun shines on the arrow, and the sun shines on the arrow at a certain time. , the incident angle relative to a certain planet is determined...

If you don't consider the deflection of light caused by the atmosphere, and with a computer, you can naturally deduce the position of the arrow in reverse as long as you input a series of parameters. As soon as Cheng Jinzhou had this idea, he unconsciously made calculations - for more than ten days before, he had been pretending to be a humanoid backup computer in the Royal Star Warlock's mansion, and his reaction was very fast.

After a moment of calculation, Cheng Jinzhou subconsciously twisted his waist and legs and stepped on the person closest to him.

Although he was small, Chen Jie was unprepared. He staggered suddenly and almost hit the fleeing students. At the same time, a crossbow arrow rubbed hard against his shoulder and slanted into another person's thigh.

The howling woke up Chen Jie. He knew that the situation was dangerous without looking back, but in front of him were not only numerous figures that could not be broken through, but also not far away were the swordsmen and axemen who were getting closer and closer. Although the latter is only equivalent to the level of fighting in the wet market, it cannot be ignored.

Successfully dodging an iron arrow, Cheng Jinzhou was a little excited even though he was nervous, because he knew that he had filled in the parameters into the formula according to the elementary mental arithmetic tutorial, and calculated it step by step. It was a definite answer. He didn't even A little skeptical. Ordinary people cannot do it. On the one hand, it is difficult to remember many numbers, and on the other hand, it is also a problem of calculation speed.

At this moment, Cheng Jinzhou actually felt like he wanted to shoot another arrow.

Hong Debiao indeed picked up another arrow, feeling even more resentful in his heart. The fact that the fatal arrow was dodged did not alert him.

At this moment, Lu Xu, who had always been aggressive, launched his giant wave star formation and shouted: Cheng Jinzhou, where are you?

Hong Debiao looked up sensitively and spotted Lu Xu floating in the sky at a glance. He added the donkey, and the two of them formed a large four-legged animal that stood out in the pre-dusk sun like a tomato on a barbecue.

He glanced down and saw that the target in the crowd was already as small as a pea in porridge.

Hong Debiao made a quick decision, quickly put away his bow and arrows, and was about to jump off the temporary platform.

The other two crossbowmen had the duty of surveillance, so they immediately stopped him and said, We have to kill him.

This is your Daogang's business.

If you dare to leave, the Dao Gang will hunt you to the ends of the earth.

Really? Hong Debiao sneered in his heart. He could kill people at the entrance of the ceremony hall and walk away. Whether the so-called rice gang can exist is anyone's guess.

Maybe, by this time, the upper echelons of Daogang had already boarded the ship and were ready to escape.

His nonchalant attitude somewhat angered the other party, but the two crossbowmen also knew their own disadvantages and did not dare to make a move. They allowed Hong Debiao to jump down along the stacked greenhouse skeleton.

After Hong Debiao jumped down, the two men picked up their crossbows and shot at him. However, compared to Hong Debiao's accuracy, they were far behind.

Cheng Jinzhou also saw Lu Xu and let out a long sigh of relief. He didn't like this short and cunning star warlock, but after all, he was on his side. He didn't dare to stretch his neck and agree. He just felt that Lu Xu's IQ was too low and he should have discovered him earlier instead of yelling in the sky.

In fact, classmate Xiao Cheng had wronged Lu Xu a little. When it came to worldly relations, Lu Xu was slow-minded, but when it came to the Star Warlock's battle, Lu Xu was quite unyielding. As soon as he flew above the ceremony hall, he smelled When there was a strong smell of blood, he knew what had happened without even looking. At this time, he almost mechanically made a dive and dropped the donkey from his hand first.

Next, without even thinking about it, Lu Xu aimed a giant wave bomb at the illegal buildings on the street - his giant wave star array was used to control sound, and the result of high-frequency oscillations and directional bursts was worse than TNT. It was so violent that the hand-built platform collapsed immediately.

In this way, no matter whether the person on the high platform is an enemy or a friend, there will no longer be anyone in front of the entire ceremony hall who can pose a threat to it.

Hong Debiao turned around while running desperately and saw the two crossbowmen falling down screaming. He thought that he deserved his misfortune. Archers are always the first targets of star warlocks. He didn't even know this, so he dared Stepping on a crossbow there is not seeking death.

Without the threat of archers, the minions in front would have little power. In fact, except for a few bosses of the Daogang, the soldiers may not know what they are going to do, and Zhao Quanfu, as a noble, naturally has many ways to make them fight for it.

Lu Xu made a brief confirmation in mid-air, then sent out a wave of low-frequency vibrations to the place with the most people, and then shouted in the midst of the staggering: Stop it, whoever touches it will die.

His sonic weapon is not a pure murder weapon, but it consumes star power after all. The secondary star array can collect up to hundreds of star power from the starry sky every day, so it cannot be wasted on ordinary people.

And as time went by, the government officials and horse archers who suppressed the state came over in full force.

The Daobang was originally in the business of picking cakes from the ground, and fights with weapons were unavoidable on weekdays, but under normal circumstances, they would never kill easily. However, the problem now is that no matter whether they killed someone or not, they will most likely be responsible for the death and injury on the ground. The more clever gang members saw the Star Warlock coming and ran away instantly. The people at the pier who were attracted by Chen Jie also had the same thoughts and ran away while there were many people.

As for whether he will be found out during interrogation in the yamen in the future, that is another matter. It is better than arresting him for what he is doing.

The dozen or so people following Chen Jie were paralyzed on the ground. They wanted to run, but there were still a mess of people and human flesh around them. In addition, most of the people were dead and injured, and they were oppressed by physical fatigue and mental fear. Many people were lying on the ground. I don't want to move when I'm on the ground.

Chen Jie pulled two unknown people to support him. The student who had just finished the provincial examination was so shocked that he held him in his hand like a chicken.

Lu Xu circled around in mid-air before finding Cheng Jinzhou and Chen Jie. He slowly descended and said slowly, My eldest brother wants to see you.


Outer Peninsula.

Cheng Jinzhou was worried about Lu Xu. He still stayed behind Chen Jie and whispered: If you want me to go to the outer peninsula, you must first catch the mastermind of this matter.

Who is it? Lu Xu asked stupidly.

Cheng Jinzhou patted his forehead and said helplessly: Won't you catch people for questioning? I remember the archers on the high platform were wearing red and yellow. Regardless of whether they are nobles or not, you can send them over for questioning.

One ran away, two died. Lu Xu's memory was still very good.

What about the man with the sword?

Lu Xu snorted, lifted up a few meters, and then slowly accelerated in the form of anti-gravity.

The remaining members of the rice gang, plus a few dock workers, were caught by Lu Xu in the void and thrown beside Cheng Jinzhou. As for the rest, he completely ignored them.

Xiao Cheng didn't know if the people captured by Lu Xu were useful, so he just whispered beside Chen Jie: Take these people away quickly and ask me if I can find the culprit behind the scenes.

The coagulated blood on Chen Jie's face could be cooked into a spicy hot pot. He pouted and nodded, then stood up reluctantly.

If you want money, go to the accounting office and settle the account. Cheng Jinzhou gave instructions to Chen Jie, and then said to Lu Xu, Send us away together.

The Yamen servants slowly coming around will definitely change things.

Go to the outer peninsula. Lu Xu said without hesitation.

Then go. As soon as Cheng Jinzhou finished speaking, Lu Xu immediately took off, packed up Cheng Jinzhou and the others, and flew out.

This is a rare flying ability, but unfortunately no one here knows how to appreciate it.

From the sky, the ground looks like a bloody continent, full of scars.

Cheng Jinzhou squinted his eyes and didn't understand why such a thing happened today.

Far away from the scope of the ceremony, Cheng Jinzhou asked half-inquiringly: What does Warlock Liu Kuangxing want from me?

It shouldn't be copying books. I helped a lot last time. Lu Xu couldn't explain why.

Cheng Jinzhou secretly assessed his own value and consciously wanted to put the thick blood in the back of his mind.

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