Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 588 Castle Fishing

The Besirk Mountains span the entire northern part of the Imperial Capital and the Kingdom of Olanto, extending as far north as the Far North Icefield.

The source of the Dozimeer River originates from the icebergs of the Besirk Mountains.

The particularly favorite floating ice fruit is a specialty of the Basilk Mountains.

The departure of Maggie and the four iCarly girls reduced the number of the Extraordinary Team to nearly half.

The Black Pearl was flying at a low altitude, and the Besirk Mountain was almost deserted. There were some super-level monsters living in it, so people had to be careful.

It had been two days since they left the imperial capital Saint Valeran, and even if the Black Pearl was not flying at full speed, it had already flown no less than two thousand kilometers.

The destination of this trip is Geraf Castle. From Miss Lan Ling's description, my grandfather's castle should be located in a mountain canyon three thousand kilometers away from the imperial capital.

Five escort spaceships followed the Black Pearl. This was Gu Lie's suggestion. More than a thousand high-level guards could only conduct basic training in the Poseidon Palace space. After a long time, although their ranks will be improved, their combat experience will not be enough. It will only be insufficient.

The area near the imperial capital of Mount Besirk is a holy land for skiing and hunting, but once you leave the safe zone, it becomes a paradise for monsters.

Feifan stood upright at the bow of the ship, without releasing the magic barrier, and the cold north wind blew his magic robes rustling.

"Are you worried about the five spacecraft exploring the path?" Dosta walked behind Feifan and asked.

He looked back at Dosta. In the cold weather, the orc troll was still wearing simple leather armor. Only the chest, shoulders and knees were made of Canian special steel.

Feifan shook his head and remained silent.

"There should be magic seal masters of higher than sixth level in the Imperial City. Why don't you stay in the Imperial City for two more days and try to see if you can unlock the seal of the memory crystal?"

Still no reply.

On the surface, it was to evade the arrest in Holt City, but everyone could see that Fei Fei had been absent-minded for the past few days.

Even Hehru, who usually talks the most, spends all day in the watchtower.


A rush of running sound reached the top deck.

"Ha, Brother Feifan, you are really here, and Brother Dosta is also here? That's great!"

Kyle, whose face was red, grabbed the handrail of the escalator and shouted happily.

"Sister Momir asked us if we still want to land and go hunting in the mountains today?"

Even at a young age, Kyle could still feel Fei Fei's depression, and he always found some tricks to cheer him up.

Before Fei Fei could speak, the natural heart in his body suddenly throbbed.

In his daze, Dosta had no time to grab the two-handed ax behind him, launched a charge, and swung his fist towards little Kyle's head.

Kyle was also frightened, looking at the growing fist in front of him, motionless as if he was petrified.


A huge sound was heard above Kyle's head.

Feifan also flashed in front of little Kyle, looking at the unknown monster that was knocked away by Dosta.

"It's an ice sculpture!" Dosta said coldly.

"A high-level monster that is common on the ice sheet. Its wing feathers are covered with a layer of ice crystals. In sunny weather, there is almost no shadow!"

Being reminded by Dosta, Feifan quickly turned on the black vision state.

Sure enough, a faint cyan trajectory appeared in the star curtain.

"Be careful, it's here again!"

Through the star screen, Fei Fei clearly saw that the target of the ice sculpture's attack was Dosta.


Dosta kept pumping his fist, but when the ice sculpture approached, he changed his fist into a grasp and grabbed the ice sculpture in his hand.

The fifth-level monster is indeed very powerful, but in the hands of a sky-level warrior, it is just a dish.

"Look, Kyle, there's meat for dinner!"

Then two "thumping" sounds came, and Feifan Cai saw clearly the flying monster in Dosta's hand.

Much bigger than the Night Owl, but much smaller than the Wind Chaser.

Being held by Dosta is like holding a piece of glass art.

Kyle followed Dosta and left happily, Feifan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

After all, he couldn't catch the one who left, but he couldn't be depressed.

If Dosta hadn't been there, maybe Kyle would have been injured just now.

During dinner, Fei Fei was not called out or sent to the captain's cabin. He came to the restaurant to dine with everyone.

The food was mediocre, but it was clear that spirits were lifted.

"Sir, according to our current speed, we will probably arrive at noon tomorrow."

"If the information given by Miss Lan Ling is correct, you only need to follow the Basilk Mountain to find the canyon."

After hearing Gu Lie's report, Feifan nodded and asked:

"Has the exploration fleet returned?"

After receiving a positive answer, Fei Fei felt relieved.

On this trip, the fleet is not traveling at night, so be careful and you won’t make any big mistakes.

The wind and moon have arrived, and if you don't pay attention, you will get lost.

As for the wind-type flying monsters, their combat power is almost doubled in Fengyue. If they encounter a group of wind-type monsters, his eleven spaceships and a thousand people are really not enough.

Fortunately, the night was uneventful, and as soon as day broke, the fleet continued on its way.

It was noon. Except for a few depressions filled with water vapor, where was the canyon Lan Ling had mentioned?

The Black Pearl hovered on the highest peak nearby, and the escort fleet was exploring the surroundings in twos and twos.

A group of people gathered on the top deck, waiting for the escort ship to send back news.

"Sir, is it possible that Geraf Castle is protected by a magic circle? After all, there are many monsters in the mountains!"

Feifan shook his head. Although he was not an array mage, he knew a lot about magic arrays.

"If you want a magic array to radiate to the entire castle, it must be at least level seven or higher! And to operate a level seven magic array, you must use high-level magic crystals at the very least!"

"There are a lot of magic beasts around the castle, and the magic circle cannot be turned on all day long. It requires a huge amount of magic crystals in a year. Even a king does not have such a luxury!"

Gu Lie asked questions and gave extraordinary answers.

Francis asked: "Is it possible that Geralf Castle is not a castle? If it is just a stone house, will the guards miss it?"

The question asked by the fat man is possible.

"Oh, my lords, have you forgotten the steam castle we saw when we first arrived in the imperial capital? What if Geraf Castle is also a moving castle?"

Hehru offered his own opinion.

Fei Fei lowered his head and thought for a moment. Don't tell me, Hehelu's words are more reliable than Fatty's.

The address given by Lan Ling may be the permanent residence of the moving castle. Even if it is a steam moving castle, it cannot be run every day.

"Notify all searching ships to pay close attention to the magic sensing array, and focus on investigating any abnormal magic fluctuation points!"

Once you have a general direction, the rest is much easier.

It didn't take long for Godric to deliver good news.

A castle is fishing a hundred miles east of the extraordinary location.

Castle fishing? Is Godric dazzled?

A hundred miles away, the Black Pearl reached the scene in less than half an hour.

A large lake like sapphire is particularly dazzling in the white mountains and forests.

What's even more surprising is that a small four-story castle stands beside the lake.

From the top of the highest tower of the castle, a huge mechanical arm stretches high above the lake, and a finger-thick steel cable is tied above the lake.

The castle is really fishing.

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