Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 559 The White Whale Appears

The white whale's tail waggled twice, and Fei Fei found sadly that he couldn't catch up with his "water-dividing technique".

The more advanced a water magician is, the more tricks he can play with "Water Dividing", but it doesn't change that Water Dividing is a basic water skill.

If the magic is not enough, teleport to make up for it!

After two clicks, Feifan, who was lagging behind, appeared at the dorsal fin of the great white whale.

Unlike the sickle-shaped dorsal fin in Extraordinary Cognition, the dorsal fin of the great white whale is just a small bulge.

Said to be small is based on the overall length of the white whale. Even its extraordinary height is only as high as the dorsal fin of the white whale.

Extraordinary rubbing against the soles of the boots, the back of the great white whale is not like other large sea animals. The skin is rough and covered with wrinkles, making it easy to attack.

The white whale's extremely smooth back makes it difficult to stand still.

Want to embarrass a super-level water magician at the bottom of the sea?

An "Ice-Sealing Technique" containing extremely low water elements was slapped on the steel boots by Fei Fei. The ice crystals acted like adhesive and firmly fixed Fei Fei on the back of the great white whale.

"Come on, White Whale, take me to your home!"

Feifan patted the big dorsal fin in front of his face. I wonder if this big guy can hear it. I really can't try to stab the sword with the magic gold Dajin?

Just give it a try!

The result is failure!

The magic gold sword couldn't break through the white whale's skin.

After trying three or five times, I almost used all the powerful skills I knew on the magic gold sword. Unfortunately, I didn't even scratch the skin of the great white whale.

After an extraordinary series of slashing and stabbing, coupled with flying magic skills, he was finally noticed by the great white whale.

"Woo, ew"

For some reason, Fei Fei could hear excitement from the sound of the great white whale.

"If I don't take it to your house, I won't take it with me. Don't mess around!"

Before he finished speaking, Feifan let out an "ouch" and hugged the big dorsal fin with both hands, a look of horror on his face.

The white whale fell heavily on the grassland. The seven-color lily of the valley flowers interspersed among the lanterns suddenly emerged from under the white whale's body. It didn't take long before the giant body was lifted into the air again.

Sprinting, the white whale plummeted downward from the sea and sky, landed on the grassland, and was lifted up high.



A cry like a baby's cry spread far and wide in this cave, giving off an ethereal sound.

But the extraordinary scream destroyed this artistic conception.

"This is the standard action of a fish-shaped sea creature to get out of trouble, sprinting, emergency stops and so on."

The inertia generated by the huge centrifugal force kept Fei Fei covering his mouth.

"We have to find a way!"

After thinking for a while, Fei Fei had a plan in mind.

Competing with such a huge white whale in physical strength, Fei Fei thought about it and gave it up.

The white whale swam for a year and a half, and I guess it was long gone.

what to do?

There is nothing you can do but be tough!

After making up his mind, Fei Fei freed his feet. As soon as his feet left the ground, a strong pulling force came from behind and pulled Fei Fei off the back of the great white whale.

Realizing that Fei Fei was missing on his back, the white whale immediately braked at high speed, turned its big head, and swam towards Fei Fei.

Facing the huge mouth of the great white whale, the horrific scene yesterday appeared again in Feifan's mind.

A strange thing happened. Fei Fei didn't feel any stiffness in his body and his legs stopped shaking.

Suspended in the sea water, the magic gold sword is placed across his chest, and the 'Never Set Sun' stands behind him!

After a simple contact, Feifan discovered that the white whale was not an elemental creature but a powerful sea monster, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

As long as he doesn't get close to the white whale and doesn't get affected by its attacks, Fei Fei feels that he can be invincible.

The power of the void must be used as appropriate. Now Fei Fei's only asset that can fight the great white whale is that he is small enough, flexible and can run fast.

The increasingly big white head kept enlarging in Feifan's eyes. Cold sweat flowed from his forehead to the corners of his mouth. The salty taste made Feifan's attention highly tense.

Close, less than ten meters, less than five meters

Feifan made up his mind to wait for the white whale to open its mouth and arrange a "space storm" by himself.

The outer skin of the sea beast has strong defense, but the defense in the mouth and esophagus, including the internal organs, may not be enough.

We're about to hit him!

In the end, Fei Fei resisted the urge to teleport to escape and remained motionless.


The white whale didn't follow the routine and directly pushed Feifan up with his mouth.

This is probably the white whale's eating ritual. First, make sure the other person is not pretending to be dead.

There was another "bang".

The lifted up Fei Fei reached the highest point and was just about to swim away when he saw the big tail of the great white whale attacking again.

The top is just an appetizer, and the tail is the main course.

"Wait for me, you big white slip, I will come back!"

Fei Fei was furious after being slapped away three times.

Sometimes it was clear that the teleportation was very timely, just in time to avoid the big tail, but as soon as I took a breath, I felt a shock on my back and took off in the sea.

As the saying goes, again and again, two, and not three!

Feeling humiliated, Feifan stood in front of the white whale for the fourth time.

One person and one whale must be at most twenty meters apart, with their eyes facing each other!

The biggest difference between super-level sea beasts and ordinary sea beasts is that they have intelligence no less than that of humans.

Fei Fei saw joy, confusion and expectation in the eyes of the white whale.

Unfortunately, there are very few types of ninth-level holy-level sea beasts that can talk.

Send the magic gold sword in his hand back to the void, Fei Fei holds the gun in both hands, and he wants to launch a counterattack.

The magician's skills are not good enough for the power-type holy-level monsters that are famous for their defense.

Therefore, Feifan sacrificed his strengths and weaknesses and launched a last-ditch effort.

If you can, give the white whale a good beating, then follow it home and find the whereabouts of Gu Lie and the others.

If you can't defeat them, you have no choice but to retreat strategically and find another way.

"Uka! Go, go, go!"

When Bai Lian steel's resignation of death suddenly turned into Wen Yu's heart-wrenching tenderness, Fei Fei didn't know whether to continue to maintain the status quo, or to maintain his aloof image with a straight face.

The white whale, which flew Fei Fei on his head several times, probably had enough fun. Faced with Fei Fei's charge, he finally opened his mouth this time.

Bai Sensen's teeth looked scary, let alone the body of a human woman in his mouth.

But the corpse was obviously sitting with its knees crossed, and it stood up after seeing the white whale open its mouth.

Extraordinary vision was attracted by Big White Fang, and he vaguely saw a black figure from the corner of his eye.

Opening his mouth, Fei Fei flew into the mouth of the great white whale.


Before the slogan was finished, Feifan felt like he was being hugged by someone. The faint scent of Hailinglan flowers rushed into his nose, and the silver-white mask on Momir's head hurt Feifan's chin.

Following the inertia, the two people holding each other gurgled in the mouth of the white whale.

Putting his hands on Momir's shoulders, Feifan was overjoyed: "Momir, are you still alive? That's great! I knew you were fine!"

Fei Fei was really happy, and his concern was extremely real, which perfectly solved the embarrassment between himself and Momir.

"I've been staying in the mouth of this sea beast for this whole time! I'm fine, but Maggie and iCarly don't know what's going on!"

Tucking her hanging hair behind her ears, Momir said in a deep voice.

They might be in the belly of a sea monster!

This is what Momir wanted to say but couldn't.

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