Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 557 The giant mouth of the deep sea

If you stand among the high mountains and ridges, Feifan will tell all the people in the Brave Continent with high spirits that hundreds of millions of years ago, this place must have been a vast ocean.

But as I learned more and more about the brave world, Fei Fei visited museums in Yorkshire and also visited the St. Trinite Marine and Marine Beast Museum.

The strange thing is that he has never seen a paleontological fossil.

The low-level monsters and sea beasts finally turned into the purest natural elements and returned to the natural garden of the goddess of elements.

The body of a super-level sea beast does not decay after death. If the bones are not deliberately destroyed, relying on the magic elements stored inside, they will become a piece of bone magic crystal.

Therefore, many times, he cannot explain scientifically some of the sights Fei Fei sees.

Just like this moment.

Emily and Maggie were lying on the side of the boat, yelling.

"It's so beautiful! Is this also a Hailinglan? I have never seen such a strange Hailinglan!"

"Yes, yes! I haven't seen it either! It hasn't even appeared in the Duke's castle!"

Feifei did not disturb the two women. They came to the other side of the ship and leaned over to take a look.

Green branches and vines sprouted from the bottom of the Black Pearl ship, and the branches and vines were covered with seven-color bells.

Lily-of-the-valley flowers on the mainland are generally white or pink, while only the lily of the valley is light blue.

Fei Fei raised his head and looked at the bow of the ship and found that it was still a calm blue sea.

Only behind the ship, along the route of the Black Pearl, was a colorful ribbon of lilies of the valley that undulated with the waves, which was so beautiful.

The screams of the two women first alarmed Momier, and within a minute, almost everyone ran to the deck.

Only Hehru in the watchtower stared bitterly at the flying fish in the distant sky.

Perhaps the flying fish were tired. Amid Hehru's thanks, they plunged into the sea and remained silent for a long time.

Hehelu's call to clear the alarm came, and Gulie also knew why everyone was so excited. He locked the steering wheel, lowered the speed to the lowest, and Gulie also came to the deck.

"Hahaha! It's so beautiful! I'm coming!"

The fat man who didn't know when he climbed onto the deck from the bottom warehouse jumped into the sea amidst the exclamations of iCarly and Maggie.

Before the water on the sea surface cleared, Francis was pushed out of the sea by the colorful Hailinglan.

"Haha! Sir, come and play!"

Someone started and the situation got out of hand.

Maggie took off her magic robe directly and wore a close-fitting leather armor. The iCarly mermaid tribe wears a three-point style, no more!

The two women held hands and jumped down happily.

"Plop, plop"

In addition to the fat man, there are two more mermaids on the sea.

"Momir, come down quickly! The sea water here is fragrant!"

"Yes! Come here Momir, we will call it Fragrant Sea here!"

Momir smiled and shook her head. Her water skills may be better than those of a real mermaid like iCarly, but she has never experienced this kind of playful swimming.

The silver visor with a crooked strap on the top of his head shimmered in the reflection of his eyes. Feifan once asked for the visor back, only to be instantly rejected by Momir.

"No, just go ahead and play, I'll just watch! Haha!"

Momir, who waved his hands to refuse, was suddenly pushed out of the boat by a strong force coming from behind.

Momir, who was in mid-air, subconsciously thought of launching a "shadow raid", but when he turned around, he saw Fei Fei with a smirk on his face. His body that stopped in mid-air became unstable and fell into the sea.



Maggie and Aikali laughed happily as they watched Momir fall into the water. They looked at the angry expression on Momir's face when he popped up. The two women smiled at each other and raised their hands to blast a series of water bombs at the extraordinary handsome face.

For a moment, the three women were swaying freely on the sea, and from time to time there would be seven-colored Hai Linglan emerging from underneath them, dragging their delicate bodies.

The water bomb battle was extremely exciting.

The fat man not far away has a sad look on his face, you should take me with you!

Feifan's face was covered with water from the water bombs of the two women, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

"Hmph, you forced me to use my ultimate move! Let you taste my body bomb!"

Teleport, teleport!

Toward the sky, two teleports!

Everyone on the deck of the Black Pearl looked up and could only see a black dot smaller than an ant in the sky.

"Is this the highest diving height in the world? Haha!"

Feeling good about himself, Feifan put on a very cool heroic image wearing underpants and fell rapidly towards the sea.

Everyone on the sea was somewhat worried about Fei Fei. They all looked up and stared, fearing that he would fall out.

Feifan, who was only three seconds handsome, danced in the air like a big crab, making everyone laugh.

The whereabouts of Feifan could be clearly seen. Around the Black Pearl, a huge shadow grew from small to large.

He was so panicked that he shouted quickly!


An extremely huge mouth suddenly stretched out from the sea, and swallowed the Black Pearl and several people on the sea into its mouth.

Feifan teleported to the sea and saw a giant tail like a mountain rising out of the sea.


Like a fly hitting a huge alchemy tower, Feifan was knocked unconscious.

The moon hangs high in the sky, and Fei Fei slowly wakes up in a warm embrace.

When he opened his eyes, Fei Fei saw the sky full of stars. In the blink of an eye, Aguit's huge wolf head turned to look at him.

Before he opened his mouth, the unique fragrance of Hailing orchids penetrated his nostrils, and Feifei couldn't help but sneeze.

"Ah Sneeze! Uh, Aguit, it was you who saved me!"

"Do you know? I just fell asleep in my mother's arms in my dream, and you woke me up!"

Complaining about the so-called Little Moon Wolf, Fei Fei grabbed a handful of Seven-Colored Hailing Orchid Branches behind him.

The flower juice slid down Fei Fei's back, blue blood, red blood, and green blood.


Fei Fei burst into tears, he was so helpless at this moment.

It turned out to be a good adventure, and everyone was having fun in the sea of ​​flowers.

Aguit's warm tail wrapped around Fei Fei. Although the surrounding scenery was beautiful and fragrant with flowers, Fei Fei's heart felt like a knife piercing his heart at this moment.

Aguit, who was connected to the extraordinary soul, felt the same way, lowered his head and lay on the extraordinary thigh, whimpering softly.

There is no news about the whereabouts of his parents, and the mystery of the memory crystal obtained in the basement has not yet been solved.

Sister Sissel is eagerly waiting for her arrival in the royal city, and she still has to find the Altar of Order to find her way home.

All of this seems to have come to an end.

At this moment, Fei Fei didn't know where to go.

The moonlight caressed Fei Fei's face. Fei Fei lowered his head and suddenly saw the bright star and moon pattern on Aguit's forehead.

Soul contract!

"Yes, contract!"

Feifan was extremely excited and took out a thick stack of contracts.

"Life insurance contract!"

Dosta's, Gule's, Francis's, Godric's!

The scale seal under the insurance contract is obviously still gray, which shows that these contracts still meet the conditions for establishment.

In other words, these people are still alive!

When you are alive, there is hope!

Aguit's green eyes watched Fei Fei take out some Warcraft skins, and suddenly became energetic. He didn't know the reason, but he stuck out his tongue happily and washed Fei Fei's face.

Fei Fei stood up directly as if he was a new person and paced back and forth around Little Moon Wolf.

Wherever you go, a group of sea-ling orchid branches will appear under your feet. Facing the sea breeze, you can also hear the music of the sea.

From the beginning to the end of the sea beast that devoured its companions, Fei Fei only saw its big mouth and tail. He could not find anything similar in the sea beast drawings he knew.

In terms of size, the individual sea monsters that have reached the holy level are not small, but the sea monster that can swallow the Black Pearl in one gulp, not even a big guy like Thoros can do it.

(Soros: Have any of you seen that I have a mouth?)

I can't think of a way, Fei Fei is ready to go to the sea!

The range of water magic perception will be slightly expanded on the seabed, and the range that the black vision state can now radiate is up to ten kilometers.

Of course, the farther the distance, even a very violent magic fluctuation will only show a small point of light in the black vision star screen.

Aguit was persuaded by Fei Fei to come back. Little Moon Wolf, who was eating well and sleeping well, has now reached the seventh level of combat power, and the eighth level is just around the corner.

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