Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 536 Maggie warns

When the steam locomotive was designed, whether it was gas used as fuel or fire crystals, it would leave traces on the mini perception array.

Of course, the instantaneous burning fire element and the water element in the steam engine's compression chamber are not the gas lamps and boiling kettles used in residents' homes.

Otherwise, the city guards don't have to do anything. It's their daily job to hold the sensory stone plate and go door to door looking for abnormalities.

Tracking the city guards who were driving away on their motorcycles, they only tracked them to the second stone pillar area, and Maggie was nowhere to be found on the stone plate.

Even the magic crystal spaceship that came after hearing the news didn't have a general direction and could only search in four directions like a headless fly.

"Swish swish"

Two spaceships flew through the third stone pillar area, trailing two streaks of white exhaust.

In the silent street below, Maggie released the ice spell on the motorcycle, put away the perception stone plate in her hand, and continued to move forward.

In Freeport, most of the perception stone disks in the hands of the city guards and air guards are powered by fire crystals and water crystals. However, the perception stone disk in Maggie's hand has exactly seven holes inlaid with crystals in the center. indivual.

Among them, the five crystals of water, fire, earth and scenery shine brightly, and the quality of the crystals is without exception all crystal marrow.

This greatly opened up the Air Guard in terms of the speed and range of sensing magic elements.

If the Air Guard is not chasing important prisoners or launching air battles, they rarely use the sensory magic array disk on the spacecraft. They also use the lookout hand standing at the bow of the ship to track them with a mini stone disk.

After many twists and turns, Maggie relied on her familiarity with the main city and finally arrived at the gate of the water castle in the fifth stone pillar area.

She put the steam locomotive into the space ring given to her by Fei Fei and looked at the castle gate. Now there was no manor guard, and there was no one at the gate.

Pulling the doorbell rope, I guess there was a lot of movement. Looking around, Maggie came to a relatively low wall on the outer wall of the castle.


The one-handed stick in her hand turned into a thin-edged stabbing sword. Maggie looked up at the height of the wall. If she inserted the stabbing sword into the gap in the wall, she should be able to jump to the top of the wall with a little help.

Before taking action, Maggie suddenly felt like she was being watched and oppressed.

Turning around, he held out the sword backwards without hesitation.


A few sparks fell, and Maggie, who looked determined, suddenly blushed to the base of her ears and was at a loss.

The stabbing sword stabbed Aguit's big head, rushed diagonally upward, and stopped on the little moon wolf's ear.

Aguit's long pointed ears flapped at the rapier from time to time, and his big green eyes looked at Maggie blankly.

The movement of the motorcycle was noticed by Little Moon Wolf sleeping inside before Maggie arrived at the castle.

Especially when Maggie was thinking about how to enter the castle with her sword in hand, Aguit jumped and ran through the large iron gate that was as high as two people and came behind Maggie.

Maggie hurriedly pulled down the stabbing sword, and apologized to Little Moon Wolf with a guilty look on her face:

"Agu, you didn't make any sound when you walked, you scared me! Haha, it didn't hurt you, come and see!"

Humans with a heart of natural elements are naturally attracted to the attention of monsters.

It’s your friends who can make you addicted, it’s your enemies who can make you dinner,

When Maggie put her little hand on Aguit's head, the wolf hair that stood up was like the wind blowing, soft and smooth.

Little Moon Wolf glanced at Maggie, then turned back and licked his back. Maggie understood instantly.

"Little Agu, is Fei Fei asleep? I have something important to see him!"

Jumping into the castle, Aguit did not stop, but ran directly into the castle hall.

What Maggie didn't know was that when Aguit noticed something unusual, Fei Fei was the first person to know.

Sure enough, in the castle hall, Fei Fei was sitting on the steps of the high platform, yawning and looking at the door.

"Eh? Miss Maggie, what happened?" Fei Fei stood up in a hurry. Not saying that it was too late, he only said that Maggie now looked like a refugee, so he knew something was wrong.

The combined magic robe was wrinkled, and there were two holes the size of fists at the hem. He had experienced several battles, and he could tell at a glance that they were left by the magic crystal gun.

Didn’t the riots in St. Trite gradually subside? Who else could pose a threat to a diplomat's equerry?

The dark blue shawl hair was tied into a ponytail for the convenience of fighting, and the curved and thin eyebrows that had been raised slowly smoothed out at the moment of seeing the extraordinary.

Maggie jumped off Aguit's back and ran directly to Fei Fei. She grabbed Fei Fei's arms with both hands. Her trembling light blue eyes showed her inner unrest. She didn't even notice when her nails dug into Fei Fei's flesh. .

"Feifan, you, please leave quickly. Grand Duke Vasari seems to be going against you! I overheard her explanation to Lisa! I'm afraid there will be night watchmen surrounding this place at the latest tomorrow morning!"

Maggie sobbed and told Fei Fei what she knew, with two clear tears sliding down her cheeks.

To Feifan, what Grand Duke Vasari did was a betrayal, so what he is doing now is not the same to Lisa!

If she didn't come to inform, one could imagine what would happen to the extraordinary people tomorrow, but as an informant, she would also end badly after being found out by Grand Duke Vasari.

Fei Fei put his hand on Maggie's thin shoulders, looked into Maggie's eyes, and said softly:

"Maggie, relax, what is going on, don't be in a hurry, tell me slowly!"

Perhaps the bright light stone in the hall made Maggie forget the fear in the dark, or maybe the warmth from the extraordinary hands made Maggie let go of the coldness in her heart.

"Hoo ho, ho ho"

Maggie's breathing slowly calmed down, and she felt ashamed when she saw traces of blood leaking out of the extraordinary gray-white nightgown.

"I'm sorry, Feifan, do you think it's okay? I'll bandage it for you!"

Feifei wanted to hold his forehead and stretch his chest. Could it be that this little girl couldn't tell her priorities, but she also had good intentions.

In order to comfort Maggie, Fei Fei directly wrapped his arms with soft water.

"Haha, I am a water magician!"

Letting go of Maggie, Fei Fei rolled up his sleeves. Sure enough, his skinned arms were still smooth.

He helped Maggie sit down at the long table, poured a glass of water and handed it to her.


Maggie came back to her senses and recounted everything she heard in the Grand Duke's mansion in detail.

"The steam engines carried by the ten spaceships on Lighthouse Island are secret and cannot be accessed by ordinary people! So either there is a traitor among my guards, or the night watchman of Lighthouse Island is very clever!"

"However, there can be no traitors among my people!"

Fei Fei said the last sentence with absolute certainty and full of confidence.

"Grand Duke Vasari gave this task to Lisa. Isn't she afraid of Lisa snitching on her?"

Maggie started to speak but stopped, her breathing getting heavier.

"Martha, Lisa and I grew up in the Duke's Palace, but Martha and I left there when we went to public school. We didn't return to the Duke's Palace until our eighteenth-year-old adult ceremony and became Lisa's Squire."

"Our understanding of Grand Duke Vasari is limited, but Lisa will never catch you! Feifan, you have to believe her!"

Because she, like me, loves you deeply in her heart!

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