Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 529 News of fifty gold coins

Feifan's handsome face is very deceptive.

When he walked out of the Burmanta restaurant in a rage, he bumped into several aristocratic ladies, noble ladies and wealthy businessmen.

However, after seeing the earl's badge on Fei Fei's chest, the gentlemanly aristocrat graciously chose to forgive.

The ladies were even more excited. If Fei Fei wasn't walking so fast, they would have grabbed Fei Fei's sleeves and asked him how old he was.

Arriving at the top rooftop of Burman Tower, Feifan reached out and realized that the Black Pearl had been repainted in white and parked in the middle of the lake in the water castle.

With the Wind Chaser's "Wind Wings" clipped on both arms, although it's not the Wind Moon Season and can't fly far or high, it's still no problem to simply slide down.

The height of the wind wing's gliding was right in the middle between the patrols of the balloon spacecraft and the magic crystal spacecraft.

The extraordinary destination is clear, which is the mercenary union between the first stone pillar area and the second stone pillar area.

Under the moonlight, Fei Fei landed steadily on the spire of the mercenary union's bell tower. He folded his wings and appeared in the bathroom of the mercenary union's lobby.

According to information, the Xinying Eagle organization, which is ranked number one in the entire continent, has a relatively low price and is not efficient at all.

The mercenary union hall at night was sparsely populated. After getting out of the way of a few black iron female mercenaries selling sex, Fei Fei saw the waitress with the Faith Eagle badge on her chest.

There must be no one at the table of other intelligence organizations, including the Faith Eagle Organization. Fei Fei knocked on the table to wake up the dozing waitress.


The waiter in tight leather armor hurriedly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, with a blush on his face, looking at Fei Fei shyly.

"Your Majesty the Magician, do you need any help?"

Feifan nodded, looked around, flicked his fingers, and a gold coin arced and landed in the ravine of the leather-armored waitress.

"Yeah! Little brother, you are so annoying! Come with me!"

Fei Fei does not want to do something shameful. A tip of just one gold coin is considered a big deal for a waitress, and the boss of the mercenary union is required to receive it.

Walking up the stairs, the waitress stopped in front of a remote door on the second floor.

After knocking on the door rhythmically, he stretched out his hand to open the door and motioned for Fei Fei to come in.

When Fei Fei walked through the door, the waitress gave him a flirtatious look and pulled the door shut.

Walking along the corridor to the end, a dwarf with a gray beard sat on a semicircular table, clasping his hands and nodding gently to Feifan.

Sitting opposite the dwarf, Fei Fei directly stated his intention.

Although Gu Lie had done all the previous transactions with the Faith Eagle Organization, Fei Fei was not unfamiliar with the regulations here.

"Pan Peter, Sarah Ann, Tortus, Lenavin, the first mate and captain of the fishing fleet, I want to know their whereabouts! You can make an offer!"

After hearing this, the dwarf pulled a copper tube microphone under the table and directly relayed the extraordinary question.

In less than five minutes, the dwarf, who had put his ear to the copper pipe and listened for a while, returned and stretched out five fingers towards Feifan.

"Fifty gold coins, originally only needed forty gold coins, but there is an additional message that I think you will need, so I added ten gold coins myself!"

The dwarf's frankness made Fei Fei feel good in his heart. He touched it from his arms and dropped a bag of gold coins directly on the round table.

Smiling, he picked up the money bag on the table. The dwarf just weighed it in his hand, opened the drawer in front of him, and threw it in.

This is a master, Fei Fei is sure of it!

"These four little guys are in Kaladi Prison now! It's the largest prison in the Rock Mountains!"

"Young man, do you need help? I have several teams here that have the experience of breaking into Kaladi Prison to rescue people. The price is fair!"

Extraordinary and too lazy to bother with the dwarf.

"There's another news!"

"Hahaha, don't worry? Even if you rescue them, don't you need to deal with the aftermath? Our Faith Eagle also provides this kind of service! Children are innocent!"

Feifan has reached the edge of anger.

"Haha, what an impatient young magician! Last message: They are dying! Without effective treatment, they will have three days at most!"

Regardless of whether the Faith Eagle Organization got the news about the four people so quickly, with the endorsement of the number one in mainland China, Fei Fei believed it very much.

Back in the lobby, as soon as the waitress who was looking forward to her stood up, Fei Fei hurried past her.

This caused the girl to snort, and the mercenaries chatting nearby to laugh.

It was almost nine o'clock, and Saint Trite, a city that never sleeps, had to implement a "curfew" because of urban riots.

After finding a deserted alley and sensing any unusual magic fluctuations around him, Feifan released the steam locomotive and sailed towards the castle.

Even if Momir confirmed the safety around the castle, Fei Fei did not dare to take risks.

Returning to the castle, he turned on the gas lamp in the bedroom. After a quarter of an hour, the light went out.

Teleporting directly to the top deck of the Black Pearl, Feifan waved his hand, and a magic crystal spaceship that was 60% similar in appearance to the Black Pearl parked next to it.

Even if someone were watching from a distance, they would not notice the switched Black Pearl unless they came closer.

Feifan came to the cockpit quietly. As soon as he turned around and closed the door, he saw the captain's chair turning around on its own, and Momir looked at him with a smirk on his face.

"Is there anything interesting? I've been bored to death these days!"

Looking towards the other seats, Momir's ridicule reached his ears.

"Don't look, it's just me! If you want to go on a date secretly, I won't go! By the way, aren't you going on a date with your diplomat? Don't you..."

Feifan felt that if he kept listening to it, he would throw Momir down, but wouldn't it be nice to have a shadow assassin in a prison in the middle of the night?

"Just go and shut up!"

Regardless of the grunting Momir, Fei Fei started the spaceship, and the spaceship using high-level wind magic crystals rose quickly and quietly.

On the watchtower at the highest point of Ninth Stone Pillar Mountain near the north of the city, a city guard soldier rubbed his eyes, as if the white meteor he had just seen in a high-power telescope only flashed for a moment and then disappeared in the clouds.

"Uh, you are on duty at night, are you hallucinating?"

The city guard leaned his hand against the wall, intending to squint for a while to replenish his energy, but he didn't know that if he reported his findings, he might solve the mysteries of several things.

In reality, there are not so many ifs. If there are, it would be better to settle down.

Considered to be a return visit to his old place, Feifan landed on a shoal far away from Kaladi Prison.

Although he was very worried, Feifan still took Momir towards the waterway at the bottom of Kaladi Prison, which is close to the sea.

Lisa said that Grand Duke Vasari treated the four of them kindly, but what if Grand Duke Vasari deceived Lisa?

A better outcome, what if Grand Duke Vasari was also deceived?

"They're dying!"

The word "death" was spinning around Feifan's head. If they were imprisoned in a cell and treated well, would the four of them sleep until they were close to death?

Only those who have seen the extraordinary power of Kaladi's torture chamber can know where to stay in prison. In a short period of time, life and death can be a dilemma.

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