Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 524 The plan is in progress

The day and night of the vernal equinox in the year 1502 of the continental calendar.

This year's anniversary of the arrival of the gods is destined to be different from the past. There are only a few open shops on the main streets of Saint Trite.

Only the Duke's Castle put on a symbolic display of magical fireworks, but unfortunately less than 10,000 people attended the Advent rally.

Newspapers reported that Grand Duke Vasari no longer manages the specific affairs of the Freeport, but is only looking for a stolen item that is not known to be a person or an object.

On the first day of spring, there were rumors that the princess of the mermaid tribe was secretly escorted to an underground cell in the Duke's castle.

Most of the thugs holding gas canisters spraying flames were desperadoes bribed by the Brotherhood.

But the subsequent explosions in the main city of Saint Trite were the real reason why the majority of people hid in their homes and did not dare to go out.

There is no doubt that after several months of war, many "garden agents" have been infiltrated into Freeport.

The goddess of the elements had a garden of elements, and legend has it that Portreas, the god of the sea, also had a sea garden.

"Garden Agent" is the collective name for Sea Clan spies. Unlike human spies, Sea Clan spies have never been captured.

Just like the current culprit of the entire Saint Trite panic is a sea anemone fruit that has grown for hundreds of years but blooms and withers in an instant.

The Sea people call this fruit "the god of death in the fragrant garden", while the human race is concise and concise, calling it the "exploding fruit".

This kind of thing is more terrifying than the power of a gas can. An "explosion fruit" the size of a fingernail is as powerful as a high-level magic skill.

If the "exploding fruit" only had this level, it wouldn't be called the "Death in the Fragrant Garden".

The exploding fruit will spray out a large amount of blue juice. As long as there are living creatures in contact, the whole body will begin to grow scales on the first day. On the second day, it will have to live in sea water. On the third day, it will lose all its own characteristics and completely transform. Become an "anemone sower".

Just by hearing the name, you know that this is a survival method evolved by sea anemones in order to reproduce, even if this method sounds very evil.

During the first war between the two clans, the Sea clan used a large amount of this sea anemone fruit, which almost caused the army on the front line to collapse.

Fortunately, the God of Creation is very fair to all life, and the living conditions of this kind of sea anemone are very harsh.

So far, countless human and sea alchemy scholars have been unable to cultivate this kind of sea anemone artificially.

Nowadays, a small number of this kind of sea anemone can only survive in sea areas where neither human nor sea race has set foot.

If the whole of St. Trite is filled with chaos, then the northern rocky mountains seem much calmer.

The temples and halls of various factions were all closed. The civilians who had fled from the main city built shacks outside some major factions and made a living by chasing the sea every day.

The only one open to civilians was the monastery that Feifan felt was the most unlikely.

In terms of building area, even the Church of Light, which has the largest number of St. Trite's followers, is not one-tenth the size of the monastery.

There are rows of bungalows in the front yard of the monastery, filled with civilians.

In the shoal less than two kilometers away from the easternmost wall of the monastery, Fei Fei rolled up his trouser legs and crowded together with a group of fourteen or fifteen-year-old children to catch the sea.

Holding on to a rock, Fei Fei took out his pocket watch. The time read a quarter past four in the afternoon.

In another quarter of an hour, iCarly will appear at the largest dock in Freeport.

Unless Momir can produce forbidden spell-level power, there will be no movement in the rocky mountainous area nearly a hundred kilometers away from the extraordinary.


A young man walked up to Fei Fei, stretched out his bare feet and kicked Fei Fei's iron barrel with a look of disdain on his face.

"It's been almost an afternoon and you just touched two jumping shrimps? Aren't you afraid that your father will beat you when you go home?"

A civilian boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, shirtless, although the warm sea breeze has made people relax, but it is still very unfriendly.

"Are you cold? I'm the only one in my house. Two shrimps are enough!"

"Oh!" The young man, with his head bald, stretched out his hand to wipe away the non-existent sweat, and asked like an adult:

"How about I exchange two iron shell crabs for your iron bucket? There are people in Freeport who are buying them, and one can only be sold for 50 dinars!"

After saying that, the boy stretched out his hand and scratched the belly of the iron-shell crab holding his belt, and the palm-sized crab released its claws.

"Okay!" Feifan responded.

If this young man doesn't go to the city to exchange for dinars, he must have a reason not to leave here. Besides, the price given by the young man is also reasonable.

Seeing that Fei Fei was very kind, the young man became bolder. He leaned on the rock next to Fei Fei and casually took out a long piece of seaweed.

Two iron-shell crabs were put together by the young man and handed to Fei Fei.

Feifan took it and saw that the boy was going to make two jumping shrimps in the same way. He waved his hand and said that the shrimps and the iron bucket were also given to him.

It could be seen that the young man was very happy. He ran to the distance with the bucket, where there was a puddle he dug to store the afternoon's fish catch.

Fei Fei looked up to the south. The Freeport dock should have been launched, and the Black Pearl would be here at the soonest possible night.

"Pap tap tap tap"

There was the sound of treading water behind him, and Fei Fei turned around, and the young man carrying an iron bucket of shrimps and crabs came back again.

"Hey, where do you live? If it's not far, I can give you part of it. With the iron bucket, I won't throw away some unpalatable thorn fish every day!"

The thorn fish knows very well that it is too small, its body is covered with thorns, and it tastes so bitter that even Aguit can't even look down on it.

The two teenagers walked side by side, heading back toward the sun.

"Your name is Feifan. This name is really interesting. My name is Abu. By the way, you are not allowed to call me Carrot!"

The young man was so excited all the way that even Fei Fei's request to help him carry the bucket was rejected.

"Extraordinary, do you know? I live in a monastery with my father, mother, and sister. The nuns there are good people and give everyone a bowl of broth every night!"

Speaking of broth, Fei Fei saw Ab's twitching Adam's apple and was secretly amused.

"The nuns are all good people. Only those ascetics sit cross-legged with a wooden stick and bask in the sun all day long! But there seem to be more ascetics in the past two days. Father said that the mermaid princess escaped from Freeport and the Sheriff of the Northern District Find the old nun Sister and let them help capture her!"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Part of Gulie's plan is to direct the attention of the "Night Watch" to the northern reef area, and the monastery is just incidental.

Judging from what Ab said, it was obvious that the Ascetic Knights were gathering.

But didn’t the nun last time say that the monastery never cared about the war on the mainland?

"My mother also said that people who are not from my race will have different thoughts! If the Sea Tribe hadn't attacked Lighthouse Island, we wouldn't have to eat unpalatable shrimps and crabs every day!"

Feifan shook his head with a wry smile. Could the reason Ab's mother said be the reason why the monastery intervened in the war?

Consider that during the Continental Unification War, the monastery's combat power had never faced off against a human force. In the subsequent war between the two races, the Dervish Knights and the Jenny Knights made immortal contributions.

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