Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 507 Special Prisoner

Francis and Momier were very interested in the carnival dance on the battleship, and Gulie was busy handling official affairs in the free port in the cabin.

Dosta is even more ruthless. The battle with the mermaid captain made him realize it. He is going to lock himself in the room for three days without eating or drinking, and slowly realize it.

Facing thousands of dead bodies, Fei Fei couldn't swallow those bloody barbecues, even dead fish.

Feifan vomited no less than three times. Whenever he couldn't help but lie on the side of the boat and look down, he saw people one by one.

With Aguit, Fei Fei wandered around in the bottom cabin. Only by listening to the "rumbling" sound of the steam engine could he temporarily forget the gradually faint and inaudible wailing on the sea.

The injured mermaid did not dare to dive into the sea. It was better to pray to the sea god to let the human soldiers catch more prisoners than to believe in the kindness of sea beasts.

Fei Fei calmed down and focused his remaining attention on Aguit's big tail swinging from side to side. At least he wouldn't stumble.

After walking for who knows how long, Aguit suddenly stood still. Feifan took a closer look and found that they had walked to the cell area on the battleship without knowing it.

The cells that were originally filled with soldiers who violated military discipline are now empty. Those soldiers voluntarily joined the first batch of death squads. I heard that no one came back.


Sighing, Fei Fei prepared to return to the cabin and tried to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance as soon as he reached the corner.

Yerevan looked bitter and resentful, and walked slowly holding a tray.

There is a bottle of fine red wine on the tray, and a fruit and vegetable salad made of various fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse. Looking in the direction of Yerevan, there is a prison cell.

"Hey! Yerevan, are you going to visit your sweetheart?"

Unlike pirate ships that believe in ancient legends, almost all of Saint Trite's warships have female soldiers and officers on board.

Yerevan was startled by the sudden greeting. The red wine bottle on the tray swayed from side to side, but was held firmly by Fei Fei.

"Uh, it's you, Feifan! Everyone is walking on the deck to party, why are you hiding in this dark lower cabin?"

Feifan waved his hand, picked up an apple core under Yerevan's depressed gaze, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

"Okay, this is extra food for the prisoners! If you like it, I'll give it to you!"

Even if he doesn't answer, he hasn't fallen to the point of competing with criminals for food.

"Didn't I hear that all the guys inside were sacrificed? Are there still some heinous guys being imprisoned?"

Yerevan put the tray on the ground, Xue Fei Fei sat down against the wall, and sighed before saying anything.

"My father asked me to give this to the mermaid princess in the innermost cell!"

As Yerevan sighed, Fei Fei actually saw various emotions of "sadness, anger and pity" in this guy's eyes.

Seeing the extraordinary confusion, Yerevan explained:

"It was the mermaid spy who sneaked into the Bicrates and destroyed all the sound-transmitting conchs in the communication room! Indirectly killing my two brothers and two more navy guards!"

Speaking of hatred, Yerevan's eyes only had one taste for a moment.

"Her identity as the princess of the Mermaid Tribe has been confirmed by the Grand Duke's Palace! The Sea Tribe people are willing to exchange a thousand prisoners of the Navy Guard soldiers for their princess!"

Fei Fei held his forehead, and the news he heard was more incredible than the last.

"Wait, Yerevan! Speak slower! Are you saying that a mermaid princess has been wandering under your noses for a long time, and you didn't notice it?"

Yerevan was a little ashamed and his expression returned to normal.

“Have you, as the president of a large chamber of commerce, never heard of ‘Aluna’s Tears’?”

"Aluna's Tears?"

Legend has it that Aluna, the queen of the mermaid clan, fell in love with a human fisherman. Due to racial differences, the two could only have a tryst on a small island.

Queen Aluna, who risked her life for love, moved the God of the Sea with her sincerity and turned Aluna's fish tail into human legs.

Unfortunately, the strongest emotion in this world is love, and the most fragile emotion is also love.

The fisherman fell in love with another mermaid, and that mermaid was Aluna's sister, the mermaid queen at that time.

Listening to the lover's whispers between the two, the heartbroken Aluna regretted her mistake. After shedding nine hundred and ninety-nine tears like blue crystals, she transformed into a mermaid-shaped lonely peak on the sea, forever. Looking to the west.

The remaining tears of Aluna can transform the mermaid's fish tail into human legs, but at the same time it will randomly lose a sense of touch.

If you want to restore your sense of touch and fish tail, you need to get the most sincere love from human beings.

"This is not a miracle given by the gods, this is a curse!"

After the extraordinary evaluation was completed, Yerevan pulled up and placed the tray on Aguit's head.

"Let's go and see this mermaid princess! How she tricks the entire battleship around!"

Yerevan half pushed, half pushed, and was gradually pushed to the end of the cell by Feifan.

There wasn't much that was surprising about this cell, but the two gargoyles squatting in front of the door made Feifan's heart tremble.

"What? Are you scared? Haha!" Yerevan shook the ancient stone plaque in his hand, unlocked the door, and pushed in.

Damn, is this a prison cell?

Feifan stretched out his hand to block his eyes, and suddenly came to a bright place from the dark environment, which almost blinded him.

A fist-sized bright pearl hangs on the top of the room, a hotbed for elementary water magic crystals. The dressing table is a huge basket-colored shell, its flesh dazzling like flowing golden sand, and it is clearly a living one.

There is not much furniture in the room, just a bed, a dressing table, a small round table and four stools carved from Hailinglan stems.

A graceful figure turned her back to the two of them.

Her long silver hair almost reaches the ground, and her slim waist separates her upper and lower bodies, which is simply the golden ratio.

Hearing the noise behind her, the mermaid girl slowly turned her head.

Feifan only felt a "buzz" in his mind.


A few steps away, Fei Fei flashed forward, grabbed the mermaid girl's shoulders with both hands, and lifted her up, looking left and right to see if her body was injured.

The fair little face just started to frown, but looking at the handsome sunny boy in front of her, the mermaid princess's small nose twitched twice and she smiled, with two small dimples appearing on her white cheeks.

Cherry opened her mouth slightly, biting her chin lightly with her white teeth, making Yerevan blush and heartbeat.

Is there adultery or friendship? These two guys!

Feifan was also breaking out in a cold sweat. He glanced sideways at Yerevan who was gritting his teeth. He was wondering whether to put the mermaid princess down or continue to hold her?

Even though she looked very similar to Claire, once Fei Fei got his hands on her, he knew that the girl in front of him was not his Claire.

Claire's combat power is unknown, but even the super-level combat power cannot block the elf girl's blow. One can imagine her powerful combat power.

Only when facing Feifan can Claire let go of her guard. Based on this, Feifan knows that Claire contains powerful life force.

Although the mermaid princess in her arms has black stone shackles on her hands and feet, how can she admit that she is wrong because of the extraordinary magical power of the water element surging in her body?

Feifan showed a smile that he thought was very friendly and carefully placed the mermaid girl back on the stool.

He clapped his hands, pinched his waist and laughed.

"Haha, it's our first time meeting, just kidding! You guys talk, you guys talk!"

Yerevan blushed, put the tray on the small round table and stood in front of the door.

Seeing the extremely weak mermaid princess standing up to say thanks, she pinched a red fruit and put it into her mouth with a look of intoxication on her face.

"Didn't you say that you have no sense of taste?" Feifei looked at Yerevan sideways again.

Yerevan rolled his eyes to both sides, as if he were shrugging.

Looking at the extraordinary man with five rings in his hands, the mermaid princess put down the wine bottle in her hand, and another lark chirped.

"This distinguished human guest, if you don't mind, you can share my dinner!"

Fei Fei waved his hands away.

The mermaid girl didn't take it seriously, walked up to Fei Fei, leaned forward and said:

"I declare again that I came to the Bicrates just to experience human life. What happened in the interrogation room was just an accident!"

"With your wisdom, don't you think it's suspicious that there were only two people in the interrogation room at that time? I'm just an ordinary soldier! Your Excellency!"

Yerevan became anxious, stood in front of Fei Fei, and shouted loudly: "It was you who charmed the officer in the interrogation room!"

"Ha, charm is a racial skill of the goblins. The mermaid's singing can only arouse the emotions that humans have suppressed for a long time, but charm cannot enchant human thoughts!"

Fei Fei didn't know why, but he actually believed the words of the mermaid girl in front of him.

Yerevan hesitated, obviously unable to convince the other party, opened the cell door, and ran away.

Feifan quickly grabbed the door handle, and the result was very obvious. The door could only be opened from the outside.

He wanted to take out a sound-transmitting conch to inform Gu Lie of his embarrassment, but the space ring did not respond for a quarter of an hour or half an hour.

He shouted loudly at Aguit who was outside the door. As a result, the Moon Wolf King stood up, circled around the door, and then lay back down again.

The mermaid princess just drank red wine, ate fruit, and happily watched Fei Fei knocking on the door.

Yes, this damn cell not only contains demons, but also space.

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