Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 444 Street Speech

The wharf of Saint Trite Freeport is shaped like a horn, with two military ports in the north and south. The commercial wharf in the center is where merchant ships and fishing boats dock.

Six large black stone pillars and six small stone pillars, a total of twelve stone pillars, form the entire Freeport city area.

The first six large stone pillar areas in the sequence are the central area of ​​the Free Port, and the last six small stone pillar areas exist like a guarding suburb.


Loud whistles sounded from time to time around Fei Fei. Compared with before going to Bansai Island, the security of Freeport seemed even more messy.

Occasionally, a carriage was seen speeding past, paying no attention to the pedestrians waiting on the roadside.

There was a cool breeze blowing on the street, and discarded newspapers were flying in the air, giving people a feeling of depression.

Dodging the hurried city guards, Fei Fei walked into a back street. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw dozens of people surrounding a carriage in front of him.

Standing on the carriage was a young man in a formal dress, with his dark sleeves rolled up, raising his arms and shouting.

"I just got the news that a ship exploded at the port. More than fifty civilians were killed and injured! The city guards who came after hearing the news did not distinguish between black and white. As long as everyone around the ship was arrested, anyone who had any doubts would be punched. Beating and kicking. If anyone resisted, the city guards would knock them unconscious and push them into the sea!"

Feifan is wearing a robe and a hood, which is not much different from most of the people here wearing robes.

"Ever since the 'Spar Island' (volcanic island) appeared in the lighthouse waters, the conflict between the two major factions of Saint Trite has been brought to the surface from the shadows! The Minister of Military Affairs was assassinated, and the Minister of Finance's castle was burned down. , is the result of the competition between the two parties.”

"But can't the lives of civilians be protected by gods? How many of you here are free people? Are you really free?"

In a short time, people were filling up behind Fei Fei.

When it comes to freedom, young people almost roar.

Fei Fei learned about the composition of the Kingdom of Olanto on the first day he came to the Brave Continent. Where there are nobles, there is no class opposition. That would be impossible.

"If a citizen of Freeport is killed, it will be reported in the newspaper the next day. How many people will be running for it! What about you? If you are walking on the street one day and die inexplicably in an accident during a struggle between two factions, who will remember you? I’m afraid it’s just your elderly parents, wives and children.”

Saint Trite flaunts freedom and is called the Free City.

Back then, for the sake of human survival space, three battles with the Sea Clan finally drove the Sea Clan completely into the depths of the endless sea.

While discussing the final ownership of Saint Trite, a war broke out between Bitland and Olanto, the two major human kingdoms on the mainland.

The outcome of the war was that the Principality of Tar split from the Kingdom of Bitland, and the first Duke of Saint Trite led the original slaves of Saint Trite to divide the knights stationed in Saint Trite into groups from various continental countries. "Gifts" returns to the mainland.

The allied forces of the elves and dwarves returned to the mainland when the sea tribe was driven out of Saint Trite.

The Light Knights and Dark Knights advanced to the Lighthouse Outpost and then returned.

Only the knights sent by Oranto and Bitland fought to the end of the endless sea.

After this.

"Nobles and citizens are superior people, so why are we free people inferior!"

"We go out to sea to fish and work in the fields, but the nobles and citizens don't have to do anything, but they can just sit back and enjoy the gains! Why do they deserve it?"

"Yes! Why!"

"Yes! My neighbors are citizens. I spent a lot of gold coins to live in the citizen area! I can see it from the eyes of my neighbors. They look down on me! My children have no one to play with!"

Fei Fei admired this young man very much. He was very powerful. Even in Fei Fei's previous life, speaking on the street was not easy. If you want the crowd to get excited, you have to be gentle with yourself first.

Someone responded that the young man in a formal dress gave a more passionate speech.

"I am just an ordinary student in the academy. We are all neighbors. If you have time in the afternoon, I invite you to sit in the cafe in front. We want those idiot councilors in the city hall to hear that we are free. The voice of the people!”

The young man's speech was sonorous and powerful at first, but his demeanor changed later, from a radical revolutionary to a boy next door.

It is now noon time, which will not affect the free people present from going to work. When they heard that there was free coffee, more than half of them decided to use their lunch time to listen to the voices of the free people.

Feifan grinned under the hood. This student from the academy was either from a fraternity or a mutual aid association.

As the show began to end, Fei Fei saw an audience member not far away take out a brass whistle, put it in his mouth and inhale wildly.


There are city guards patrolling the main street at all times, and there is only a row of two-story buildings separating the back street and the main street.

Hearing the piercing police whistle, the free people who had just shouted "Kill the nobles and hang the citizens" instantly dispersed.

Fei Fei shook his head, these guys are just the wallflowers who dare to enter the tower with the wind and live in the spring water with the wind.

Sure enough, the young man walking at the front became the main target of the city guard's pursuit.

Just as he was considering whether to help this young man, a black shadow passed over Feifan's head.

A steamship arrived, and the air guard on the ship aimed a magic crystal gun at the leading young man below. "Bang bang bang" magic bullets rained down like free money.

The steam spaceship is a product between the balloon spacecraft and the magic crystal spacecraft.

The speed is less than the previous one, but more than the lower one.

Without the huge safety hazard of the balloon, as long as the steam spacecraft is equipped with a magic crystal cannon, it is not weaker than the magic crystal spacecraft in terms of power.

The magic crystal gun is useless only against high-level combat forces, but against a group of free people, it is very effective.

A magic bullet would leave a big hole in the body. Unless he was wearing leather and steel armor, he would die if he touched it.

As Feifan stared at the steamship, five or six civilians fell to the ground.

The scene of blood flowing everywhere did not appear. The wound hit by the magic bullet was burned by the high temperature in an instant, and the blood could not be shed even if it wanted to.

Those who were hit by the steam cannon on the spaceship were not so lucky.

With a bang, it turned into a piece of minced meat.

In troubled times, important rules should be used, and extraordinary people know it.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, he shot an air-piercing slash towards the steamship.

The high-level insurance specialist's slash is only the size of a palm, but the high-level insurance specialist's "air-piercing slash" has a cutting area of ​​one meter.


A loud noise came from the steamship, and "Breaking Sky" accurately bombarded the steam engine room.

Whether it is the compression chamber of the steam engine or the stored gas tank, it is very dangerous.

Accompanied by the crashing steamship, Feifan was the only one standing in the middle of the crowded street.

Zolami, who was hiding behind the trash can, peeked out his head and saw the figure from behind that he would never forget.

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