Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 440 Get an egg

In the evening, Freeport was full of hustle and bustle.

Many returning fishing boats will calculate their time and rush back before the sun sets over the sea.

The fresher the fish, the more valuable it is. If it lasts a night, many expensive fish and crabs will die, and the value will be greatly reduced.

The tower crane on the pier lifted the nets of sea fish from the cabin to the shore. Then the purchasing personnel from the chamber of commerce came forward to select and negotiate the price.

No one noticed a white magic crystal spaceship entering the harbor. Under the moonlight, a young man with blue eyes bowed humbly and led two men off the ship.

The young man who led the way was the man with kidney deficiency that Fei Fei met, and the other two men, if Fei Fei were here, would definitely say "enemies meet on a narrow road."

Geert and Brandley, a master and servant who fell in love and killed each other, traded their souls to the devil.

The former servant suddenly became the master, and the former master leaned down and became the servant.

In the earliest sniper attack on Cordo Mountain, the two fell into a coma.

The most recent one was the attack on the Duke's Palace in Il City. Although the two of them went back and swore to their superiors that they had seen Cordo Feifan, the two leaders did not pay attention to a man who had disappeared for two years. .

This time, they came to visit Saint Trite to confirm whether the count of "Hailinglan County" personally conferred by Grand Duke Vasari was the person they had been looking for.

As a result, today, above the sea, Gilt saw Cordo Feifan wearing only big pants.

Although his extraordinary fighting power is not obvious, the troll Dosta, as the extraordinary number one thug, has resounded throughout Saint Trite.

The constant winner in the open-air arena, the seventh-level knight of the sea.

In most places on the mainland, the sixth and seventh levels of combat power are collectively referred to as the earth level, but in Saint Trite, the sixth level of the earth, the seventh level of the sea, the eighth level of the sky, and the ninth level of saints have become everyone's consensus.

Coupled with the two at least high-level thieves Gu Lie and Francis, it is very likely that the combat power of the big thieves will be high.

Gilt was instantly frightened. As soon as the kidney-deficient young man arrived at the cabin, who didn't know what was happening, Gilt shouted loudly, "Set the ship! Set the ship!"

After confirming Extraordinary's identity, their mission was basically completed.

However, the two of them were unwilling to go and see the "God's Kingdom on Earth" and the "Pearl of the Sea" St. Trite Freeport.

On the surface, the two men are subordinates of Duke Burg Nelson, one of the three southern counties of the Kingdom of Oranto, but in fact they are servants of the devil, working for the devil who is inconvenient to walk on the mainland.

Walking on the street of St. Trite, the red and green gas lamps enchanted the two of them.

The occasional steam sprayed out from the metal pipes on the building's exterior wall made Gilt and Brandley, the master and servant who had never been outside the fiefdom, feel particularly fresh.

But when they thought of Cordo Feifan, the two of them couldn't help but pee and trembled.

"What are you afraid of? That lucky boy is now the Earl of Freeport and a big shot. I can guarantee that even if we stay here for a year, we might not be able to meet him!"

Gilt, who was wearing Brandley's face, looked at the young man with dark circles in front of him who was leading the way, and swore to his original master, now his servant Brandley.

The "Black Pearl" was sailing at a steady speed in the southwest waters of Freeport. The "Scholar" had already gone to bed, and only Captain Quark and Fei Fei were sitting on the top deck of the spacecraft drinking.

The coolness of the summer sea breeze can only be felt at night. Feifan has always wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the elemental elf eggs, not because he wanted to keep them for himself, but just out of curiosity.

Seeing that Fei Fei was hesitant to speak, Daddy Quark laughed and drank the whiskey in the glass in one gulp.

"Do you want to know where I put that baby?"

Captain Quark threw the empty wine bottle into the sea, shook the empty wine glass in his hand, looked at Fei Fei and asked with a smile.

Fei Fei nodded sheepishly, reconjured a bottle of whiskey, and poured a full glass for Daddy Quark.

The wine glass returned to Daddy Quark's hand. If you didn't look carefully at the liquid inside, you wouldn't be able to see the floating ice cubes inside.

"Ha! I gave the elemental elf egg to Fanfan. What do you think the boy said? He said he was very lucky to learn magic from you, and he wanted to give the elemental elf egg to you, extraordinary! You are the luckiest That one! Hey!"

With a long sigh, Father Quark's already vicissitudes of life suddenly looked a little old.

You know, despite being called "Dad", Captain Quark looks to be in his forties at most. According to Brave Continent, he is still a young man.

Daddy Quark took a sip of wine and asked curiously: "Is Fanfan your son?"

"Cough cough cough"

There were bouts of coughing, and Father Quark almost relapsed into an old injury.

After a night of silence, the "Black Pearl" arrived at Bansay Island just before dawn.

The Free City of Saint Trite is a large island, but it is so vast that Extraordinary feels that it is not much different from the mainland.

Bansay Island fulfills all the extraordinary fantasies of a small island.

The area is not too large, and you can see the whole island as far as you can see.

It can't be a bare and dark rocky island. It should be full of trees, green grass and full of vitality.

There are no ships with huge whistles and thick smoke, and there are no busy docks with towers and cranes. There are only a few small fishing boats circling around the island, setting nets for fishing.

Wisps of morning light tore through the darkness, and the sunlight covered the green island with a layer of golden color. The three extraordinary people eagerly jumped onto the dock with excited hearts.

Along the way, Extraordinary discovered that Captain Quark knew almost everyone on the island.

Some old people asked about Captain Quark's harvest this year, and some young people expressed their willingness to go fishing with Dad Quark.

Going out to sea here is what Captain Quark does, ocean fishing.

Captain Quark was smiling, but his smile was a little forced.

He was thinking that if there were more than a dozen young people from Bansai Island on his boat, he would not know what form they would return in today.

Feifan noticed something strange about Captain Quark, and a large sack appeared in his hand, filled with the cheapest coffee Feifei could get his hands on.

After everyone got the gift, they were embarrassed to stop Captain Quark from returning home, and immediately dispersed.

There is an extinct volcano on Bansay Island, and Captain Quark's home is at the foot of the mountain.

The three of them approached the volcano, bypassed several thick coconut trees, and a two-story wooden building appeared in their extraordinary view.

Captain Quark started running, and the "scholar" smiled apologetically at Fei Fei, who shrugged. He understood this feeling.

After walking into the small courtyard of the wooden building, Fei Fei saw three children standing next to Captain Quark, the oldest was ten years old and the youngest was no more than two years old.

A beautiful woman with wheatish skin and braided hair buried her head in Captain Quark's arms and cried with joy.

"Haha! I was so happy to see the child that I forgot to introduce you to my benefactor, who is also my friend!"

When Captain Quark's wife heard that Fei Fei was still the Earl of Freeport, her relaxed expression suddenly collapsed.

But seeing Fei Fei teasing the three children with toys, Qing Li's wife and Captain Quark looked at each other and smiled.

One of the definitions of kindness in Brave Continent is whether you like children!

According to Captain Quark's wife's explanation, he went up to the mountains to hunt before dawn, and would not return until evening.

The "scholar" left the captain's package and said goodbye.

Sure enough, as we thought, the home of the glasses "scholar" is nearby.

Feifan followed Captain Quark to the spotless living room on the first floor. "Dad" said "Wait a moment" and strode into the stairwell.

Within two minutes, Daddy Quark returned and casually threw something to Feifan.

"Now, this egg is yours!"

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