Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 422 Meeting with Grand Duke Vasari

Today's Poseidon Palace Castle is different from the past. The three 10,000-pound iron gates of the outermost warning tower are locked in sequence, and visitors are prohibited.

The area near the Duke's Castle in the First Stone Pillar Mountain area has been put under martial law. A large number of ten city guards, led by the Blood Word Knights of Vasari's Grand Duke, are on alert for the surrounding area.

In the castle, all guard maids were ordered not to approach the domed hall, and any intruders would be hanged.

"Have you heard? Count Cordo who came in the morning passed out in the Poseidon Temple under the Coral Throne. He doesn't know whether he is alive or dead!"

Two maids tending flowers and plants got together and exchanged gossip.

"Hey, how could this noble and handsome young earl become a sacrifice to the God of Poseidon!"

"That's a restricted area of ​​the castle. This must be a conspiracy!"

The two women were talking so enthusiastically that they didn't notice the angry look on the castle lady's face behind the sunflower pole.

"Hmph, is the workload too small? Today's work is doubled!"


The two maids instantly lost the energy to gossip, sighed and lowered their heads to weed.

The female officer looked deep into the castle. The domed hall was extremely dazzling in the afternoon sun, but she didn't know if it was because of the extraordinary sacrifice.

Almost everyone in the castle believed that Fei Fei was in serious danger.

Not only are there many evils, but the key is also the great evils.

When Fei Fei woke up from the thin velvet blanket, the entire curtain was surrounded by women.

Lisa and Maggie Martha, the leaders, stood at the front.

Just behind Lisa, Fei Fei saw a sea tribesman whose ears were like outstretched butterfly wings.

Transparent ears with blue lines, a string of pearl headdresses, and a crystal colorful shell buckled in the middle of the forehead.

Unfortunately, the two sapphire eyes were covered by white gauze, making it impossible for Fei Fei to see clearly.

However, just from the light blue skin color and the sharp ears, Feifan could tell that this was the Naga clan among the sea clan.

The origin of the Naga family is the era of demigods, the nobles of the elves - the high elves. These high elves used the almost inexhaustible natural magical elemental energy in the Eternal Moon Well to create all the magical skills of time.

But later they were deceived by the free depravity preached by the dark lord Labidis, and created a portal in the Eternal Moon Well that could transport an entire continent. The high elves were not satisfied with controlling the continent, and also extended their greed to the four oceans. hand.

The actions of the high elves led to the union of the Sea of ​​Fire and the Arctic Ocean, and the first ancient war between the Ice Legion and the Burning Legion broke out against the invasion of the high elves.

After that, the second and third continental maritime wars broke out one after another, and the wars lasted for thousands of years.

Then the enslaved ordinary elves stole the magic scriptures of the high elves and taught them to the various races on the mainland who were also enslaved.

Among them, the one that develops the most rapidly is human beings.

In the end, the main army of the High Elves and the Ice Legion of the Burning Army almost died together, and the entire continent of braves ushered in peace.

Humans united with ordinary elves and dwarves to lead hundreds of races on the continent, and finally overthrew the rule of the high elves.

The last barrier of the high elves, the Eternal Moon Well, collapsed under the combined attack of the ten god-level combat powers of each race. The high elves' palace and the entire high elves' territory were transported to the bottom of the sea through the portal. This is the origin of the smallest elven tree sea in the four oceans.

There are a large number of ancient trees of life in the territory of the high elves that sank to the bottom of the sea. Without a moon well, there is no moonlight all day long. In the end, the ancient trees of life on the bottom of the sea gave birth to a brand new race.

This is the origin of the Naga clan.

Feifan took a quick glance and found that the Nagahai tribesman standing behind Lisa was indeed wearing a floor-length skirt, probably to cover up the fish-tail-like snake feet.

The birth of that family was accompanied by an unknown fate, and then they were hunted down by the royal family of the sea clan, the mermaid clan.

Because every Naga baby born has a half chance of becoming a water magic genius.

As for the Sea Clan, when there was no Naga clan, only the rare mermaid royal family could be born with a magical heart.

Lisa suddenly bent down, and her extraordinary sight was blocked by two plump bodies.

"Stop pretending to be asleep, who are you peeking at with your eyes squinting? These are all Duke Vasari's women!"

Feifan, who was almost exposed, was shocked by the news from Lisa.

What is a Grand Duke's woman? Could it be that.

Fei Fei opened his eyes, his confused eyes mixed with confusion, and looked at Lisa sideways.

The surrounding women cheered for an instant, extraordinary awakening, they were even happier than the person involved.

But everyone was laughing, except Maggie, whose eyes were red and her white cheeks were stained with tears.

Lisa clapped her hands and drove the women gathered around the curtain out of the room.

Looking at Maggie who was reluctant to leave and feeling guilty, Fei Fei nodded with a smile and watched her leave.

Lisa turned around and closed the door, jumping onto the bed with Fei Fei's surprised eyes.

Fortunately, Feifan was neatly dressed, otherwise he would have screamed indecent words!


There was a sound of gears clenching, and the bed under Fei Fei slowly sank. After a period of darkness, the scenery in front of him suddenly became clear.

When Fei Fei's eyes adjusted to the dimness, he realized that the big bed had landed on a small island.

There was no mistaking the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach all around him.

Then there was a bright light before his eyes, and a red sun rose from the side of the island. Not far from the big bed, Fei Fei saw Grand Duke Vasari reclining on a beach chair, reading a book.

"Come down? How long do you want to stay in bed? Can't you wait for the Grand Duke to come see you?"

Lisa complained as she pulled away the thin blanket covering Fei Fei's chest.

Extraordinary, sunny, sea and beach, shouldn't you dress more formally?

Even if it’s a gauze long skirt, isn’t it hot?

Lisa, who was leading the way, came to Duke Vasari, bowed and said: "Grand Duke, Cordo Feifan is awake!"

Lisa turned her head and signaled to Feifan, who dragged his sick body to perform a standard aristocratic greeting.

"Good afternoon, Grand Duke Vasari! Seeing you reading a book makes even the red sun in the sky lose its color!"

Grand Duke Vasari was very fond of Fei Fei and did not mind the young man's idealistic praise at all.

Gently fidgeting with the hem of the gauze skirt, the Grand Duke sat up straight, and the high collar around his neck slowly slid down his shoulders.

Feifan looked left and right, but the corner of his eye kept looking around the archduke's neck.

"The sun is so strong every day, I wonder how the women in Freeport keep their skin white?"

I thought that if I could make an extraordinary whitening cream or lotion, it would definitely be sought after by mainland ladies and girls.

Seeing Fei Fei's familiar look, Grand Duke Vasari nodded secretly.

Every time a man meets him, he either looks like a pig brother, or is sanctimonious and serious, but most of them are quarreling with each other and can't even answer a conversation.

"Everything around here is Poseidon Palace. Everything you see is the real Poseidon Palace!"

Facing Grand Duke Vasari's answer, Fei Fei only believed half of it.

Is the sun in the sky real too? This is bullying someone who has little knowledge!

Feifan did not criticize it, he grabbed a handful of sand and scattered it in the sea breeze.

"Then Count Cordo, can you tell me what you saw before you fell into coma?"

Facing the Grand Duchess holding a book and looking eager for knowledge, Fei Fei rubbed his hands and said shyly:

"I want the Heart of the Ocean. In exchange, I will tell you everything I know! That's a battle between gods, tsk tsk!"

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