Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 403 Go to the volcanic island

Gone are the scenes of thousands of sails on the pier on sunny summer mornings.

Occasionally, the ships that dock only pass through the free port to add supplies.

Sitting on the peg, Feifan kneaded the black bread in his hands instead of throwing it into the air.

Two or three seabirds were hovering above Feifan's head. When they saw bread crumbs, they dived. Some of the seabirds that were a step slower went after the same kind that had obtained food, while others stayed and continued to wait for Feifan to feed them.

"These seabirds are not afraid of people. If there is a 'pirate bird' mixed in among them, young citizens, you have to be careful with your fingers!"

The first thing that caught Extraordinary's sight was a large sack. The sack was held in the hands of a short old man. Just by looking at the old man's clothes, he knew that he was a poor man.

It is easy to distinguish between citizens and freedmen. Citizens have a round badge worn on their chests, which can effectively reduce conflicts between freedmen and citizens.

The extraordinary man stood up and nodded with a smile. His clothes were bare, and he didn't even wear the high-level magician badge that he often wore.

"Hello, old man, do you think it's reliable for so many ships to go out to sea to find that unlocated volcanic island?" Feifei asked humbly.

It was obvious that the old man was picking up some discarded items on the pier. Sometimes, with luck, he could rummage through the piles of various shellfish and seafood that were being cleaned up at the pier and find items that had been missed by the big-bodied and thick-waisted female workers. fresh fish shrimp turtle crab.

In the extraordinary impression of the past, we relied on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea.

The tide rises and falls, so you won’t be short of food if you catch the sea.

But after actually understanding the situation, Feifan discovered that the sea is not friendly to ordinary people.

Roaring ocean currents and violent hurricanes can always bring surprises that make ordinary people lose their lives.

When catching the sea requires risking one's life, fewer people go to catch the sea.

The old man scavenging was probably talkative, and he even burst into laughter after receiving a loaf of white bread and an apple from Fei Fei.

Swallowing, he put the food into a satchel he carried with him. The old man pulled the sack and sat down.

"Now the whole Freeport is going crazy, so it is probably true! This kind of treasure gifted by the gods will only make those nobles and congressmen cheaper. It is meaningless to me to be true or false! I only care about the next meal What can you eat!”

Originally it was just a casual question, but Feifei didn't expect the old man to say such philosophical words.

He took out his homemade cigarette and offered one to the old man.

"Huh!" He blew out a smoke ring intoxicatedly, and the old man was very grateful to Fei Fei.

"Young man, don't pursue those so-called magic crystal islands, golden islands, or the treasures of the Pirate King! How many people go to sea and never come back."

The old man felt that he could only offer a few words of relief to Fei Fei for his bread and cigarettes.

Feifei looked at the sea and said: "The Duke's Palace will not stop everyone's enthusiasm to go to sea. Many chambers of commerce have city council members behind them!"

After dusting off the soot, Feifan continued: "There are also citizen representatives, and a group has also organized five large ships to go to sea. The key is that there are two black iron battleships among them!"

Gold coins are a good thing. It only took Gu Lie half a day to get the news Fei Fei wanted to know.

The fleet of the Duke's Palace, the fleet of the MPs, the fleet of the citizens' representatives, the fleet of the Chamber of Commerce, the fleet of the mercenary group.

What is particularly curious is that no matter how big the volcanic island is, if so many forces are crowded into it at once, I don’t know if there is still a place to set foot.

When the time comes, there will be more wolves and less meat, disputes will arise, and melee will be inevitable.

Except for fishing boats, which are really used for fishing, most of the merchant ships are armed merchant ships.

Forces such as the Church of Light and the Magician Guild disdain to let the fleet go to sea, but the employment of magicians is a private behavior, and the guild has no power to regulate it.

Listening to Fei Fei's words, the old man nodded from time to time.

"Yes! Yes! There are many ships going out, including wooden ships and iron-hulled ships, as well as warships equipped with magic crystal cannons! By the gods! Are you going to dig for magic crystals or start a war?"

Feifan asked: "I also heard that they captured a lot of fishermen to lead the way, the fishermen on the Whaling Fork. I heard that they were the first to discover the volcanic island?"

Old man: "Haha, I know that! If any fisherman can lead the way to the volcanic island, that would be a blasphemy against the gift of the gods!"

The old man sighed and held out three fingers, "Only the captain, first mate, and lookout can find the correct route."

Yes, the first mate is dead. If he leads a certain force, he might be able to save his life. Who knows, he will die in an ordinary robbery.

As for Captain Quark and Watchman Fanfan, they are the ones who care extraordinarily.

"But that day, a large steel ship with a gryphon on its horn found the lookout on the fishing boat! He was still a child, and was kicked by a strong man with a hand hammer, but how could a child beat the strong man? Where is Han?"

The old man sighed while looking at the exquisite cigarette box Fei Fei placed at hand.

Feifan pretended to be casual and asked: "Griffin ram? I have never seen a big ship that uses griffons as rams. Do you know the name of that ship?"

Without thinking, the old man replied: "I was far away at the time, so I could only get a rough idea, but the name of the ship should have been painted on the other side of the ship!"

After bidding farewell to the old man, Fei Fei handed the whole box of cigarettes to the old man, making the old man call out "a gift from God!"

I wrote a text message of "Meet at the pier" and sent out the bird messenger.

Based on the words of the old scavenger, Feifei believed that there was a high chance that Fan Fan would be captured and lead the way.

Then rescuing Fanfan is what Fei Fei needs to do now.

After a while, two steam locomotives came to the dock and searched for the extraordinary figure bit by bit along the coastal road.

Hearing the sound of the locomotive, Fei Fei waved his arms from afar.

After parking the car and putting the space ring away, Gu Lie asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Sir, if there is something you can't go back to tell me, I'm checking an account book. I'm really busy!"

Feifan waved his hand and said: "Remember that Fanfan I mentioned to you last time? He is half of my apprentice. Now he was caught and went to the volcanic island! I want to save people!"

"My opinion is that it might be safer to go by yourself! I asked you to come just to tell you, so that I don't have to leave without saying goodbye!"

Feifei thought that Dosta would definitely follow him, but he still preferred to go alone.

As a result, for a moment, Fei Fei saw Gu Lie and the other two people finishing changing their clothes.

Under the robes of Gulie and Francis were half-length leather armor, and the heart was made of armor made of Canian special steel.

Dosta's attire still consisted of two leather belts roughly binding the two shoulder armors, a leather skirt surrounded by rivets covering the front and back, and a pair of over-the-knee Kannia steel boots.

The silence speaks!

As he raised his hand, the white magic crystal spaceship appeared in front of the four people. Feifan stepped aboard, followed closely by Gu Lie and the other three.

Pointing east, Feifan shouted: "Let's go!"

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