Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 381 Rescue Old Jones

Feifan, who was nestled in the crook of Aguit's legs, couldn't sleep.

He was not considering the position and interests of Grand Duke Vasari, but the benefits of rescuing Greybeard Jones.

The military minister and the finance minister of the Free City of Saint Trite are at odds with each other, but the diplomat Lisa, who is close to him, is the finance minister.

As for the Minister of State whose power is only under Grand Duke Vasari, he is the Grand Duke’s loyal supporter.

If you think about it carefully, rescuing Greybeard Jones may not necessarily lead to a better relationship with officials such as the Minister of War.

In Freeport, I gained the friendship of a pirate group that could rank among the top twenty in terms of strength. The four oceans are so vast that there is nowhere to go.

Feifan is a good person, and the reputation of the Greybeard Pirates in the entire Saint Trite is pretty good. In addition, Old Jones's spirit of disregarding death at the end of the naval battle also impressed Feifan.

Then save people, but how?

Graybeard Jones will definitely be brought to St. Trite for a public trial. Let’s not talk about the distance. Let’s just talk about the naval battle on Volcano Island. Hundreds of casualties were caused by the Navy Guards. All of this will be blamed on old Jones.

Needless to say, there is no pirate who has not robbed merchant ships and kidnapped fishing villages near the sea.

In terms of reputation, the Graybeard Pirates are one of the few justice pirates who only care about wealth and do not harm human lives.

With his teleportation skills, Fei Fei can quietly take away old Jones, and William Kidman meets him at the port terminal.

After receiving Jones, we sailed directly out of the port, away from St. Trite.

The trouble is how to meet old Jones, and even if he does, how to win the old pirate's trust.

"Forget it, let's give this a headache to others!"

In his sleep, Fei Fei dreamed of a golden island deep in the sea. On a golden reef, a mermaid with blond hair reaching her waist hugged a harp and played notes that made people forget their sorrow.

The next day, after breakfast, Fei Fei was invited to the captain's cabin.

In the neat and simple cabin, three people sat around a square table.

Roentgen Brontë, the captain of the "Roentgen", was sitting upright. He was in his thirties, with a beard that added a bit of elegance. The three-part armor shoulder armor and breastplate were of high quality.

It was the first time that Fei Fei saw the highest combat power in this pirate group. The seventh-level earth swordsman was only one step away from the eighth-level sky swordsman.

Another extraordinary person was not expected to be here, Tim Odyssey, the first mate of the Williams.

If there is any one of the three people in front of him who most hopes to rescue Captain Jones, it is probably this person.

Qiu Jin's muscles were exposed, and his simple leather armor only covered his shame. A pair of bell-like eyes stared at Fei Fei, but Fei Fei saw kindness in these big eyes.

When he learned that William Kidman had informed him to discuss a plan to rescue Mr. Jones, the big man showed his due composure.

After a simple repair, the steam unit was already working. The two battleships turned due north, facing the wind, waves, and sea breeze, and sailed towards the Free Port of St. Trite.

On the Williams, the guards outside the captain's room were driven far away, but the table slamming and yelling could still be heard from the room.

"Hmph! We have been discussing it all morning, but there is no result! I think you two just don't want to save Father Jones, so Graybeard will be the leader of the group!" Tim Odyssey blushed and faced the people in the room. The three of them squirted wildly.

"Odyssey, watch your words! There are two captains here. Where are the manners that Father Jones taught you? Ask Kidman, who of us doesn't want to rescue Father!" Roentgen Brontë's roar was no weaker than people.

Fei Fei saw a lot and said little, but he couldn't remain silent at this time.

"You two, stop arguing. First Officer Tim, stop talking about sending high-level death squads to raid Freeport. Where is that place? Even the sword masters dare not mess around. I still say the same thing. You just need to make sure that old Jones is imprisoned. Location, leave the rest to me! Just be responsible for the reception outside the port!"

Fei Fei spoke very clearly, but unfortunately of the three people in the room, only William Kidman believed him.

Extraordinary became famous in the Kingdom of Oranto. The pirates wandering on the sea only knew of Extraordinary whiskey, and their knowledge was very limited.

Besides, it's normal for a hairless boy who became famous through the Chamber of Commerce and trade to not be trusted.

Obviously, neither Roentgen nor Tim knew about the Crystal Essence Space Ring.

As long as William Kidman makes things clear, I believe they will believe that they would take risks for such a large sum of money.

But if the rescue plan fails, the crystal marrow ring will be the cause of trouble. No matter whether Fei Fei or William takes it, it will be hot to the touch.

Old Jones's flagship is full of elementary, intermediate and high-level magic crystals. The most valuable crystal marrow and magic metal materials are missing. It's very simple. It's either on the two fleeing black iron battleships. Even if it's not there, it's known. information.

The only thing left is to be surrounded by the Navy Guards in the Endless Sea, unless William and Roentgen leave the Endless Sea and run to the outer ocean.

The Sea of ​​Elf Trees, the Far Arctic Ocean, and the four oceans including the Sea of ​​Flames in the Far South. Once you go to such a place, you never know whether you will be able to come back in your lifetime.

What is the biggest benefit of the Pirates? Loot? No, it's trade.

Therefore, Extraordinary wanted to win people's trust and facilitated the largest coffee whiskey trade order with the Greybeard Pirates.

Will a pirate group with a black iron-class battleship be short of gold coins? Extraordinary is unbelievable.

Therefore, the deposit paid by William and the others turned into three insurance contracts worth up to one thousand amethyst coins each.

Feifan left the captain's room and went to the restaurant. The remaining three people stared at the blood beads on their fingers, feeling as if they were signing a contract of prostitution.

"Captain William, is your friend reliable?" Captain Roentgen asked worriedly, looking at Fei Fei's back.

Before William could say anything, First Officer Tim snorted coldly: "People in the Chamber of Commerce are all greedy. If he wants to empty out all the gold coins of our pirate group, then he will try his best to save Father Jones!"

Okay, the stupid guy has finished what he wanted to say.

Fei Fei went to the restaurant not because he was hungry, but because he was angry.

If the three contracts are sincere, he will be on the verge of becoming a great insurance agent. Among the three, only William Kidman has signed the contract sincerely.

"It's best if these three guys don't die for no reason, otherwise you won't even know where the insurance money will be sent!"

An insurance contract worth one thousand purple gold coins would pay a hundred times the insurance premium, which meant that the Underwriters Association would have to spend one hundred thousand purple crystal coins.

As far as Feifan knows, every battleship of the Freeport Navy Guard has property contract insurance, but the compensation for the battleship is one-to-one, which means that if the battleship sinks or is lost in the Endless Sea, as long as the insurance contract retained by the association is established, it will One battleship must be compensated.

Each Black Iron-class battleship only costs 5,000 amethyst coins. After calculation, the worth of these three pirate leaders is equivalent to one-third of the battleship.

To be precise, the Williams and the Roentgen are still in the waters of the "Lighthouse Outpost". They sailed north for three days and turned due east. They are only ten days away from the Free Port of St. Trite.

It only takes five days at full speed and three days at top speed.

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