Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 327 Accidents are everywhere

The heavy snow that had been falling for several days finally stopped, and the sun returned to the sky above Ill City after a long absence.

There are only a few days left until the anniversary of the arrival of the gods. Even in the most dilapidated slums in Casper Territory, every household has begun to busy cleaning and painting the outer walls of the houses with white mortar.

The young children were dressed in new clothes and followed their parents, looking at the few pieces of crystal wheat they bought from the market and the few pieces of crystal candy.

It’s not lunch time yet, and the sweet smell of white bread wafts through the streets.

The fluffy and soft milk white bread with a browned sugar shell was something that even Fei Fei could not eat often when he was a child.

The leftover ingredients for steaming and baking bread will be made into fingernail-sized biscuits by her mother Jacqueline. Often, before Advent Day, the biscuits in Fei Fei's pocket will be emptied by Lucy, and she will threaten Fei Fei to take them with her every day. Give her a bag to eat.


Anna, who was always paying attention to Fei Fei, felt sad for some reason when she saw Fei Fei with a tender smile on her face.

"Extraordinary Priest, have you thought of anything interesting?"

Since the last time she boldly called out "extraordinary", Anna can no longer muster the courage to call him by his name.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just think of the cookies my mother made for me when I was a kid, and they would always be robbed!"

"Who was robbed by?" Anna's mouth was blocked and she almost asked out loud.

Either Ruth or Lucy, or both.

Looking at Feifan's handsome face, Anna imagined what Feifan looked like when he was a child, and she laughed.

"Eh? Anna, why are you laughing?" Feifan asked resentfully.

"I won't tell you! Humph!"

Just as he was about to ask, Francis' big face appeared directly between the two of them.

"Sir, we are here to observe the route. Have you ever considered my feelings?"

They went to the streets to collect intelligence, usually in a group of three. Gulie and Rodney were together, and Dosta stayed at the hotel because of his size.

He stretched out his hand to push his greasy face away. Before Feifan could get angry, a little girl holding a flower basket appeared in front of him.

"Hehe, big brother, buy a flower for big sister! The 'Moon Kiss' paired with star grass looks so much like love!"

The chubby little girl made Fei Fei speechless, seeing that this kind of selling method has no time and space restrictions.

"Moon's Kiss" is also called "Moon's Palpitation", or "Moon Palpitation Flower" for short.

"Little sister, the thing that most resembles love is a rose! The moonflower is not!" Feifan reached out and caressed the little girl's head for a while, messing up the child's beautiful head.

"Stop, stop, big brother, mom said you can't let strangers touch your head casually!" The little girl grinned and leaned hard to the side.

Anna, who was originally a little envious, was immediately disappointed, but she couldn't help but laugh when she saw the little girl's cute appearance.

"The immortal caressed my head and tied my hair for immortality! Little sister, do you want to be a magician?"

"Okay, the nonsense-talking master is here again!" The fat man beside him muttered, with a look of despair.

Feifan glared at Francis, but the fat man didn't respond.

He glared again, but still no response.

Finally, at the moment when Fei Fei raised his feet, Francis finally came back to his senses.

Hey, my lord, I don’t have any dinars, not even a few silver coins!

If you give a little girl a gold coin, regardless of whether there are any peeping thieves around, the little girl's family will definitely think that the three extraordinary people are human traffickers and call the sheriff.

Anna, who was carrying a basket of moonflowers, was a little excited and happily waved goodbye to the little girl.

Feifan was not lying. He really felt the presence of the natural heart in the little girl, which was very pure.

Taking his eyes away from Anna and the little girl, Fei Fei almost bumped into a plate knight who was bending down to salute. The knight had the Wheat Flower family emblem on his right chest. Fei Fei had seen a lot in the past two days.

"Lord Cordo, my wife invites you to come to the carriage!"

I feel a little panicked and short of breath.

Although he had pulled down his hood to bask in the sun, his trademark silver hair had long been dyed black. If someone hadn't seen him, he would never have been discovered.

Being called out, Feifan just took an extra breath.

Because he already knew who his wife was.

Who else could be in the car with exquisite carvings of soft fragrant wood except Edfling, the eldest lady in Il City.

Giving Frances and Anna a "Okay" look, Fei Fei followed the knight to the carriage.

Ma Fu opened the car door and stood aside with a bow.

"Eh? It's so warm and smells so good!"

The six-wheeled carriage with a large frame has a larger interior space than any carriage Fei Fei has ever seen.

On the couch at the back of the carriage, Mrs. Edfulin held her cheek in her hand and squinted at the extraordinary thing in front of her.

What a handsome and handsome man!

Extraordinary whiskey, extraordinary coffee, steam locomotive, extraordinary chamber of commerce.

A high-level insurance professional, a high-level magician, and the youngest earl personally appointed by the king.

If the extraordinary appearance only made Mrs. Edfulin look at her, then the remaining labels made the noble Duchess' beautiful eyes dazzle.

"Count Cordo Extraordinary? Haha, don't be nervous, just sit down wherever you want!"

Directly opposite the soft cave, there are two four-legged single sofas. On the small round table in the middle of the sofa, in a hollow copper stove, there is a magic stone plate that can be used for heating. In the center of the stone plate is a red fire magic crystal. Dazzlingly bright.

"Haha, I didn't expect the famous Earl Extraordinaire to be so young! I'm afraid no one would believe him if he said he was twenty years old!"

The sound of the spring water's "ding dong" sounded lazily. Ed Flynn straightened up and leaned on the velvet-filled cushion. On one of her bent legs, her silk robe slowly slid down.

Beautiful legs, beautiful feet, high-cut home robe.

Feifei resisted touching his nose with his right hand, made a fist on his left chest, and saluted.

"Dear Duchess, please forgive me for my rashness!"

Fei Feifan didn't apologize for any imprudence, not only for turning a blind eye a few days ago, but also for his own rudeness of stealing a few glances.

"So, did the Extraordinary Earl come to Il City for my child Rodney? He did such a thing that he was forever abandoned by the gods. I am really sad!"

As she spoke, Mrs. Edfulin patted herself on the chest, making Feifan's eyes tremble.

"Have you seen him? If you see him, tell him that his father and I will not blame him! The identity of the first heir is still his!"

A sad whisper came from the Duchess's mouth, and even Fei Fei felt that what Rodney had done was unforgivable.

"Eh? Why do you want to beat Rodney now! But what you want to do more is to hold Ed Flynn in your arms and comfort her?"

"Ah! My chest hurts so much!" Fei Fei almost couldn't control his screams.

"Madam, what's wrong with you?" He stretched out his hands and ran directly towards Edfulin who was lying on the ground.

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