Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 286 The competition among the four academies begins

In York City in early winter, there is no heat and strong wind in autumn.

All those wearing masks also freed their mouths and noses to breathe in the coolness in the air.

In the huge black stone arena of York University, among the twelve magic barriers that have been opened, it goes without saying that there are teams of students participating in the competition from the four major colleges of York.

"Bang bang bang"

Near noon, balloon spaceships sprayed with bright colors roared and saluted over York City, and a dozen huge airships pulled huge banners suspended in the sky.

"Huhu, cough!"

The sound of the magic sound conch came out of the arena, and the extraordinary apprentices sitting in the audience started shouting.

"Charles, your family is here! Haha!" Little Fatty Gerald shouted excitedly to his companions.

"Idiot, can the last name and first name be the same?"

The focus of the argument between the two was York City Mayor Charles Hunter, who was speaking from the auditorium of the arena.

"Silence! Silence!" Alderman Charles Hunter's characteristic cry echoed around the arena.

"Haha, all the gentlemen and ladies sitting in the audience, as well as the students of the Fourth House! In this Fourth House Judging Competition, let us first thank the heir of the Grand Duke of York, York Adams, who is present!"

"In the presence of the heir of the Grand Duke of York, I guarantee to God and His Majesty the King the fairness and legitimacy of this competition!"

"Hua Hua Hua"

Many officials from the city hall were present in the audience, watching Charles Hunter applaud vigorously.

"This competition is hosted by the University of York, and the pastoral team brought by Head Phillips of the Church of Light provides assistance!"

"I would also like to thank the Magicians Guild for the support of magic materials!"

"This magic research meeting is divided into three parts. The first part is magic theory! The second part is magic practice! The third part is magic combat!"

"Extraordinary priest, extraordinary priest! The Lord Mayor has spoken!"

The four little ones who stayed in the magic barrier with Fei Fei only saw the mouth of the Mayor of Hunter on the viewing platform opposite, and could not hear what he said at all.

"Uh, yawn."

In the arena, where Feifan and the others were seated, there was only a magic defense array, which had no soundproofing effect.

But in order to rest quietly, Fei Fei released a magic barrier that was soundproof.

"Okay, little Dunk, stop pushing!"

As Fei Fei finished speaking, the magic barrier disappeared. Through the light film of the defensive circle, the deafening cheers outside made Fei Fei suddenly energetic.

The magic theory and magic practice evaluations are all conducted among senior students from the four colleges.

Theoretical evaluation, in Feifan's opinion, is nothing more than to see who has a stronger memory. If you have a higher understanding and put forward your own opinions, you can definitely get the first place.

As for the theoretical competition, it is the most boring competition. Fei Fei can guarantee that most of the people in the stands behind are here to watch the magic competition.

"Eh? Didn't you say that civilians are not allowed to enter? Why is this arena not only full of seats, but also full of people standing in the aisles?"

"Haha, extraordinary priests, although these are civilians, they are not ordinary civilians! You know that even those standing here have a lot of wealth!"

The arrogant Feng Man shook his head and said disapprovingly.

"Extraordinary Priest, the magic theory competition has begun!"

In the huge black stone circle, the four courtyards were lined up in twos and twos, and the opponents were drawn by lot.

Then the two colleges were divided into two groups and each asked ten theoretical questions, and the party with the most correct answers won.

This seemingly debate scene does not arouse extraordinary interest.

He is actually interested in the magic practice evaluation.

The practical evaluation involves magic circles, potions, magic materials, magic engineering and a series of interesting research related to natural magic.

Of course, even high-level magician students would find it difficult to come up with something that would impress Feifan.

Just based on the magic theory comparison, Feifan believes that the magic school among the four schools still has some foundation.

Sure enough, in the first stage of the theoretical evaluation, the Magic School came out on top with the highest overall score.

In the second stage, York Magic Academy only took first place in the magic circle sub-category.

The Alchemy School came from behind and took the first place in Magic Potion, Magic Engineering, and Magic Materials.

The low-key Pluk Holy Academy only made achievements in ancient magic and charms.

The host country, York University, was in a bit of an embarrassment, only gaining in the magic equipment category.


For some reason, Feifan felt that the magical elements at the York University lounge opposite were very chaotic and violent.

This was the third time he woke up. The magic theory competition and magic practice competition made him drowsy.

"Hey! Everyone, please be quiet! The magic battle competition that everyone has been waiting for is about to begin!"

"Wow! Uka!"

The main event is here, and the audience in the arena stands excited.

"Now we invite the leading priests and teachers from the Fourth Academy to come to the stage to draw lots!"

Is it finally here? Feifan shook off his fatigue, stood up, walked through the defensive magic circle, and came to a small stone platform rising in the center of the Black Stone Circle Arena.

Then two priests from the Magic Academy, whom they knew but were unfamiliar with, walked out next to them. The three of them looked at each other, nodded, and walked towards the lottery table.

"Those who wear the griffon emblem are the priests of the University of York, the gear emblem is the Alchemy School, and the people who wear the Holy Light emblem are the Pluk Holy Academy!"

Take another look at the Heart of Nature emblem on your chest. You can see how it is classier than the high-end atmosphere of the three opposite parties.

As for the rest, almost all the leading magicians in the Fourth Hospital have black magic bubbles, which is very fatal for patients with extremely severe prosopagnosia.

When the two leading teachers from his own college pointed at their opponents, Fei Fei could only stand aside pretending to be calm.

"Okay, the twelve leading magicians are already in place! Now please stand according to your class, release your magic power, and extract your own Loris Worm! Your opponent is on the back of the Loris Worm! "

Loris worms are also called elemental worms. As you can tell from the name, they feed on magical elements. However, it has been verified by some university scholars that elemental worms feed on impurities in magical elements and are equivalent to purifiers of magical elements.

Therefore, the loris bug, which was almost extinct after everyone shouted about it, is now the favorite of magicians. Whether it is magic research or the purification of their own magic power, the loris bug has become the favorite of magicians.

Standing with Feifan were the junior priests leading the teams from the other three academies.

The range of opponents is reduced, and Feifan has the energy to attack three opponents in large numbers.

There are two brown-haired priests with curly hair, and the other is a blonde leading priest. You don't need to look at the emblem to know that this is the leading priest of York University.

In order to avoid trouble, Feifei did not deliberately use magic detection to spy on his opponents, although he knew that the three people beside him were not of a higher rank than him.

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