Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 275 Breaking the Forbidden Magic Scroll

After the era of demigods ended, the era of elves began.

The first thing the high elves who ruled the Brave Continent did was to destroy the temples everywhere and worship the four goddesses alone.

The four goddesses are: the goddess of natural elements, the goddess of fate, the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of the moon.

Afterwards, the High Elf Senate split, and the male elves led by the Elf King and the female elves taken away by the Elf Queen went to war, and their faith also collapsed.

In the middle of the Elf Era, ordinary low-level elves were dissatisfied with their fate of being enslaved and launched a war.

Slowly putting down the "History of the Continental Era" in his hand, Fei Fei didn't sleep the whole night.

The information released by Garak yesterday was too shocking. When Feifan wanted to know more about it, the damn sissy refused to let go.

After paying for a can of special coffee and first-class rare whiskey, Garak pointed his finger at Lan Ling, who was sleeping soundly on the stone bed.

Then Garak left, and Fei Fei took out a bed beside the black stone field and fell asleep.

Well, the main reason why he couldn't sleep all night was that the cozy room he had decorated was commandeered by Lan Ling.

Lying on the wooden bed in the open air, watching the morning sun rise from a fiery red to a little bright light.

Just as he was about to shout out to express the injustice in his heart, a petite figure appeared above Feifan's head.


A roar came out, and Fei Fei sat up with his back straightened very cooperatively.

"Miss Lan Ling, are you awake? How did you sleep last night?"

"This is the most comfortable sleep I have had in the past few months! Do you want to hear this answer? Extraordinary boy!"


Standing by the bed, Fei Fei straightened out his clothes.

The whole person was wrapped in large blisters, and was washed clean from front to back, inside and out.

"Let me tell you, Sister Lan Ling, I saved you after all. After all, I am also an earl of the kingdom. Can you give me some face?"

"Ha! Okay, here you go!"

As she spoke, Miss Lan Ling stretched her hands behind her.

"Humph, I didn't bring my hammer and axe, otherwise I'd give you a slap on the back!"

Looking around, Miss Lan Ling found that there was no seat, and it directly occupied one side of the extraordinary wooden bed.

The tables, chairs and furniture placed in the space are extraordinary treasures. They took back the space last night.

"By the way, thank you for yesterday!"

Feifan opened his mouth before he could say a word, but was interrupted by Lan Ling again.

"Don't expect me to pay for your treatment! I'm very poor!"


"What's wrong with me? Don't look at my magic crystal necklace! And my Sora Akashi earrings!"

When I have the opportunity to see Lan Ling, Lucy and Nia meet, it will be strange if there is no spark in the scene.

When Feifan asked why Lan Ling was injured, the eldest lady snorted coldly in response.

When a pot of coffee with milk and sugar was placed on the table, Feifan refilled the cup three times in total, so he understood the general idea of ​​the matter.

"Do you know where my team came back from? You won't believe it even if I tell you! A deserted place!"

"Ha! If you went to the deserted land, would you be able to come back intact now? Tell the truth!"

Just when Miss Lan Ling was getting angry, a green Naxi honeydew melon suddenly appeared in the center of the table.

"Well, okay, we have reached the Bone Burial Desert! We have to walk a few hundred miles westward after leaving the highland dwarf country!"

"The Bone Burial Desert? Okay, are all the sand sculptures in the desert fifth-level monsters?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? The sand sculptures are all level three monsters. This is common knowledge in the mainland!"

Okay, well, it seems that this eldest lady is having a hard time telling the truth.

Just when Lan Ling's eager gaze stopped at Fei Fei's hand caressing the honeydew, the entire honeydew disappeared.

"Eh? I asked you, extraordinary boy, why have you become so shameless? The melon is about to be cut!"

As the saying goes, you can't be promiscuous when you're rich, and you can't bully a lolita. You can do whatever you like.

"Well, we didn't go to the Bone Desert. We just wandered around the dwarf country, and then visited the 'Odin Temple', but we were targeted."

"Our injuries were not caused by dwarves, and I am not a vegetarian! I killed the idiot who was following us and deliberately left one behind to report the news. Guess what happened?"


The Naxi honeydew melon held in Fei Fei's hand suddenly exploded in Fei Fei's hand. Its eight petals were almost the same size.

"Hangchi, bangchi!"

“It’s delicious. I’ve never had such delicious honeydew melon before!”

What happened next was a little weird.

Several people followed the tracker and came to an underground city.

What was embarrassing was that the four of them were attacked before they could see the real owner and fled all the way to York City.

Although Lan Ling downplayed the process, the hardship of running thousands of miles could be seen from the tanned faces and scars on their arms.

"Eat and drink enough! Move around!"

When Feifan knew what Lan Ling's so-called activities were, he was speechless.

Miss Lan, have you forgotten something important? For example, the Altar of Order or something!

If you ask Feifan, what is the saddest thing?

The answer is that four people who once beat you up are now eating, drinking, and sleeping with you.

Well, even beat up your apprentice!

Adhering to the principle of waste utilization, Feifei happily captured the coolies of the Blue Spirit Team.

As soon as the orc warrior Gramir's "Man of Steel" opened, he became a training scarecrow for the magic apprentices.

Fei Fei called this game "Hide and Seek".

With only his own strength, anyone captured by Gramir will become Garak's target in the sky.

The dark and thin thief Peter O, who was a little too low-key, was lying on the black wooden bench provided by Fei Fei. Without looking closely, he could not tell that there was someone on it.

As for Miss Lan Ling, she was holding the hammer and ax with one hand, and the apprentice who was shot down by Garak was knocked back to the sky with another hammer.

An after-dinner warm-up activity lasted all morning.

What surprised Feifan was that the ability of several young magic apprentices to withstand beatings instantly improved!

In order to thank the four non-staff priests for their help, Feifan was very generous and allowed Lan Ling to order whatever he wanted.

Unexpectedly, Miss Lan was born in the year of the Wind Rabbit, so she ordered a lot of various seasonal vegetables and fruits.

There was no way around it. Most of the extraordinary space was filled with meat bread and jam, so I had to go to the city to buy it.

Fortunately, there is a market in the outer city, and it only takes half an hour to get back and forth on a steam locomotive.

However, when the steam locomotive appeared, the eyes of the four white-eyed wolves turned green.

At least the Blue Spirit Team are well-informed mercenaries.

Streamlined steel body, two rows of symmetrical thick exhaust pipes.

Various metal gears fit snugly under the ground dragon leather seats.

There is also the chain linkage used in the ordinary version of the steam locomotive, which makes people know at a glance that this is a steam machinery product.

With two wide and thick Nocturne wheels, even a fool would know that this is a transportation vehicle.

"Wait! I'll be right back! I'll treat you to a big meal today and let's talk about our feelings!"

"Boom boom"

A huge sonic boom sounded, Fei Fei twisted the valve, and the locomotive lifted off the ground.

Turning his head, Fei Fei was very embarrassed.

The girl Lan Ling has thin arms and legs, and she can lift the butt of the motorcycle with one hand.

"get down!"

Face to face with the devil, Fei Fei came down!


A small cloth bag was thrown into Feifan's arms by Lan Ling.

"This is your two-wheeler!"

"Eh? What? Do you know that this steam locomotive is worth five thousand amethyst coins?"

Opening the cloth bag, Fei Fei was thinking about Lan Ling's unruliness. His hand shook, and a scroll that looked like a skill book fell out.

"Breaking the magic ban?"

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