Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 273 Dominate the air

"Quick! Little Dunk, you have to fly close to the ground! The casting range is not enough, and you still want to make a thorn appear in the sky!"

"Feng Man, follow little Dunk and provide assistance at any time!"

Anal, who was hovering in the air, seized the moment when her figure stabilized, and her one-handed staff flashed a blue light, and a water bomb whizzed towards the extraordinary person on the ground.

The small fire Fagur who stopped in a straight line with Annal also shot out small fireballs like an aerial artillery piece.

From time to time, he raised his hand and threw a large amount of small water bombs at the four people in the air. The small water bombs thrown by Feifan, who had the rank of great magician, would not go straight like the junior magician.

Small water bombs guided by spiritual power will chase the enemy until they hit.

Water bullets filled the sky, and the four small ones waved their arms and fled in all directions.

The four people's information was imprinted in Fei Fei's mind before setting off.

The primary magic skills mastered by his apprentice Anal are "Water Bullet Technique", "Water Shield Technique" and "Water Dividing Technique".

Little Dunk has mastered the "Petrification Technique", "Earth Thorn" and "Earth Wall Technique".

Feng Man, a young boy from the wind department, controls the "Light Spirit Technique", "Wind Blade" and the "Light Body Technique" that can only affect himself.

Gur, a short, fat, red-haired boy, is skilled in the "Small Fireball Technique", "Fire Splitting Technique" and "Fire Shield Technique".

Except for Little Dunk who specializes in "earth wall magic", the other three specialize in attack magic.

It is not difficult to see from Priest Dunk's notes that in the four-person team competition, the earth magician is always the one who stands at the front.

This is the first tactic of Fei Fei using Little Dunk as the arrow.


The copper whistle sounded, and the four people breathing heavily in the air slowly landed and collapsed on the ground.

"How about it? Avoiding magic attacks in the air, you consume physical strength, and your opponent consumes magic power!"

"One is ebbing and the other is ebbing. When your opponents' magic power is insufficient, it's time for you to launch a counterattack! Fight as a group!"

"Well, Extraordinary Priest, if the opponent didn't attack us, wouldn't we who were flying that day have exhausted our energy faster than the opponent!"

Charles raised his hand and asked the onlookers from the Sixth Elementary School of the Water System.

Is this still the smartest of my water apprentices, Charles?

"If you don't attack, you just raise your staff and chant a spell! If you only get beaten and don't fight back, is that still a rebellious adolescence?"

"Never think of counterattack until your opponent raises his staff and starts chanting!"

"This is the wise saying of the great Dharma God Postan!"

The four of them were thinking and began to make up the pictures.

I flew up in the air and looked at the displeased idiot opposite me. I raised my hand and pretended to chant a spell. I easily dodged the opponent's magic attack before it arrived.

Then, continue to do the same thing. When the opponent's face turns blue from exhaustion and his magic power bottoms out, it is the best time to counterattack.

Even if you fight to the end, there is still a staff and sword that can be used as a "killer".

Anal looked at her three teammates with a wry smile, a lewd smile on her face, and wiped her saliva with her hands from time to time.

"How? What was the result of the battle!"

"Wow haha, extraordinary priest, you are really a wise man!"

"By God, we can really take first place!"

"Well, my staff and sword are already thirsty!"

Leaving Liu Xiao as a sparring partner, Fei Fei released a small magic barrier for himself. He hid in it and drank coffee, watching his mother Jacqueline, the great water magician Fergus Binder of the royal capital, and the great fire magician Hill. ·The magic note Evelyn gave to herself.

Although the notes left by his mother made Feifan feel a little embarrassed, they were indeed very systematic, from low to high, from simple to deep.

The magic notes of Pentax Grand Magician and Aveline Grand Magician are much more high-end. The insights and theories start directly from the intermediate level.

A few days ago, when I asked Priest Ladonna about the current situation of the two great magicians, the priest just said, "Very good!" and dismissed him.

It can be seen that the triangle relationship between the three people is still messy in the sky.

With nothing to do, Feifan took stock of his combat power.

A high-level insurance specialist, a sixth-level water magician, a fifth-level fire magician, and a third-level wind magician.

As for the magic swordsman’s biggest trump card, Feifan Zhenzhen didn’t know what level of combat power he had.

I'd say it's a low-level one. I have cut down many high-level combatants with the magic gold sword in my hand.

Speaking of high-level skills, I did only use the Magic Swordsman skill, and found that even Godric, an intermediate swordsman, couldn't handle it.

Therefore, a full career with multiple channels and angles is the way to go!

But what makes Fei Feifan depressed is that the intermediate wind skill book can't beat him.

He even got a volume of the very rare "Thunder System" primary skill book from the Magician's Guild, but it was stuck on his forehead like a fool, and there was no reaction at all.

He also crossed mountains and rivers, went to the peak where there was thunder and lightning, held an iron gun in one hand, pointed the tip of the gun directly at the sky, and almost cursed "God!"

On the other hand, there were endless thunder and lightning around him, and none of them fell on Feifan's head.

After that, I had a fever for a few days, but Feifei never wandered again.

The primary thunder skill book disappeared in his hand, and an earthy yellow skill scroll appeared.

The thunder element is rare and difficult to learn, but the popular earth element primary magic "Earth Wall Technique" also refuses to be extraordinary.

Forget about the light and dark skill books, even if Berman merchants want to auction them, they must first get approval from the cardinals of the two major churches.

I juggled the dagger several times and almost pierced my thigh.

The weakest bow and arrow used by the city guards could only open a "moon bud".

After playing around with crossbows and other things, I found that I am not as proficient as muskets and steam guns.

If Anthony, the night watchman, was there, he would definitely call him over.

"Double cultivation of magic and martial arts, as well as the "teleport" skill of Gou Ming to attack the squishy people in the back row, what kind of monster do you want to cause trouble?"

But when it came to monsters, Feifan took a moment to salivate. He really wanted to see the "goblins" on the mainland.

The height of goblins is between goblins and elves. They do not have the long lifespan and magic bow talent of elves, nor are they as clever and cunning as goblins.

To sum up, no matter what you do, beauty comes first.

Among the ancient documents that were originally brought in, there is a record in the "Sacred Book of Continental Creatures" that in the far west, passing through the forest elves' country, there is a country of fairies.

Hey, I’m overthinking it!

"Bang bang bang"

The magic barrier was shaken by ripples.

As she raised her hand, a doorway half a person's height appeared. Emily bit her lip and pointed outside with a cute look on her face.

"Damn it, what are these guys doing?"

No one can be seen on the ground outside! The two men and horses controlling the wind wings in the sky were beating back and forth with one-handed sticks.

"Uh, is this because the magic power is exhausted and hand-to-hand combat begins?"

They are all young magicians in their fifteenth or sixteenth year. Is this because they have developed their anger through training? Are they going to fight directly?

Well, this is a bit of a practical experience!

With a wave of his hand, clusters of "ice arrows" appeared behind Feifan, which was even more chilling than "multiple ice arrows".

Fortunately, Fei Fei knew that the apprentices in the sky could not withstand the blow of the "Ice Arrow". When they came near, the ice arrows directly broke into small pieces of ice and launched an attack on everyone in the sky.

The weakened version of "Ice Arrow" is equally uncomfortable when hit.

It's okay if it's stuck in the leg, but it's a big deal if it's frozen.

But when it rubbed against his arm, Feng Yi lost control.

"Look, look, extraordinary priests! They fell from the sky! It's so fun!"

Watching Emily clap her hands and get high, Fei Fei was also very happy.

Even if your neck is broken, the "Holy Water Rain Technique" can make you run and jump on the spot after bathing in it.

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