Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 271 Tactical Effect

Strong winds and tornadoes were blowing, and yellow sand filled the sky.

Outside the gate of the Underwriters Association in Central Queens, York City, President Ladonna looked at the figure boarding the car and driving away, then turned and walked into the gate expressionlessly.

An investigation into the missing ancient documents of the York City Underwriters' Society has been completed.

On the third day when Priest Ladonna took office as the president of the York City Association, many of the lost ancient documents were recovered.

The association investigators from Wangdu were very satisfied. They were even more satisfied after everyone received special coffee and new cigarettes as gifts from Fei Fei.

The King's Palace Chamber of Commerce only sent hundreds of cans of the special coffee produced by the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce.

This is still a year’s worth!

Living on the top floor of Burman Tower, smoking extraordinary cigarettes and drinking extraordinary whiskey, these investigators who followed Ladonna really wanted to move their families here.

Happy life is always so short. Several investigators from the Underwriters Association held the hand of "Toilet Stone" Ladonna, as if they were old friends who had known each other for decades.

Priest Ladonna, who saw the extraordinary shadow in it, was not a fool, and his joy was beyond words.

It had been five days since he entered the "Blackstone Arena". Touching the metal ball in his sleeve pocket, Priest Ladonna could only sigh at his extraordinary luck.

As for the existence of the "Dark Temple" of the Lord of Darkness underground in the garden of the Grand Duke of York's residence, Ladonna did not believe it.

Even though the extraordinary description was very detailed, he still didn't believe that it was the "place" of the Lord of Darkness.

At most, it is a "temple" to worship the Lord of Darkness.

Mount Kurster, Blackstone Arena.

"One two, one two, one two one!"

For five days, the teenagers secretly called Fei Fei "the devil".

Even Emily cried to Annal, the extraordinary priest is no longer the extraordinary priest before, how terrible!

It turns out that there is no doubt that everyone practices magic skills during the day and meditates quietly at night.

But what does it mean to have everyone running in circles around the Blackstone Arena?

When the hot-tempered Gul questioned Feifan, saying that magicians should focus on their magic power reserves instead of exercising like stupid swordsmen, Feifan used his "body" to subdue Gul in a sensible way.

After being provoked and questioned, Fei Fei directly increased the difficulty of the trial by two more stars.

Therefore, many travelers passing by Mount Kurster always look at the wonderful scenery on the top of the mountain.

It rains heavily for a while, and hails for a while.

"Extraordinary Priest, please stop your skills! Woo hoo hoo hoo!"

The one who cried the most was the loud-voiced Gur. In front of him was Anal, followed closely by Fengman and Little Dunk.

In the sky, ice arrows exploded into crystal clear ice particles, rapidly falling from the sky.

The students below were unlucky. It didn't matter if their magic robes were torn; it didn't matter if they had big cuts on their arms and thighs.

Finally, someone exhausted his energy and fell to the ground, but before he could get up, a soft blue stream of water washed back and forth on his tired body.

Facing a high-level water magician with recovery skills, even if he fell on purpose, he would be cured in minutes.

"Tomorrow I will give you four a small test. If you pass the big fish and meat tonight! If you fail, you are still big fish and meat, but you are just watching others eat."

I was so tired all night that I was speechless.

The next morning, the six members of Charles arrived at the Blackstone training ground early, waiting for the arrival of the four-man team.

"Come on, come on, let's see how the extraordinary priests deal with them today!"

The fat little Gerald didn't mind it being a big deal. He had a bag of nuts in his robe sleeves and would give one to the Keen brothers next to him from time to time. When he saw Emily glaring at him slightly with almond-shaped eyes, he shrank his head.

When he saw the four-person team assembled from the room window, Fei Fei flashed directly into the middle of the field.

"Today is the sixth day. Let me test the training effect of the four of you these days!"

The four-person team, including Anal, all had serious faces. They had been abused for several days and were somewhat psychologically damaged.


There was no time to think about anything else. Almost as a reflex, the four-man team got into formation.

The first person in line was Little Dunk. The corner of this boy's mouth, which was somewhat like a potato, twitched, and a semicircular earth wall appeared in front of several people.

In order to create a realistic fighting atmosphere, Fei Fei stretched out a finger, and water bullets quickly condensed on the fingertips.


Primary magic water bullet versus primary defensive magic earth wall.

The earth element has the strongest defense among the seven elements. Just look at the small water bombs fired by Fei Fei. It took two shots to defeat Little Dunk's earth wall technique.

However, Little Dunk, who was telepathic, was not a vegetarian. The moment the semicircular earth wall dissipated, another earth wall seamlessly connected.

Feifan, who stretched out his hands, became serious, and four water bombs directly hit the earth wall.

Water splashed out, and the earth wall technique blocked two water bombs, and two more water bombs directly bombarded Little Dunk's short and stocky body.

The magic robe was torn by water bombs, and his exposed arms were bruised. Anyway, he blocked it.

As soon as he raised his hand, four more water bombs came.

When it comes to the actual battle arena, your opponent will not give you a chance to breathe.

The result was no surprise, and Little Dunk was attacked by two water bombs again.

Little Dunk was almost naked, but there was a victorious smile on his swollen face.

At the moment of fainting, the four-person team finally stood in front of Fei Fei.

For a moment, fireballs, water bombs, and wind blades roared towards him.

“It’s pretty good, and every detail is taken care of!”

The "Light Spirit Technique" that Feng Man blessed on Little Dunk perfectly evaded a water bomb attack.

Firefagur also stepped forward to resist the penultimate attack for Little Dunk. Through cooperation, the four finally stood in front of the extraordinary.


The soft water washed over Little Dunk's body. After a few seconds, Little Dunk rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms. He saw a group of strange eyes around him and instantly realized his situation.

"Fortunately, I didn't subconsciously grab it, otherwise it would have been so embarrassing in front of so many people!"

"Little Dunk, continue after you have recovered! You have activated your skills eight times in total, and you still have some power left! The test continues!"

The second tactic is the one that Fei Fei formulated for them when they encounter a powerful team.

A wall of earth appeared, and it was still Little Dunk who took the lead.

Behind the earth wall, Anal and Gul looked at each other, and fireballs and water bombs collided.

Due to the incompatibility between water and fire, if the fireball is stronger, the water bomb will be evaporated; if the water bomb is stronger, the fireball will be destroyed directly!

So this middle "degree" needs to be balanced.

For the first time in five days, the tacit understanding showed perfect results.

The water bombs sizzled with white smoke, and after a while, a small area of ​​the Blackstone Arena became shrouded in mist.

"Now!" Annal shouted,


Through magic detection, Feifan discovered that the first person to attack him was actually the wind magician Feng Man.

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