Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 265 Good guy Dunk

"Deng Deng Deng"

Fei Fei walked downstairs with the pace of "I'm annoyed, don't mess with me". As soon as he walked out of the high-rise tower of the college, he met Priest Dunk face to face.

"Who are you looking for? Priest Dunk?"

"Haha, Feifan, I'm looking for you! I heard that you are leading the junior magician team this time?"

Are you trying to make trouble for me?

According to the news from the dean, Priest Dunk has only participated in the magic research meeting once when he first arrived at the magic academy, and has never led a team on behalf of the academy since then.

The intermediate magician class is not the focus. Feifan feels that Priest Dunk is too honest.

"This is my review of the records of each four-house competition over the years, and some of my own experiences. I hope it can be of help to you!"

Dunk is such a good guy. Compared with the real villain like Dathra who is always following the crowd, he is so cute.

"Ah? Really? Thank you so much! Priest Dunk, go to my residence and let's chat while drinking coffee!"

There was a row of faculty townhouses behind the main building of the college. Within a quarter of an hour, the two of them arrived at the extraordinary residence.

Use one hand to draw water, one hand to light the fire, and two hands to prepare.

When the coffee pot boiled in Fei Fei's hands, Priest Dunk swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

All magicians are rich, that's the truth.

But is there a poor magician master?

No need to ask, there really is one. The Dunk priest in front of Fei Fei is one.

“If you want to be rich, have fewer children and build more houses!”

Although Fei Fei and Dathra are not close, isn't this still Rodney's?

I indirectly heard about Priest Dunk’s family affairs from Rodney, and the story I heard most often was the story of Priest Dunk’s twelve children.

As an intermediate earth magician, Priest Dunk is not popular in the Magicians Guild because of his clumsy tongue.

There are large-scale civil construction projects, and most of the sponsors are looking for high-level magicians.

To build a house in a small way, a junior earth magician is enough.

Being in the middle, neither up nor down, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

The thirteen gold-eating beasts in the family are not just for nothing.

Public schools, universities, medical care, insurance, etc. are each a huge expense.

I casually flipped through Priest Dunk's notes on the evaluation of the four colleges. They were very detailed and full of objective comments and suggestions.

"Priest Dunk, I have seen the thickness of this notebook. I wonder if you have any suggestions for this four-house competition?"

He closed his note and asked for advice very humbly, not forgetting to refill the coffee for Priest Dunk.

"Haha, extraordinary priest, oh, he is a teacher now! It's easy to say!"

Waving his hand, Fei Fei doesn't care about these details.

"In this competition, let's talk about nothing else but the selection of magicians. Feifan, you are both lucky and unlucky at the same time!"

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"Haha, let me tell you the bad news first. The leading priests of the junior magician teams in the other three hospitals this time are all high-level magicians."

I don't have any feelings about this extraordinary thing. After all, I am also a great magician, a mere high-level one, nothing to mention.

"This is only officially registered. In fact, York University's Frank fire magician is already a powerful magician. There is a reason for this conclusion. I heard that this time York University selected the priests to lead the team. , Frank was able to defeat three high-level magicians by himself! In the end, the battle ended in a draw!"

Smoothing his silver bangs, Feifan sighed: "This is really bad news!"

"It's not over yet, tsk tsk!"

After taking a sip of coffee, Priest Dunk continued:

"A genius alchemist has emerged from the Alchemy Academy. He has a fifth-level strength, but he has a sixth-level magic puppet in his hand! Don't you think it's scary?"

"Fuck, this is impossible! Although I don't know much about the magic puppet master, even if all his puppets use super-level magic crystals as the core of the magic circle, a fifth-level alchemist will not be able to do it!"

In the Brave Continent, it is an iron rule to master what kind of skills according to which battle level.

If a sixth-level magic puppet holds back its ultimate move, even if the magic crystal in the puppet's body is full, it will still draw magic power from the puppet controller. If you control the sixth-level puppet with fifth-level strength, if it backfires, the controller will be sucked into the human body in minutes. !

"Haha, nothing is impossible! Maybe he has mastered some kind of lost puppet skill, or maybe he is hiding his combat power level, but through my investigation, that guy is indeed a fifth-level magic puppet master !”

In fact, a sixth-level magic puppet can be controlled by a third-level intermediate puppet master, but it is only used for movement. If fighting, the intermediate puppet master can be on the ground in a few seconds.

"As for Pluk Holy Academy, the leading priest for the preliminary competition has not been determined so far! However, several candidates are all high-level combatants!"

As far as Fei Fei knows, the priest who led the junior team last year was challenged. Fortunately, he challenged him three times and only lost one.

The leading priest was only at an intermediate level at that time.

"Hey, I've heard so much sad news. So, Priest Dunk, what's the good news you're talking about?"

"The good news is that your second profession, the insurance agent skill, can be used in the Priest Challenge!"

So what, insurance is my first job, okay, magic priest is just a part-time job.

But thinking about the Underwriters Association branch in the rubble area, I haven't been there for how many days. President Hirsch probably complained to Priest Ladonna a lot.

"I heard that your insurance class is also high-level. With the help of 'teleportation', you are born to be the natural enemy of the magician, the terminator!"

"It's a pity that you are too thin. If you are physically stronger, you can consider taking up the amazing profession of Demon Swordsman!"

Unable to complain

No matter how you say it, Fei Fei is indebted to Priest Dunk for his kindness.

No, when Priest Dunk left, Fei Fei gave him a can of special coffee, and he also didn't forget to stuff a few packs of Fei Fei cigarettes into the priest's broad sleeve pockets.

He knew that after leaving the college gate, Priest Dunk would rush to the largest black market in York City and sell the scarce valuables in his hands at low prices.

Even at a low price, it is estimated to be enough to cover the expenses of Priest Dunk and his family for a year.

The more honest and honest a person is, the more stubborn his temper is. If Feifan helps him directly, the friendship between the two may capsize.

After being greeted and sent off, Priest Dunk left for less than a minute before Rodney opened the door to the extraordinary residence.

The residence in the college was neat and clean, but before sitting down, Rodney still took out his handkerchief and wiped the extraordinary chair surface a few times.

"You know what? Rodney, you're going to have no friends if you do this!"

"Haha, aren't friends meant to be considerate and tolerant of each other?"

After heating the coffee in the coffee pot, Fei Fei couldn't figure out Rodney's purpose at this time.

"Fan Fei, leave the task of leading the priests to me!"

The shocked Feifan almost poured coffee on Rodney's lap.

"Dean Leslie will not agree to your unreasonable request!"

"Ha, coincidentally, I just came out of the dean's office, and Dean Leslie agreed to my request!"

"It's no use if he agrees, I won't agree! Let's go to the restaurant to eat! Don't mess around with everything!"

After the joke that day, Fei Fei noticed some changes in Rodney.

Only fools would take up this thankless job of tying one's life to the belt of a magic robe.

"For God's sake, this guy Rodney doesn't really like me!"

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