Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 252 Fifth level versus sixth level

The great thief Dikao, who is hiding under an arrow tower in Feifan Manor, has full confidence in his combat power.

However, for safety reasons, he still hid in a corner where he could leave the extraordinary manor at any time.

A quarter of an hour later, there was nothing unusual in Klin's motorcycle manufacturing yard, which made him sigh in relief.

However, when he encountered Tarot, he had already checked the inside and outside of the assembly room. None of the locomotive drawings placed on the wooden shelves were about the driving part of the steam locomotive.

After all, in Dicao's common sense, precious documents should always be placed in a safe safe.

Where are the safes?

Under the moonlight, the whole manor is covered in white in the middle.

This white two-story villa is said to have two floors, but each floor is designed with high ceilings.

Compared with the buildings in the inner city of York, they are almost as tall as an average four-story building.

The big thief Dicao, who was "stealth", slowly approached the central villa. What he didn't know was that a life-and-death fight was also going on in the basement of the villa.

The two sides in this life-and-death battle were not quite equal in strength. The mysterious thief from the royal capital faced off against two high-level thieves, Gu Lie and Francis.

After Troll Dosta expressed his concerns, he immediately informed Harvey and Gule.

Harvey was responsible for the security of the entire manor and did not dare to be careless at all. He urgently transferred back all 200 guards in the four alchemy towers.

Coupled with the 500 middle and low-level guards in the manor, the entire extraordinary manor can be said to be impregnable.

But these defensive networks that seemed to be tight to Harvey were useless in the eyes of high-level thieves.

Without magic guards and perception magic circles, wanting to monitor every corner of the manor is just a dream.

Gu Lie knew what was most important in the manor.

Not the manor's treasury, nor the warehouse where all kinds of specialty coffee are stored.

But an extraordinary villa.

If nothing else, Claire, the elf girl in Feifan's villa, is the person Feifan values ​​the most.

It's not that I'm worried about Claire's safety, but I'm afraid that the elf girl will threaten the safety of the entire manor. After all, if something happens to the few who come tonight, the young shoulders of the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce cannot afford it.

As soon as Gulie entered the villa with Fatty Francis, he touched the "shadow guard" installed by the big thief.

Fortunately, this guard is only a warning and has no attack power.

Without words, Gu Lie stretched out his hand and clenched his fist. Francis behind him cooperated very tacitly. There was a ripple in the air, and the figure of the fat man was lost.

The advanced skill of the rogue skill "Stealth": "Phantom".

"Stealth" is a basic skill, while "Phantom" is a real high-level skill.

The two of them were the earliest followers of the Extraordinary Company. With the help of the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce, the two of them were armed to the teeth.

The dark gold weapon obtained from the "Dark Temple" last time.

A "Mercy Cole's Dagger" belongs to Gulie, and a pair of finger blades "Kelili Claw" belongs to Fatty.

With the Berman Chamber of Commerce at his back, Feifan only got one copy of the "Phantom" skill book.

It was originally given to Gu Lie, but this kind of life-saving skill book that was worth a thousand dollars made Gu Lie give it to Francis privately.


There were two light knocks on the wooden door in front of Gu Lie.

The fat man, who had hidden his figure, went upstairs. After a round of exploration, he informed Gu Lie through a coded signal that everything was normal.

"There is no problem upstairs, so the intruder in the villa should have gone to the basement!"

He made two light circles with his right fist, stretched out two fingers and pointed at his eyes. Francis looked in the dark.

The high-level "Night Vision" skill of thieves is of course a must-have for all thieves who are not short of money.

Gu Lie, who was in the "stealth" state, gently opened the door to the basement.

Only a gap of less than two punches was opened before the two of them stepped in.

There are several bright stones hanging in the long corridor of the basement. In the soft light, a short blade will suddenly emerge from nowhere and kill you.

At this time, Francis had disappeared from Gu Lie's sneaking vision.

But in Fatty's eyes, although Boss Gulie's figure was blurry, he could see the outline of his entire body.

Each storage room had no door. Francis came to the end of the corridor and looked back carefully for abnormalities at each doorway.

The only thing in the entire villa that doesn't need to be cleaned every day is the basement of the villa.

Sure enough, from the clues on the dust on the floor, Fatty determined that there was something different in a storage room.

Step forward quietly and lightly sprinkle "firefly dust" on the door.

A few grains of firefly body powder are like dazzling stars in the space here.

Gu Lie, who was at the entrance to the basement, immediately saw the signal given by the fat man.

He raised his hands slightly, and the dark golden cold light of "Kulili Claw" was also obscured by the "Phantom" skill.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Francis rushed into the storage room.

Before he could look around, the boundless darkness swallowed up the fat man.

"Shadow Trap"!

With just a flash in his mind, Francis knew what he had encountered.

When competing with Boss Gulie on weekdays, this real darkness made Fatty tremble from the bottom of his heart.

The good thing is that Shadow Trap is a control skill and will not actively harm the fat man who is caught.

Not necessarily if there are people around.

The mysterious thief hiding in the corner of the storage room has been on guard as soon as Gu Lie entered the villa.

In the limited time, "shadow traps" were only placed at the entrances of the three storage rooms.

Although the consciousness of a person caught in a trap is dark, in fact, it is as if he has been "fixed" by someone.

Although the "Shadow Trap" means that the higher the combat power, the faster the recovery, but one second can often determine life or death.

The mysterious man and thief was actually confused.

That's right, the "Shadow Trap" was triggered, and he knew it earlier than Fatty knew.

But looking around, under the soft white light, there is no one at the door of the storage room?

This situation is nothing more than the person who broke into this place is also a high-level thief, and he has mastered high-level super-level thief skills such as "Phantom" and "Invisibility".

Or some magic puppet masters will release magic puppets to explore the way.

Not to mention the magic puppets, there wasn't even a mouse in the small corridor.

The result was obvious. The person with the lowest combat power was a high-level thief.

I had already heard that there was a big thief named Tarot in the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce, but I was just so unlucky that I happened to meet him?

The mysterious thief from the royal capital did not dare to act rashly, and the fat man in the "shadow trap" did not dare to struggle for his life.

However, Gu Lie, who followed closely behind, arrived at this time.

Francis did not break the seal and escape, and as a result, Gulie also plunged into the trap.

The big thief who can't see through the "phantom" can see the blurry figure of Gu Lie under "stealth".

Between the electric light and flint, a dull black spike came towards the position of Gu Lie's heart.




Three shouts of varying pitches and curses came from the small storage room.

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