Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 238 A desperate move

Looking at the two and a half bottles of "holy water" potion left on the table, Fei Fei felt frustrated when he heard the news that Trunks had brought back.

A medicine diluted by 500 parts can only alleviate the toxicity, and a medicine diluted by 1,000 parts has no effect at all.

What exactly is the problem?

Fei Fei reviewed the process of preparing the medicine over and over again in his mind, starting from the beginning and examining every step carefully.

"Brother Extraordinary, the retired dean of the library tower said that in addition to the water element essence, there seems to be other powers mixed in the potion you prepared!"

A word awakens the dreamer, and the "Holy Water Rain Technique" he releases can save people. Only relying on the restorative power of water magic, only the wizard-level Rain Technique can remove bee venom.

But looking at the entire York City, there is only one water magician, and the extraordinary pressure will not be so great.

Practice brings true knowledge and extraordinary confidence.

"Trunks, go find Dean Leslie and borrow a set of magic-gathering array disks! Send them to the gate!"

The little boy had no choice but to run away.

Human life is at stake, and there is no room for Trunks to complain.

He and the boy walked out of the basement together, one of them ran inside and the other walked outside.

"Huh? It's the Extraordinary Priest who has come out! I can finally rest assured!"

"Lord Earl, you must save us all!"

The only savior in the city made the people remember his extraordinary appearance in just one night!

Coming behind Priest Rodney, the latter looked at Fei Fei and let out a long sigh of relief.

He took the magic sound conch on the table, brought it to his mouth, and Fei Fei started broadcasting.

"Civilians of York City, now our relatives and friends have a way to cure bee venom!"


As soon as he opened his mouth to say a word, his extraordinary voice was drowned by huge applause.

"You don't need to thank me. I just did what a York City resident should do! What I should thank are the city guards, knights, and everyone who supported me from the rear who sacrificed their lives for York City!"

The extraordinary arrival silenced the originally noisy crowd.

After a few words, the people in the front row who were making the most noise bowed their heads in shame.

"At this moment, I understand everyone's mood! And here, there is no distinction between nobles, gentlemen, and free civilians!"

"Now, gather your relatives and friends of the injured, in units of five hundred people, in the square of the Magic Academy, and then wait outside the gate!"

Magic Sound Conch, whose name contains the word "magic", has more than just amplification effects.

It will be more or less encouraging.

Sure enough, Fei Fei's current reputation and the Earl's power made everyone present obey.

As the gate of the Magic Academy opened, some were carrying stretchers, while others were supporting the injured on their shoulders, gathering in the vast square of the Magic Academy.

A large number of faculty and students organized the order. In just half an hour, six fan-shaped groups of injured people gathered around the waterside pond in the center of the square.

On the temporary high platform in the center, Dean Leslie and three deputy deans were waiting there early.

The one in the center of the high platform is not a magic-gathering array, but one directly carved on the spot by the college's senior officials.

Everything is ready!

Feifan came to the center of the magic gathering array, waved his right hand, and five blue high-level water magic crystals flew into the grooves above.

Several senior college officials seemed to know the extraordinary plan and did not say a word, watching the young priest start his own legend.

But Ms. Nia, who was behind a row of senior executives, kept poking her head to shout something, but Dean Leslie turned her head and glared at her.

Now is not only an extraordinary and important moment, the Magic Academy is also under a lot of pressure.

If successful, Extraordinary may be sung by troubadours across the continent.

If you fail, the Magic Academy will be in bad luck.

These are not just a few dozen lives, these are tens of thousands of civilians.

When Dean Leslie received the message from Trunks, he sent out a messenger to notify the senior officials of the Grand Duke's Palace and the Magician's Guild.

Now, almost all the big forces in York City are rushing towards the Magic Academy in spaceships or carriages.

If successful, what changes will happen to the entire Kingdom of Olanto, the seven continental countries, and the areas ravaged by poisonous bees?

No one can know, but everyone can foresee.

Walking quietly behind Fei Fei, Dean Leslie cautiously asked the silver-haired boy.

"Extraordinary, are you sure?"

The dean, who had a death-like expression on his face, almost made Fei Fei laugh.

"This! Are you sure? At least 50%!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not 10%!"

Wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his robe, Leslie seemed to take a reassurance.

"However, Mr. Dean, this magic circle uses my own blue crystal. Don't you know about the academy?"

"You brat, it's already this time, and you're still thinking about the magic crystal. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, the college will compensate you ten times afterward!"

A small joke relieved Dean Leslie's nervousness.

Feeling the small magic power reserve in his body, Fei Fei was extremely nervous inside.

Only after he had recovered at least one-third of his magic power could he dare to start the experiment.

"The Sun Never Sets" was inserted under his feet, and with the operation of the magic gathering array, the magic power recovery speed increased by more than ten times.

The sun was rising high, and in the dazzling sunlight, several spaceships descended from the sky.

The Grand Duke's Mansion, the Magician's Guild, and the Berman Chamber of Commerce were the first to arrive at the scene.

After taking a look at the "Bersey" with a very different shape, Feifan looked away. Now was not the time to reminisce about the past.

The water element in the center of the square is extremely active!

Finally, when the blue light of "The Sun Never Sets" flashed, Fei Fei moved.

The "Holy Water Rain Technique" directly acts on a fan-shaped area in front of Feifan.

Based on the range of the great magician's high-level magic skills, the size of the gathering of five hundred injured people was exactly the range that Extraordinary had calculated.

Under the sun, streaks of golden rain, mixed with the essence of blue water, gently brushed over the injured person's body.

If there is a ninth-level holy magician present, you will feel that the water magic in front of you is mixed with a little nihilistic power.

This is why the great magician-level "Holy Water Rain Technique" cannot cure poisonous bee venom.

The healing effect visible to the naked eye is only superficial, and the toxins that penetrate into the internal organs of the body will still continue to attack, killing the injured person.

The water magician is a natural controller of water, but he cannot control the water element in his life.

Maybe, but only an eighth- or ninth-level quasi-sage and holy magician can do it.

The power of the void, that is, the power of space, can break this barrier and directly apply the restorative water essence to every organ in the poisoned injured body.

This is also the result of Fei Fei's own inference. In this world, he does not have a partner with the same three views to discuss.

As for the outcome of this treatment, Fei Fei left it to fate.

As long as the angry people don't rush to tear him apart, he will never teleport to Percy's magic crystal spaceship.

"Praise the goddess of nature Cloris, please be merciful and give health to all the injured!"

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