Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 207 The eroded ancient tree


After a few thunders, the rain gradually weakened.

Less than a kilometer away from the sleeping Fei Fei, a man in black robe was carving a five-pointed star on the tallest laurel tree in the Laurel Forest.

Not long after, a summoning magic circle with a pentagram in the center appeared on the trunk of the big tree.

The man in black robe stretched out his dry, dark claws and embedded six dark magic crystals into them.

When it was over, the man in black robe crossed his hands on his shoulders and chanted a spell.

"Great Demon Lord Harris, your humble servant prays to summon a trace of your power to free the demons from the confinement of the abyss. May the glory of the demons shine again on the continent of braves."

As the five-pointed stars lit up in sequence, a barrel-thick black beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Even the thick cumulonimbus clouds were washed away, and in the broken sky, a powerful evil force was taking shape.

Once the evil outside the sky accumulates strength, we don’t know what the consequences will be.

Snap, the large black magic crystal in the center of the perfect five-pointed star magic circle fell from the tree trunk and shattered into powder.

Without the energy provided by the magic crystal, the dark summoning consciousness was interrupted.


The man in black robe spat out a mouthful of black blood, his round red eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I don't know what you are doing, but you are summoning an evil creature. I'm sorry to interrupt your ceremony, sir!"


The loose black robe could no longer restrain the man who was about to go berserk.

"Ding dong"

There was a sound of spring water being rippled by stones.

The violent man in black robe slowly became quiet.

"Hurry and find high-quality magic crystals. The ceremony will continue! Leave this human boy to me!"


The man in black robe looked back at Fei Fei, and with a tap of his feet, he came to the trunk of the ancient tree in front of him.


The huge periosteum is mixed with long pale bone spurs on both sides.

They will all die anyway, and the man in black robe doesn't mind showing his identity around Fei Fei.

"Devil? Haha, I have seen one before, but I couldn't make out his appearance clearly in the dark."

"Humph, stupid human, prepare to accept the curse of the abyss! If you don't die today!"


The demon man swung his bone wings and left in the rain.

Uh, do the demon bosses in the abyss also think they are handsome? Aesthetics is not a problem.

"Young magician, leave quickly, this is not the place you should be!"

This voice is very neutral and cannot be distinguished as male or female.

After magic detection, there was nothing unusual.

Either the person who sent the message is not here, or the extraordinary magical attainments are not as good as the other party.

Far inferior?

"Haha, I guess you don't want to take risks. You originally thought it was an eighth-level combat power."

"To be honest, when you first said something, I almost pissed myself."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa"

The rain kept falling and the atmosphere seemed unharmonious.

"Young man, this is your last chance, leave now. Otherwise, you will die!"

This time the voice was a bit sharp, which made Fei Fei's scalp numb.

"Well, you can leave, but I have apprentices here for the trial. When they arrive, I will leave!"

The unknown is not necessarily scary, but the unknown is definitely troublesome.

"You can leave, but the apprentice must stay! This is the price for saving your life!"

Damn it, all these evil rituals require sacrifices.

The sacrifices are all voluntary, and the sacrifices are all forced.

Everything in front of me was extremely clear.

I'm afraid that the Magic Academy's coming here for the trial is under the other party's calculations.

From the earliest discovery of "Misty Hidden Diffusion", it was obvious that the opponent was a super high-level water magician.

It should be the seventh level of combat power. If it is the eighth level, then why bother, just come out and kill yourself instantly.

Now the other party is a little wary of him, probably because the "Sky-Breaking Slash" he released just now was seen through.

Fortunately, no laurel seeds attacked me along the way. I walked over and hid behind the tree.

The hidden enemies are probably afraid of "teleportation".

Almost all the displacement skills in Brave Continent are the enemies of crispy skin.

Many seventh-level magicians who were knocked away by the "charge" would die of frustration if they did not release defensive magic in time.

"Is this good? We don't offend each other. After I become an apprentice, everyone can go their separate ways!"

"What a verbose young man, if that's the case, then you can stay!\

,"Bar Bar.

Just when Fei Fei was guessing the enemy's next move, the ground under his feet suddenly became very soft.


The ice seal released by the seventh-level magician is impeccable both in terms of power and appearance.

"Ding" A large piece of ice fell on the dead leaves in the forest.

Inside, you can clearly see Fei Fei’s panic as he fled for his life.

"Phew, it's solved so easily!"

"Bang bang"

The mist on one side opened a curtain, and a brown-haired man in his thirties stepped out.

The brown-haired man smiled victoriously as he slapped the huge frozen ice.

"If you are a high-level insurance officer, you may still make me jealous. If you are only a mid-level insurance officer, are you looking for death?"

The man turned around and continued to carve the five-pointed star on the tree trunk without noticing anything unusual about the ice.

For water magicians, whether it is to retreat or trap enemies, the "freeze" skill is the skill with the highest usage rate.

While talking to the hiding wizard, Feifan was accumulating magic.

When the brown-haired man's ice came, Fei Fei also froze his completed ice towards the opponent's ice.

Therefore, the extraordinary appearance seen through the ice is difficult to imagine that two ice blocks are spliced ​​into one.

This was Feifan's deliberate back-up.


Feifan in the ice broke through the ice wall with his magic gold sword and slashed at the brown-haired man.

Hearing the sound of wind behind his head, the brown-haired man instinctively fired five ice shields.

In the midst of the tinkling, the magic crystal sword was blessed by the Kongming Stone, and there was nothingness on the blade.


In a hurry, the brown-haired man was still scratched by the magic gold sword, and a foot-long gash instantly appeared on his back.

"kill you!"

The single-handed staff in the magician's hand burst into dazzling blue light.

"Ho ho"

A huge water element lifted the brown-haired mage on its head, creating a fighting distance from the extraordinary.

For high-level insurance practitioners, distance means no distance.


The magician standing above the water element, in just a blink of an eye, extraordinary appeared in front of his face.


"Hoo ho ho"

The whistling magic sword, with the blessing of "Light Spirit Technique", quickly slashed at the brown-haired man.

At the critical moment, Fei Fei suddenly felt that his feet were empty and he fell into the vast sea.

Being in the body of the water element, Feifan's teleportation is also restricted.

"Nipple, why didn't you think of mixing other skills with the water element!"

I was taught another profound lesson.

"The rising tide of the phantom sea"

In the extraordinary and unbreakable illusion, I felt that I could dodge at least one kilometer during teleportation. In fact, in the body of the water element, I would only dodge a few meters away.

"If you can, I can too! Damn it, let's work hard!"

"The Sun Never Sets" appears in the hand, and the chant of high-level magic echoes in the body of the water element.

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