Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 157 Conquering the Big Thief

The "Bean Planting Forest" at the foot of Beishan Mountain is in full swing.

A group of slaves who were supposed to have sallow faces and numb eyes were filled with happy expressions.

Da Forman was very puzzled when he saw this scene.

He is leaving to realize his ideal in the capital.

I just feel a little bitter.

A convoy of more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages was waiting silently beside the Kingdom Avenue.

An old man and a young man are waiting in the grove.


"Your main mission is to find Darle Barron and his two men! Recover the coffee!"

The angry Dafuman explained to a young man in black robe in front of him.

The young man has blue eyes and a full forehead that looks energetic. He wears a pair of double-rimmed crystal glasses and has an elegant expression.

"Caspar Rodney, my beloved disciple, don't blame me for not letting you get involved in York City. The first thing you have to do is to hold the right to speak in the family, and then you can do other things." Daforman said seriously. He looked completely different from what he looked like just now.

"Yes, dear Priest Daforman, I know what I want!"

Looking at Rodney who bowed and answered, Da Forman was filled with joy.

Being a disciple of an aristocratic child is a beautiful thing that can be boasted in the aristocratic circle.

Diack, who took away the prayer stone plate, immediately rushed back to the royal city of Canstra.

But he was tricked by a few unscrupulous subordinates!

I lost my "coffee" and I still don't know how to explain it to Vice President Diack.

Watching the motorcade go away, the blond young man Caspar Rodney dusted off his somewhat clean magic robe, looked at the avenue where the carriage had stopped just now, and lowered his head in thought.

"The gold from Noble Bank is not in the convoy! A priest who can't stand the bitter taste of coffee would care so much about the lost boxes of coffee. Then he really has to find this batch of 'coffee'!"

It was not easy for this young man to deduce the reason for Da Forman's loneliness just through the rut and the little information he had.

Two red-haired twin girls in the distance were playing with several children. Judging from the children's coarse clothes, they should be children from civilian families.

The twin sisters do not look like ordinary people in terms of their appearance and temperament.

On the way here, Caspar Rodney explored all the areas on both sides of Kingdom Avenue.

"From the Feifan Manor? Cordo Feifan, what kind of person is he? I don't know if it's easy to get along with him!"

Taking the current city of York as an example, you may not know who the current mayor is, but if you have never heard of Cordo Feifan, then you are really a fool who just came from the country.

The blond young man came to a carriage beside the avenue. The driver opened the car door, and then the carriage headed towards the inner city.

This is a carriage coming towards me.

"Ring ring ring"

The two coachmen rang bells in greeting in a tacit understanding, but one was a hand bell and the other was a metal gear bell that came with the carriage.

From a distance, he saw that the four alchemy towers outside the manor were intact, and a big stone in Fei Fei's heart finally fell to the ground.

After passing the Alchemy Tower, the end of your sight is the gate of the Extraordinary Manor.

"Uncle Eddie! Uncle Eddie!"

A group of children who were employees or slaves in the manor were chasing the carriage. Eddie Hubert turned back to explain to Feifan, and then the carriage slowed down.

The manor was not far away, so Fei Fei asked Hubert to stop the carriage and walked back.

The excited children climbed onto the carriage, and a small little guy climbed directly to Hubert's position, saying "drive, drive", full of milk.

The gloomy mood of the past few days was finally released.

Suddenly, a pair of warm little hands covered Fei Fei's eyes.

"Guess who I am? Sir Cordo!"

"The scent of roses gives you away, Miss Lucy!"

"Huh, that's not fun at all!"

Seeing the slime "Blue Spirit" trapped under his arm, Feifan thought again.

"You're here? Extraordinary!"

The same lark's call can be gentle or quick, gentle or unruly.

"Praise God, it is my greatest wish that you are fine! Beautiful Miss Ruth!"

He beat his chest with his right fist, which was a standard knightly etiquette.

Lucy on the side saw this and was unhappy about being treated differently. She grabbed Blue Bubble and ravaged it.

"You stinky little thief, you stinky little thief, you are so cruel to me, but you are so polite to my sister! Hmph"

Lan Ling: ".". Miss, please rub my unreliable master and summon it to others. I haven’t fed it a single magic crystal so far.

Following the two women and a bunch of children, holding in their arms the wild flowers they picked from who knows where, the group returned to the manor.

On the manor gate made of huge birch wood, hired workers were painting the tree paint, and traces of burns from fire feather arrows could still be seen in the uncovered areas.

There are also horses made of sharpened logs left on the outer wall. Some dig holes to cover up the bloodstains on the ground. Some push the arrow tower to pull tail feather arrows from the wall.

"It seems that the manor is also very lively!" Feifan said casually, breaking the tranquility of the three of them.

"Yes, yes, little thief."

"Ah, no. Extraordinary, let me tell you."

Faced with Ruth's sullen expression, Lucy quickly changed her words.

The chatter went on and on, and in the end, Feifan only heard what Lucy was doing, and then the thugs pissed themselves off.

The hired workers and slaves passing by did not bow to Fei Fei, but responded to them one by one.

Before they had even passed two rows of horses, Harvey came out to greet them.

"Sir, seeing that you are okay, a big stone fell from my heart!"

This, why does this sound so familiar? It seems like I just put it down.

Feifan waited for Harvey to finish his salute before continuing to walk forward.

I remember that the first time I reached out to Harvey, the latter didn't know why, so he took the hand and started to have sex with him.

A flying kick knocked him away, and the back of Fei Fei's hand was not stained by Harvey's mouth.

There is no handshake etiquette here, but after Fei Fei explained it, the handshake ceremony became popular in his manor.

He sat down in the office that he had only visited a few times, leaving Hawei alone.

"Harvey, tell me about the losses at the manor during this riot!"

"Sir, although there were thugs who attacked the manor, under the wise leadership of Miss Ruth, the thugs were repelled by us!"

"The employees and slaves in the manor are all working hard, no one is lazy, and many old people and children can do the work they can."

"Pacifier, let me ask you about the loss! Do you understand the loss?" Feifei was very angry at Harvey's failure to report the good news but not the bad news.

"Yes, yes, sir!" Harvey, who hurriedly responded, was also wondering why the skills he used to please his master were no longer useful.

"The alchemy tower is easy to defend but difficult to attack, so apart from the burning of the outer door, there was not much damage. There were no casualties among the twenty slave guards in each alchemy tower."

"However, the area that needs to be defended here in the manor is too wide, and our number of guards is somewhat insufficient."

"Twenty of the manor's guards died, and the remaining one hundred were all injured!"

After saying this, Harvey straightened his chest unconsciously.

What does this mean? It means that none of the two hundred guards he led retreated from the battle.

Two hundred brave warriors can bulldoze a grand ducal palace in some small countries!

Harvey was a little embarrassed when he didn't get any praise.

Tapping his fingers on the table, Fei Fei motioned for Harvey to continue.

"After becoming mad, Miss Ruth has high-level combat power. On the first night, she repelled several attacks from the thugs, and then they retreated!"

"But the next day, two high-level combatants appeared among the thugs, and Miss Ruth managed to win one-on-one!"

"Get to the point!" These three words choked Harvey back, who was about to brag.

"Uh, yes, sir."

"As Miss Ruth's 'Crazy Transformation' skill ended, Miss Lucy threw two intermediate puppets, but the clumsy puppets were destroyed not long after!"

After talking for half an hour, Hawei was thirsty, so Fei Fei handed him the fruit tea on the table.

"At this time, the big thief you captured last time. Oh, no, he said he was just a high-level thief."

"Although this captured thief doesn't have a good figure, he just 'sneaked' over and killed the opponent's high-level water magician in an instant!"

"The magician couldn't use the 'Rejuvenation Technique' to save his fellow thugs, and then the high-level swordsman was killed by the thief's 'fatal blow'!"

With Harvey's eloquent narration, Feifan finally understood the general process of the manor's resistance to the mob.

"So this thief can be regarded as fighting for our Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes, sir, counting the time, this high-level thief should be outside the office door now!"

"Okay, you go out and do your work first. If the thief comes, let him in!"

After bowing and saying goodbye, as soon as Harvey went out, a handsome thief in his thirties came to Feifan.

"Praise the Lord of Darkness, Labidis, it is the gods who allow me to come to you. Generous and magnanimous Lord Kordo Extraordinary!"

"The thief Blaise Taroli offers my sincere blessings!"

Lolita? How about being so cute!

"Ahem, can I call you Tarot?" Feifan was now irritating Loli and got rid of Miss Lan Ling, and Miss Lucy was still there.

"Of course, my lord. In my hometown, my relatives all call me this!"

It makes a muffled sound when it is shot, but it is loud but not smelly! It seems that Francis, a foul-mouthed guy, really needs to learn from this senior.

"Not to mention, you are really artistic with your long silver-black curly hair!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Feifan. Although I understand a word, I don't know what it means!"

"Well, that's not important!"

Walking out from behind the desk, Fei Fei stood in front of Ta Luo. Compared with Gu Lie, who was tall and thin, Ta Luo was short and thin.

But with her delicate face and long silver-black curly hair, she really looks like a lolita from the back.

"Tarot, you helped my manor, which can offset your crime of ambushing and assassinating me. What do you want to say now?"

"Master Extraordinary, we just wanted to kidnap you! This can be seen from the methods we used!"

"These are not important. What is important is what choice you make now? I am not stingy with my generosity to my friends!"

"Will you let me go?"


The reply without any hesitation made Tarot stunned, but when he saw Fei Fei extending his arm, at least the word "yes" was sincere.

"If possible, I want to stay in the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce and serve you, my lord!"

It has to be said that Tarot is a smart man. He is now homeless, not to mention that he may face a bounty hunt by the two big guys in South County after he goes out.

What they saw in the cell, including saving themselves and escaping, none of the slaves who risked their lives to defend the manor lied.

In this era, there are not many people with such character, right?

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