Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 136 Wailing everywhere

In less than a quarter of an hour, Fei Fei saw a scene of doomsday on the top floor of Burman Tower.

The terrifying high-level fire magic "Meteor Rain" in the sky was bombarding the ancient and thick towers and arrow towers. The guards who jumped from the buildings were ignited with fire all over their bodies and danced their limbs in the air until they fell to the bluestone ground, twitching and motionless. .

There were also oak wine barrels thrown by trebuchets from unknown directions, filled with flammable tung oil. Everywhere they landed, that place was engulfed in flames.

Without the curfew, there are still many people lingering on the streets. The panicked crowd fled in all directions, crying and fighting in search of a safe hiding place. At this moment, the desire to survive exposed the evil thoughts in everyone's hearts.

Cowardly people become cruel, kind people become evil.

Ruffians and gang members organized groups to destroy, loot, and burn. For a while, the inner city of York became a purgatory.

Gu Lie, who was standing on the side of Feifan, looked at the fireballs that exploded from time to time in the inner city, and measured his gestures on the map in front of him.

"Sir, the red light shining in the sky in front of you should be the gas manufacturing plant. Judging from the speed of the fire spreading, it should be an internal arson."

"In addition to the twenty city guards responsible for guarding the gas manufacturing plant in York City, there are also ten intermediate knights from the Grand Duke's Palace. It seems that the saboteurs have high-level combat power, and there is more than one high-level person attacking the gas manufacturing plant."

If we extrapolate from the footsteps heard by a few people in the sewers every few days, there are no less than a thousand thugs in the entire inner city.

While he was talking, there was an explosion from the direction of the city hall, which was only two streets away from Burman Tower, and then there was a fire all over the sky.

"If you don't arrive first, the Brotherhood even has wind magicians. The city hall building is under the care of wind and fire, and the fire will soon develop out of control."

As he spoke, the sky guard above the city hall quickly climbed up, and it turned out that the flames were coming up.

The same goes for the carriage pulling the water dragon outside, which can't even get close to the outer wall of the city hall.

"Sir, do you want to risk leaving the inner city and return to the manor?"

"It's not necessary for now, let's keep an eye on it!"

There was something Feifan didn't say. Even if he returned to Feifan Manor, if York City was captured by thugs, Beishan would not be safe.

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary!"

There was a shout, and Master Percy, who was sweating profusely, ran over with the guards chasing him.

"Follow me to the underground. The outer security of Burman Tower has issued a warning. A mob of no less than two hundred people is coming here!"

The basement of Burman Tower should be safe. No one knows how many floors there are underground in Burman Tower. Some people say three floors, some say ten floors. Some people say that the Burman Tower is built according to the Dharma God Tower, and there is no end underground.

"I won't go. If I can, I will break out and return to Beishan Manor. I'm sorry that I didn't attend the first auction you hosted!"

"Let's take a picture. It's over before it even starts! The first thing now is to save your life. Damn it, how can you come across this kind of thing after such a long time!"

Although he was complaining, Baixi acted extremely calmly.

Nobles caught might be hanged or burned at the stake. As for the heir to the Berman Chamber of Commerce in front of him, I believe that if the leader of the thugs hadn't lost his mind, he would have served this young master with delicious food and drinks.

This young man, who is less than sixteen years old, can definitely be exchanged for the wealth of a kingdom.

After trying to persuade Fei Fei several more times, seeing the silver-haired young man still refusing, Percy didn't know how to get this newly recognized eldest brother to take refuge with him.

Due to the explosion at the gas manufacturing plant, almost all gas street lamps went out throughout the inner city. From a high position, a herringbone fire dragon converges from far to near, aiming at Burman Tower.

At this time, the two earth and sky guards behind Bai Xi came forward and ordered Bai Xi to leave quickly.

Having no other choice, Percy picked out two more high-level combatants from the guards behind him and ordered them to ensure extraordinary safety.

"Fan Fei, big brother, you must survive!"

In order to save unnecessary sadness of parting, Fei Fei waved his hand calmly without looking back.

Putting down the telescopic copper tube telescope in his hand, Gu Lie looked at Fei Fei with a solemn expression.

"There are a few giant men in front of us holding city-breaking awls. Sir, whether or not the Burman Tower can be defended is irrelevant. You won't be able to play a big role here."

Gu Lie still wanted to let Fei Fei retreat. Looking at Fei Fei who was motionless, Gu Lie winked at Dosta and Francis.

"Yes, sir, Boss Gu Lie is right. Even if we fight to the death, we should return to the manor. That is our foundation."

"Wherever your lord is, I will be there!" the troll hummed, leaving Gu Lie speechless for a while.

The loud "boom" sound was accompanied by the shaking of the ground. It was the thugs who were blowing up the door.


Feifan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up.


The relieved Gu Lie relaxed and followed Fei Fei towards the stairwell.

As soon as he reached the corner of the stairwell, Fei Fei walked straight upstairs.

"Sir, the direction is wrong! We are going downstairs, not upstairs!"

"You are seeking death when you go downstairs. Don't be too confident, Gu Lie. The gap in high-level combat power cannot be made up by more people! There are three of us at level 5 and one at level 4. We are all dishonest! If we meet the great swordsman, we will probably not be able to make up for it. I can’t kill for ten rounds!”

In fact, Gu Lie's inner thought is: He and Dosta are two high-level people, plus Fatty is an intermediate level, and if they risk their lives, they will definitely be able to open a bloody path.

He is not confident in himself, but in the extraordinary. After leaving the tower, relying on teleportation and being careful, returning to the manor outside the city is not a big problem.

Could it be that his expression of disregarding life and death was discovered by Lord Extraordinary?

A few people came to the rooftop, and I have to say that, let alone anyone standing on it, a big iron ball would probably be blown around.

It wasn't until Dosta dragged Francis with their fingers tightly clasped at the gap in the rooftop glass dome that they could slowly move forward.

"The black square box has a button with a magic crystal hanging in the air. Press down the lever that holds the magic crystal!"

Gu Lie, who was hiding in the doorway of the rooftop staircase, shouted wildly at the two figures, regardless of whether they could hear him or not.


An invisible and transparent "magic barrier" unfolded, and instantly, a corner on the top of the rooftop was calm.

"Let's go, Gulie! I said I opened the barrier to find the magic device, why did you let Dosta and Fatty take risks!"

"Sir, use your body to resist the strong wind. This won't waste much energy! Who knows that we will encounter high-intensity battles! If you have a little more magic power, we will have the ability to continue fighting!"

This is the truth, long-range firepower is generally the primary target of squad protection.

But if there is a restoration profession in the team, then long-range firepower can only be ranked second.

A safe haven, that's enough.

There is a shadow trap left by Gu Lie in the stairwell. Whenever there is movement, Fei Fei releases magic detection to sense the number of enemies.

Fortunately, all four of them have space rings. After the extraordinary insurance specialist advanced to the advanced level, he also upgraded the space rings of his three core team members.

There is no shortage of food and water in the ring.

It was just that when Gulie was counting the food, he praised the dosta that was filled with dried meat and dry food, and by the way, he gave a severe meal to the fat man who was mostly filled with fine wine.

With nothing to do, Fei Fei took out the "Wings of Wind", tied it to his waist, connected his arms, and gently flapped its wings like a bird.

"Sir, your boss is not young yet, but you still play with such children's toys?"

The fat man looked at Fei Fei with a lemony face as he fidgeted up and down, feeling envious and jealous.

"Don't you feel that the wind is stronger now than before?"

"Tomorrow is the Beginning of Autumn, and the wind and moon are approaching. Wooden clothes-drying clothespins should be in good demand in the grocery store!"

Seeing the rise of Feifan Wan, Gu Lie stepped forward and corrected several low-level mistakes of Feifan.

As soon as you hear the name "Wings of Wind", you can tell that it can only fly when there is wind. It was only when he saw the strong wind on the rooftop that he suddenly became interested in practicing wind wings. If he had to jump off a building, at least he wouldn't use a fat person on his back.

It's so high, it's a struggle to get down!

Wings spread, run up, take off. Feifan has mastered the three consecutive movements very skillfully. As for how to rise and fall in the air, turn left and run right, these are all theoretical.

In his previous life, he was extraordinary, but his physical fitness was weak, and he was timid by nature. If he was allowed to play with Wind Wings, he would be scared to death.

This is like a person who was able to ride a bicycle when he was a child. He can quickly learn to ride a motorcycle when he grows up. Those who suffer from motorcycle driving disorder syndrome are the result of not getting exercise when they were young.

The clothes of several people had been changed before going to the rooftop. Dosta was wearing plate armor and leaning on the glass wall of the rooftop with a giant ax in his hands.

Gu Lie's standing position was facing the opening on the rooftop. Two multi-chamber gunpowder guns were slung at his waist, and he was wiping an exquisite hand crossbow with five arrows in his hand.

Looking at the stack of instant magic seal scrolls and seal rings in his hand, Feifan didn't think about matching them for the three followers.

I just couldn't find the "Elf Lord's Ring" and "Magic Energy Storage Ring".

These two accessories allow people without magic power to easily activate seal scrolls and seal rings. The higher the quality, the more powerful the skills they can control.

In the hands of a magician, seal scrolls and rings can channel magic skills if they release magic that matches their own magic element attributes, as long as it does not exceed the caster's combat power level.

Generally speaking, non-magicians can use medium jewelry to release magic, but the skills after release cannot be controlled.

Magicians can circumvent this. Having more practical sealing props will also play a certain role in promoting the magician's mastery of skills.

Suddenly, Gu Lie solemnly raised his crossbow and pointed it at the hole in the building.

The other three people immediately got into fighting position. It was obvious that the shadow trap set by Gu Lie had been triggered.

"There are two groups of people in the corridor. The two are escaping in front, and I don't know how many people are following behind! It's endless, damn!"

The magic detection was released in time, and Fei Fei fed back the information to the three people in time.

"Huhu. They are all running away. Which unlucky guy is setting a trap in the corridor? I'm so angry! Drink!"

"Bonnie, hurry up! Hold my hand, someone should have escaped to the rooftop first! Hurry, they are about to catch up! Whoosh!"

Gu Lie, who was slightly embarrassed, came behind Fei Fei. As soon as his position changed, he became Fei Fei blocking the middle of the building.

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