Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 129 Feather Arrow Passing the Message

There is a beautiful elf poet Fuliya who left a sentence: "When it is late at night and you are alone under the moon, then you are the most authentic self at this time."

This is a bard's story told by Percy when he was looking for a common topic.

"How about it? Fei Fei, do you want to join our Berman Chamber of Commerce?"

"You know, the Berman Chamber of Commerce is a giant dragon, and your Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce is just a little wind rabbit. It is good for nothing but good-looking. It would be better to be caught as a pet and meet a kind owner. In short, it is a bad fate. !”

He is worthy of being a successor trained by the Great Chamber of Commerce, and his principles are better than his own.

"I'm afraid you haven't encountered a high-level wind rabbit before, young master, a gust of wind will blow you to death!"

In theory, all Warcraft can be advanced, but low-level Warcraft can be advanced up to three times. In other words, the basic monsters are only intermediate when they reach the top. That is impossible for high-level monsters.

"It's okay if you don't join. How about you become my follower, Feifan. I'll make you my vice president!"


I still have to consider being your eldest brother, and letting me be your younger brother is impossible.

"Ah, Night Stalker!"

Pointing his finger behind Fei Fei, Percy was shaking like a sieve.

"Where is the Night Stalker? Me?"

Sheriff James Benson appeared on the other wall, only his head showing, scary.

"Haha, Feifan, are you enjoying the cool weather? Do you have guests?"

"Neighbor kid, Sheriff James, come and have a piece of iced honeydew melon!" He greeted James with his head raised on the honeydew melon, and he resolutely ignored Percy's resentful gaze.

"Okay, you're welcome then!"

Two extraordinary good neighbors, both with unconventional gestures, leave people speechless.

After chatting for a while, James looked at Percy's harmless appearance and didn't deliberately avoid talking about things about the security department. After all, he was just a child.

"There are several places where sewers gather, and there are still traces of people staying there. Although there are professional thieves who create false impressions, there are still traces to follow."

After eating a piece of honeydew melon and wiping his hands with a towel, Sheriff James took another cigarette from Fei Fei's hand.

"Fei Fei, is this a cigarette? Give me one!" Percy couldn't get a word in. He was always curious when seeing novel things.

"If you haven't completed your coming-of-age ceremony, why should you smoke cigarettes?"

There is no way to trick me into making special cigarettes. After receiving the pleasure from two adults, Percy was so angry that he bit into the honeydew melon and juices splashed everywhere.

"Isn't it a fraternity?"

"All the top brass of the Brotherhood who are under the control of the Public Security Department are hiding. If it is said that the Brotherhood is preparing for a riot, it is impossible that these top brass are not making any move."

Fei Fei doesn't care about the top brass of the Brotherhood, he only cares about Anthony's news.

Even Anthony, the little Henry's tavern, hasn't been there for several days, maybe he left York City.

When he heard the word brotherhood, Percy even lowered his voice. There were not many people in the entire continent who had never heard of brotherhood.

But people as interested as Percy are even rarer.

Although the Brotherhood is spread across the entire continent, the Brotherhood within the Seven Kingdoms is not a unified organization. If members of the Brotherhood from the two kingdoms meet, they often do not conflict with each other.

In the span of a cigarette, James conveyed some news to Feifan and then disappeared on the wall.

Seeing Sheriff Benson's anxious look, Fei Fei couldn't help but chuckle. Lilith probably wanted to listen to a bedtime story.

"Fei Fei, your smile is so vulgar!"

"Go away, I'm going to sleep. If you don't take the big water bomb, I'll send it to you."

After eating the fruit that replenished his magic power, Fei Fei felt that his magic power was now abundant, and he strongly resisted the urge to beat Percy up.

Percy, who was disapproving, ate the melon slowly and refused to leave.

When Feifan raised his hand, a feathered arrow was nailed to the bluestone table, its tail feathers white as snow in the moonlight.

This move frightened Percy, but he calmed down when he saw that Fei Fei was also inexplicable.

A cylinder on the tail feathers was removed by Fei Fei, and Percy took a peek.

"Anthony is at 55 Third Street in Donagh, dying."

The note was not big, but the information was embarrassing for Fei Fei.

Before this, I recalled every time I met Anthony, this ruffian with a handsome face always didn't care about various things, but he gave people a sense of stability.

Now Anthony's life is in danger. If he can threaten the life of a great swordsman, his combat power must be at least equal.

What if the enemy isn't already one?

Looking at Bai Xi who was just as eager to try, he saw that this guy had two high-level combat powers around him. If he was fooled by this guy, at least in terms of high-level combat power, Feifan believed that he would not suffer a loss.

Thinking about it, it still feels wrong. So far, Percy has not shown any hostility. Instead, he even ate a bunch of precious fruits.

Eaters have a short mouth, so you must avoid eating them next time.

"Bercy, you go home. There is a ladder next to the tool shed in the corner. Move it over and use it. I have to leave beforehand! Go home quickly!"

In case of emergencies, there is no need to delay. Returning to the front hall, Fei Fei briefly introduced the matter to Gu Lie and the other three. The four of them took out the night-walking black robes directly from the space ring and disappeared into the black night.

There was no carriage to ride on, the city guards were hiding on the ground, and the sky guards were watching for the huge searchlights in the air.

The two thieves were sneaking in front, and Dosta was running wildly in the middle, and he was standing behind.

Realizing that there was no tail behind him, he teleported to catch up with his three companions.

When he saw all the lights in the extraordinary second-floor courtyard extinguished, Percy turned around and came to the stairs on the second floor, saying good night to the high-ranking guards downstairs.

But when the door to the bedroom was closed, a necklace inlaid with black crystal stones appeared in Percy's hand. The "Elven Ring" flashed on his finger. The necklace seemed to be activated, and Percy's body felt blurry.

He jumped out of the window, ran quickly, and soon reached the main road.

After running for a long time, Percy suddenly realized that he didn't know the direction of Dona District. After a lot of effort, he opened a grocery store and found a block map of York City.

When Baixi left his residence, the extraordinary four people had already arrived at Third Street in Dona District.

"Sir, the black cylindrical tower in front is No. 50. No. 55 has up to five buildings."

After reaching out to stop the progress of several people, Gu Lie informed them of the extraordinary situation and asked the three of them to wait for him to investigate before making any plans.

About a quarter of an hour later, Gu Lie returned.

"Sir, it's pitch dark in the yard, and no one has been detected in the buildings on the ground. If the person who sent the message is not a trap set for you, then the person may be underground."

"Sir Extraordinary, Boss Gulie, I just checked the surrounding buildings and found nothing unusual."

Since it is not a trap, even if there are many dangers inside, this risk must be taken.

"Gu Lie, Fatty, I will go in first when I find the entrance to the basement. I will use the big killer weapon, and you two can just follow up."

"Dosta will respond in the courtyard. If they are surrounded, throw a big ax on the ground with all their strength, and then everyone will break out separately."

The first one to rush in is definitely the most dangerous, but Gulie and Francis are not the first to come out to hang out. Of course, they know that only a reasonable division of labor and a clear goal are the best protection for their companions.

The three of them rushed into the small courtyard, and Dosta hid on the side of the flower bed.

The three people who entered the house moved from the first floor to the second floor, and then from the second floor to the attic. They were exhausted and sweating, but they never found the hidden compartment or mechanism in the basement.

"Let's go to the first floor and start looking for the entrance again."

When the three extraordinary people returned to the first floor, they saw Dosta holding her feet and striding in.

"Sir, there is something strange in the flower bed outside!"

Outside? Yes, this is a misunderstanding. It is very bare outside, with only a withered flower bed.

The entire view is clear, so the flower beds are missed.

Fortunately, Dosta was big and careful, and patted the troll's waist to encourage him. The four of them held their breath and slowly came to the flower bed in the middle of the yard.

Before approaching the flower bed, a vague figure climbing upward appeared in his extraordinary magic perception.

"Shh" pointed at a regular hexagonal wall brick built on the flower bed, Feifan clicked it, raised his palm, and made a downward slashing motion.

"Bang" The hexagonal wall tile was kicked open from the inside, and a foot covered in a dirty leather boot appeared.

When a big messy head protruded from the hexagonal flower bed hole, the two thieves in stealth state locked the throat and slashed the soft part of the neck with a palm knife.

Carrying the unconscious man, Dosta would tie him up in an unused tool shed.

Dosta, who returned to the courtyard, looked at the hole, which was not even thicker than her own thigh, and couldn't get in even if she wanted to.

Strictly speaking, this is not a basement, but a cellar.

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