Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 110 The power of an arrow kills or lives

The two of them had a splitting headache, but they still accurately measured the limit of the magic range of the magician.

Pulling away and flashing with all his strength, Feifan thought he could escape the pursuit of a magician.

Too naive, the water system is not the wind system, it can release the light spirit technique.

However, water magicians can freeze you from a distance. If the ice arrow does not hit you directly, even if it splashes, it will have a freezing effect.

Therefore, even though Extraordinary was flashing all the way, he was still hit left and right by the black-dressed magician, and was stuck for a few seconds from time to time.

The distance was slowly shortened. Once it entered the optimal magic effect range, Fei Fei didn't know if he could struggle out of the ice.

However, home is also close, right in front of us.

"Francis, don't come out! Go to Claire's room quickly!"

The fat man who heard the noise outside had already walked out of the room. Before he could reach the balcony, he saw Fei Fei being chased and running wildly.

Blossoming white lights were chasing behind Fei Fei. He saw what it was at night, but the fat man with the dagger in his hand was not vague, so he jumped directly from the second floor to meet Fei Fei.

".Claire's room!"

Uh, sir, you are asking me to go to the elf girl's room.

Fortunately, Francis just had a short brain circuit, so he still listened to Feifan's words. He turned his head and walked straight into the room at the other end of the corridor.

When I saw Fatty again, he was already standing at the window sill of Krall's room.

He dodged the ice spell at his feet and pointed his toes on the window lattice on the first floor. When Francis blinked again, Feifan had already flashed into the room of the elf girl Claire.

Throwing Nia and Trunks on the bed, Feifan came to Claire's side, pulled away the little moon wolf who wanted to come forward and wagged its tail, and looked into Claire's golden eyes.

"Sister Claire, let's summon that 'artifact' again. This time it's time to die!"

Being stared at by Fei Fei, Claire was dumbfounded and stared back a few times.

"Hang up, die, no one will buy you apples!"

Afraid that the elf wouldn't understand, Feifei put the magic gold sword on his neck and wiped it, tilting his head.

"Don't you understand?" He walked to the small table in front of the window and dropped the apples on the plate one by one from his hands.

"Apple, it's dead!"

Claire finally responded, it seemed that apples were more popular in her eyes than her own.

The water mage who was chasing after him saw this scene, looking like a circus clown performing tricks.

"This one-eyed elf doesn't feel threatened by her!"

To be on the safe side, two superimposed magic detections exploded in the extraordinary courtyard, forming an invisible ripple that reverberated.

"Are you too careful? Freezing technique."

All the water in the courtyard turned to ice, and the flowers in the backyard garden were as colorful as if they were embedded in crystal.

Not to mention how it felt to have the entire yard sealed, Francis and Feifan witnessed this miracle.

Looking at the white cold air spreading from the four corners of the room to the ceiling, they both quickly climbed into bed and shivered around Claire.

One is cold, the other is scary.

The cold air approached a foot in front of the big bed, but was blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to move forward even an inch.

The magician who ran up to pick up the corpse saw a strange look and an eye with golden light.

The magician took a step back, and a bundle of ice arrows appeared densely in front of him, attacking everyone on the bed indiscriminately.

There was no feeling of ice arrows entering the body, no illusion of falling into extreme cold. When Fei Fei opened his palms, he found that the ice arrows had stopped in front of him.

To be precise, he stopped in front of Claire.

Then, the dark golden bow and arrow that Feifan had seen once was pulled out of the void by Claire.

Bend the bow and the arrow will form itself. The moment the arrow tip appeared, it shot out.

It was as if the magician was suddenly blessed with the wind spirit technique, and he was avoiding the attacks of magic arrows at extremely high speeds.

However, under the extraordinary monocular, it was found that the magic arrow had penetrated at least halfway, at the heart.

"I made the right bet, Mom. I can't die!"

Fatty and Feifan jumped off the bed and watched Claire quietly throw the dark gold bow and arrow into the void and sit cross-legged quietly, as if nothing happened.

Both of them opened their hands, intending to give Claire a loving hug that would last the rest of their lives. They thought about it for three seconds before hugging each other.


Ten seconds later, almost on the hilltop far away from York City, there was a heartbreaking loud noise.

"Sir, look, what a charming fire flower!"

After watching for a long time, Fei Fei felt that he had forgotten something. When he saw Nia and Trunks who had fainted and not yet woken up on the bed, he slapped his thigh.

"Damn it, go rescue people quickly, I wonder if Gu Lie froze to death!"

Arriving at the battlefield of the attack, the troll Dosta had escaped and was hacking at Gulie with a big axe.

Without the water purification technique, Feifan could only join Francis on the ice-breaking journey.

When Gu Lie got away, he kicked the thief who had just been frozen together.

The ice shell was still there, and I almost twisted my foot.

"Sir, what should we do with this thief and that knight?" Gu Lie turned his back to the thief and winked at Feifan.

"Well, these baskets just now had arrows that hit the flesh. They could be chopped to death and pulled out. The city guard will come to collect the corpses in a moment."

Without saying a word "Okay", Gu Lie took the dagger and pointed at the thief's neck.

The fat man who reached out to stop him was glared back by Gu Lie.

To be honest, the thief who is still frozen in the ice shell can no longer feel his heartbeat. After all, he is a high-level thief and his character is very determined.

Apart from the slight trembling of his body, Fei Fei could see in his eyes a feeling of death.

"You are a beautiful lady, why are you a thief?"

After being devastated by the four great classics of Feihua, at least these friends of Feihua can understand some of Feihan's hometown dialect.

The fat man was not happy, "Sir, I am also a thief! But I am also a beauty!"

"Well, you are indeed 'family'."

"Wait a minute!" Knowing that the collapse was almost over, Feifei raised his hand to stop Gu Lie.

"Gu Lie, will this give them an advantage? Look, although my magic robe is not torn, it has a few big holes!"

"No, we have to do it this way! Open his chest first!"

While talking, Fei Fei was still drawing circles on the ice shell on the thief's chest.

"Stop, Sir Cordo, I thought you had the etiquette and demeanor of a noble, but I didn't expect you to be a cruel guy! We just want to catch you, but we don't want to kill anyone! We are the strong ones selected by the two Dukes. Either you give me a good time or let us go. The noble Duke will not be stingy with the ransom!"

Hearing this, Fei Fei was furious.

"Why do these two old bastards have to be at odds with me? Is Extraordinary wine so attractive? Can Extraordinary coffee be sold all over the continent or how?"

"Ahem!" A cough interrupted Fei Fei, and Gu Lie thought for a moment.

"Sir, the wine we brewed has been sold to the Free City of Duchess Vasari. As for Extraordinary Coffee, now Beishan, except for the Duke's Castle on the top of the mountain, is all the land of Extraordinary Manor."

"Eh? Boss Gu Lie, Master Feifan, are you crying or laughing?"

Yes, Fei Fei laughed and shed tears. This is just the first step to gain a foothold in this world, nothing more.

"Sir, go home and cry again! Let's deal with these two things first."


The magic gold sword appeared in Feifan's hand, and he came to the thief's side and gestured back and forth.

"Sir Cordo, my head is outside, just click it and it will be fine! Why don't you use your sword to draw below me? I'm so panicked!"



Just as Fei Fei was waiting to further break down the thieves' defenses, a barrage of arrows came from the bell tower in the distance.

Because they were not locked in, Feifan Gulie and the others were not alert.

"Bang! Click!"

The ice sculpture knight was still thinking about how to escape when a burning bursting magic arrow exploded the ice sculpture knight into pieces.

The other one is aimed at the thief on the ground. At this moment, the thief has felt the threat. He cannot move and can only close his eyes and wait for death.

"Space Wall"

The strongest life-saving means at present was released by Fei Fei. He stepped back with his right foot and placed the magic crystal sword across his chest.

The magic arrow that passed through the space wall passed through an unknown number of space faults, but the skill's stamina was insufficient, so it was still squeezed in by the arrow cluster, and its power remained unabated.


The arrow hit the broad blade of the magic gold sword. Feifan groaned, leaving a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"With such great strength, I didn't even take a step back. These days of training are very effective!"

"Hey, Dosta, why are you standing behind me? Your clothes are all torn off?"

When the "space barrier" ends, Gulie and Francis will chase towards the bell tower.

"Don't go. You stole an arrow and ran away. You are really a sensible person who can take it and let it go!"

"Sir, this one seems to be more powerful than the one who attacked us!"

"Well, I guess it was a back-up move. They tied me up and escorted me all the way. If they failed, we headed west!"

"What are you doing to the west? My lord."

"Xiangdong is our home. The magicians are dead. How can he not be afraid?"

It seemed that he was being hunted, and there was a third party. Seeing that all the magicians were killed instantly, he had no choice but to run to the bell tower and silence his own people.

"Sir, do you want to kill this thief now?"

"Kill him, I didn't see his face that he wanted to die. Take him back and treat him well. Our Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce has added a high-level thief."

Fortunately, the magical effect of the ice had expired, and the ice shell turned into a faint starlight and dissipated in the air.

Finally, the whistle of the city guard was heard in the distance, and a straight beam of light was slowly approaching in the sky.

It was too late. The magician who knew Anthony seemed to be very capable and could actually influence the city guards and air guards.

Although they are both York City Defense Guards, the two are independent city hall departments.

The enemies on the surface are not scary, but the killers hiding in the dark are hard to guard against.

I will meet Anthony another day and ask. The main thing now is to go home, take a hot book bath, and have a good sleep.

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