Frost Wings

Chapter 401: hunter


Blood splattered on the ground, and the orc who stood up in the dark put away his dagger, and his body looked burly and majestic under the firelight of the stars.

He glanced sideways at the direction of Caleb City, which was two days away, and then glanced at the poor traveler who had fallen on the ground.

He fell to his knees and began to worship according to the ritual of his ancestors.

Killing his kin was not what Isias wanted, but it was sometimes compelled to do so.

Damn dragon, actually set the entry check so strict.

Isias thought bitterly that after receiving the instructions from the dragon slayer Malloc, he consulted various sources and realized the difficulty of this dragon, but he did not expect that the internal defense of Caleb City, It's gotten to the point where it doesn't leak.

It seems that the guards are lax, but Isias can feel that the frost dragon knights sitting in groups of three or four playing cards at the corner table are much sharper than they seem. The suspicious people who enter the city through informal channels must be will be discovered.

With the perception of the legendary hunter, Isias realized that it was impossible for him to infiltrate the city under the eyes of the Frost Dragon Knight. He was confident in his combat power, but it was by no means what a wise man did.

"Brother, please allow me to express my sincere apologies to you. May your soul be forgiven and forgiven by your ancestors, and you can return from the lost way in time." The legendary hunter took out a set of tools and skillfully peeled it off and fell to the ground. The face of an orc, he spent several months exploring the fields far from Caleb City before he found such a suitable target. This is a scavenger who lives outside Caleb City. The welfare in Caleb City is enough to keep him safe and secure, and he gets rich by picking up treasures in various dangerous areas outside the city.

It's a pity that the brain has been completely brainwashed by the Wings of Frost, otherwise it would not have gotten to this point.

Isias put on this unremarkable face, put down the giant crossbow behind him, dug a hole on the edge of the tent and buried it in, took out a short-barreled crossbow arrow, and wrapped it tightly around his sleeve.

The wicked Wings of Frost, destroying the fine tradition of the Orcs? This is simply a crime that people and gods are angry with. We must stop his sinful blood from spreading and continue to harm Fein's pure beings.



"rua! Dioxeter!"




"...Yawn Alicia!"

In the wilderness, Bai He was full of the majesty of his father, crouching on the ground in dragon form, and three little dragons beside him, reciting the name that his mother gave them one after another.

Although there is no inheritance, it can be regarded as a chapter if it is born, but the IQ of the three little dragons is not low at all, and even a little higher than Baihe expected, even the most inactive daughter Alicia, He also learned to speak in three days after giving birth, and not only knew one language.

Among Baihe's subordinates, there are people who speak common language, some who speak orc, plus the natives who have fooled over from various worlds. They have everything in Chinese, English, and Japanese. The three little guys have mastered a lot in less than a few days. The eldest daughter, Sararia, can even talk to all the people in the base in her native language, which amazes Shirakawa.

The eldest son, Dioxeter, stretched his big head and looked around curiously, sometimes leaping to the flying insects that jumped out of the grass; Sarah Ria sat on the grass, her claws turned over elementary school math; Alicia lay on Baihe's head On the top, the big head drooped and dozed off.

"Your mother gave you the clan name, what about your father's name?" Bai He lowered his head and licked the leaves and dandelions on Sararia's tail.

"White Moon." Sararia answered crisply.

"Bai... Bai Meng..." The big head lying on top of Bai He's head shook, and the saliva flowed onto the gem on top of Bai He's head: "Meng Meng wants to sleep, eat meat, ahhh"

"Don't!" Dioxet's expression changed, he shouted loudly, and sat on the ground crying: "I don't want to call Bai Tiantian!"

"What day and day? Who taught you this?" Bai He said lightly.

"Dad, don't bully me for not knowing Chinese!" Dioxet said angrily, "I was born to you! Rua!"

"Really? Then do you know what Sun means?" Bai He squinted at Xiaolong.

"Sun? Isn't it the sun?" Dioxet blinked: "But those uncles of the Knights have a strange expression when they mention this word... What is it?"

"The sun and the sky are combined together, is there any problem? This word is very good." Bai He snorted: "After that, you will be called Bai Ri... Bai Hao."

Dioxet tilted his head, thinking that something was wrong, but couldn't say why.

Let's go back and ask those frost dragon knights, Dioxet thought to himself, if there is really a problem, he should change his name, if not, go to his mother, father is most afraid of her.

After fooling the eldest son, Baihe immediately ordered through the host: "rua! No one of you is allowed to mention Hao and Ritian in the future, especially in front of Dior, whoever dares to mention it will be sent to the Mass Effect world to mine and strengthen welfare. the final sequence of all."

Bai He turned off the communication and closed his eyes. While monitoring the three little dragons, he observed the twin flowers inside.

After absorbing a large amount of celestial spirits, countless thin threads are connected between the stamens and petals representing the hp world. Inside, it is easy to see that the black celestial spirit is constantly being assisted by the powerful firepower of the branch. Erosion of the Protoss body, the Protoss body has entered a precarious state, and more spiritual elements are continuously replenished into Baihe's soul through silk threads.

Until the main body of the Protoss has completely fallen, unless the Black Protoss is willing to undertake the obligations of the original Protoss, the source of the magic power of this world will be completely lost.

It can be said that after this battle, the magical environment of this world has been completely destroyed, and the secular government has collapsed again, making it completely turned into the back garden of Baihe.

"This world is Baihe opened one eye and began to scan many other worlds, and began to hesitate.

In the worlds he has been to, he has abandoned the ultra-low magic world, which is similar to the non-magic world. The remaining three have their own victories. There is the super-power magic world, the fairy world, and the middle and high magic world. .

After the harvest of these three worlds is completed, there will probably be enough source power to upgrade. Even with the possibility of diminishing returns, it is no problem to become an adult dragon.

Bai He meditated silently, and his thoughts swept across Caleb City. Today, there are 10,000 Frost Dragon Knights in this city. Together with the members of the Dragon God Religion, the total number is close to 15,000. If the company and the HP World branch, if they operate patiently and can organize an army of several hundred thousand people, they will probably be able to go on a frost expedition.

Only the size of the control area...

This is a very serious problem. Because he is not keen to expand the territory, the area controlled by Baihe has always been small. In HP Earth, only the puppet regime can be used to absorb part-time workers. How many militants willing to fight for the White River can be exchanged for the immortal technology and point system is a big problem; Of course, there are quite a few fighters, but Baihe's requirements for the quality of his employees are a bit high. There are probably not many militant Internet addicts teenagers with high quality and high education in any world.

And from Baihe's point of view, it's a pity that this kind of person is a low-level cannon fodder...

If it's a low-level cannon fodder, shouldn't it cooperate with an orc god?

Bai He tilted his head in thought.

At this moment, a very, very disgusting aura suddenly fell into Baihe's induction. He stood up alertly, spread his wings and soared, his eyes scanning inside and outside Caleb City like electricity.

Seems like something bad has gotten in.

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