Frost Wings

Chapter 379: reincarnated

When Jack heard the news, he first subconsciously doubted the color of his hat. After all, the news was too scary for normal people to accept at once.

Anyone who's ex-girlfriend broke up for a few months and suddenly tells you that the baby is about to be born will have a very absurd feeling.

Jack figured it out quickly, counted the days, and if the child was born recently, going back a period of time, it was indeed his legacy.

His ex-girlfriend is a devout believer, and if she accidentally won the bid due to improper contraceptive measures, she probably wouldn't go for an abortion.

Suddenly Jack had a strange feeling, a mixture of cuckolding and catching a plate, and the surprise of winning a lottery.

Mixed with this mood, Jack saw the child, and a kind of joy entered his heart in an instant. The child had soft light-colored hair and a small dress, looking very beautiful.

"Oh~ God, his eyes are actually pink." Jack stroked the child's hair: "He's so cute, Tina."

"The doctor said it is a symptom of phenylketonuria, but the physical examination indicators are all normal, Jack, my child is indeed a different baby." The blonde woman teased the child with a smile, her face full of happiness brilliance.

"This is you and my child, Tina." Jack frowned when he heard the blond woman's call: "Although we broke up, as a man, I have to take responsibility. , Tina, I think we should at least think of a plan to take care of his future."

"Dear Jack, this is indeed my child. At least I don't think it's necessary to force him to have a relationship with you. Although his bloodline is half of yours, it's really hard for me to imagine a game company that went bankrupt half a year later. A man who is still addicted to the Internet will be a good father." Tina said helplessly.

"...Tina, why do you think so? Where does the Internet addiction come from now? The company has been down for more than half a year." Jack's eyes widened.

"I know, Jack, it was because the company went bankrupt that I decided to leave you, and it was also for the sake of the child." Tina nodded and sighed: "Your work unit provides imaging equipment for Xiaobai Technology Company, and you are in it. After working for more than ten years, now the VR technology is over. You who are out of the VR world, you still don’t know how many years you want to re-adjust to reality. I can’t let my baby be poisoned by your strange way of thinking, so I decided to form a new family."

Jack's eyelids jumped as he watched the woman climb up on a middle-aged man's arm, and raised his finger like a stroke: "Tina! You actually found a hint!"

Jack looked at the smiling bald middle-aged man, and added even more incredulously: "He's still a **** who doesn't even understand English!"

"It's too vulgar." Tina frowned slightly, looking at the middle-aged man and the child, and said, "Although Li has no education, he is a simple and good person. He runs a dozen supermarkets in Washington, D.C. in VR. Even when technology was the most popular, he did not give up his real life and career, so such people can give George a good growth environment when this virtual economy collapses, and more importantly, I love him now."

She kissed the middle-aged man's cheek and glanced at the wooden Jack: "I came to you to take care of your right to know. Now you can go."

Jack's eyes were darkened. In this battlefield, his role did not seem to be an 'honest man who took over the business', but the current situation made him even more embarrassed. The man's small self-esteem made him furious, blushing and pointing at Tina And the bald middle-aged: "You! You can't deprive me of my legal rights, I'm going to sue you!"

"Don't do stupid things." Tina approached Jack and lowered her head and said, "Don't think I don't know that you are a member of the so-called 'technical committee', I can tell you that the core of this meeting is now The members are either in prison or in a mental hospital. You can hide from others, but don't try to hide from me; if you don't appear in my life anymore, I can forget about it."

Jack's hands trembled, and he took Tina and his child away as he looked at the bald winner in life, full of suffocation and dissatisfaction, he glanced at his own flesh and blood with great reluctance, and looked at the color of his eyes. Some different children were looking at him with a mixture of contempt and pity.

Jack froze for a moment, where did the child come from such rich emotions, could it be an illusion?

This is the turn of the 22nd century. The vigorous VR technology revolution of the first half century has come to an end with the ban of many world governments, and the amazingly large interest groups behind it have collapsed, as if all the regimes in the world are tacitly carrying out joint suppression. Even slow-moving basic science has stalled.

In fact, this kind of stagnation started in the last century. Scientists are surprised to find that there is a huge difference between the observations in the macroscopic world and the microscopic world and theoretical models. This difference cannot even be explained by the error. In the end, scientists can only think that the world built by basic science has a big problem.

Of course they don't know, the world with supernatural powers, the basic science they developed was problematic a few worlds ago, and in this age where science and mystery conflict are emerging, even if VR technology is not banned, it will be stagnant sooner or later. .

Boss Li came to Washington at the end of the 21st century. At the peak of the development of the VR network, with the unique diligence of the Chinese, he supported the purchase cost of several streets in Washington, the old and middle-aged and young people who are addicted to the Internet. A pot of gold and become the current supermarket tycoon.

In addition to his successful career, he also gained a harvest in love. Although not everyone likes this pragmatic western beauty, he also has to admit that Boss Li enjoys a beautiful blessing, and he also buys one for one.

However, the western beauty was worried at this time. She was in the psychological consultation room, looking at the child sitting in the chair obediently, and at the psychological counselor who was a little embarrassed: "Sir, you mean that there is no problem with George. ?"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with George's psychology, but his intelligence is a little premature." The counselor wiped the sweat from his head: "This kind of thing is easy to solve, as long as you take good care of your heart, there will be no major problems."

"Thank goodness." Tina patted her chest, showing a happy look.

She hugged the little boy, and the horror in her heart was finally a little less.

When the child is at the age of school, Li is a typical oriental. The way of education of the oriental people tends to educate more cowardly children. In many occasions, this character means not to cause trouble, but in some cases, it also means that he is easily bullied. .

In Tina's view, George was influenced by Li, and his character is a typical Asian child. When he meets a rude white and black child, being bullied is very likely to happen. This kind of thing does happen, but the result is very different. It made Tina horrified. Her son, who has always been well-behaved and quiet, actually went to school less than a week ago. With a wooden stick, he chased more than a dozen boys for several streets, and even sent several to the hospital. The black-bellied mercenary princess

When the police informed Tina to receive compensation, Tina's mind was still dizzy.

This style of painting was too scary, and Tina couldn't help but shuddered when she recalled it: "However, the aggressiveness shown by George and the violent tendencies that the police said..."

"The police, the police know nonsense, especially the police who manage this kind of thing, there is no professionalism at all." The psychiatrist said impatiently: "Aggressive? If other children didn't provoke him, what kind of aggression did he show? Is it? Violent tendencies? Today's police often use this word when they encounter things. Do they really understand what violent tendencies are? When encountering problems, they are habitually prioritizing violence to solve them. Do you shoot someone? Trust me, madam, if you are really worried, you can do psychological counseling regularly."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Tina nodded hastily,

"So, can I and Little George be left alone for a while now? Madam." The psychiatrist said: "If possible, I hope to be able to file it carefully. This is my professional habit, please don't worry too much."

"Of course, sir."

Tina glanced at the child, turned and walked out of the room. The doctor watched the woman walk away, her complexion suddenly changed, and she knelt down in front of the child's calf with a flattering expression: "Boss, I performed well."

"Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect that a psychiatrist would be able to see the original employees." The alien monster Baihe, who had transformed into a human child, smiled with satisfaction.

He has been lurking in this world for several years, waiting for this avatar to grow naturally. Baihe was dormant while absorbing information. The feedback he got was not good. The technology companies in this world seemed to have been uprooted, and the spirit of the world was obviously It was because of complicity with the government organization and single-handedly destroying Baihe's hard work in this But this time, when I saw a psychiatrist, I had an unexpected joy. According to the information sent by Xiaoniao, this one looks like The guy in his thirties is a member of the Frost Dragon Knights newly sent to various worlds a few years ago.

For Bai He, this can be regarded as an unexpected joy.

It was dark in front of Zhengchou's eyes, and a guide came to the door. Baihe's spiritual guidance made this guy recognize his identity.

"Let's talk about it first, how did the branch get destroyed?" Bai He asked, unable to restrain his curiosity after leaving irrelevant personnel.

Unexpectedly, he just asked this sentence, the face of the frost dragon knight named Tang En changed greatly: "Boss, wait."

"Huh?" Bai He looked at Tang En. I saw this guy walking around, hunched over, as if he was arranging something, with a serious look on his face like an enemy, which surprised Bai He. Could it be that the spirit of the world has the ability to monitor the world?

This is something that the master of Antas cannot do. This sluggish **** can actually do it. Could it be that its sluggishness is an illusion?

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