The Human Revolutionary Alliance occupies these star systems, and other civilizations do find it very strange.

At present, the Human Revolutionary Alliance occupies a total of thousands of star systems, all of which are similar to the size of the Milky Way.

Of course, thousands of star systems are just a drop in the ocean for the entire universe. For example, the active area of ​​the singer civilization has a radius of hundreds of millions of light-years, and there are tens of thousands of star systems.

It's just that nowadays, the civilizations of the Trisolaran Universe rarely occupy a star system, especially higher civilizations. They all know that doing so will become the target of others.

When Wang Gao saw Zhang Beihai's report, he felt that it was almost the same, and he would start the plan that had been prepared for a long time.

He used his authority to hold a virtual meeting.

"My compatriots, the People's Revolutionary Federation is finally going to send its true voice to the universe. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Wang Gao waved his hand and ordered: "Start the stealing plan."


Following Wang Gao's order, the Human Revolutionary Alliance, which occupies thousands of star systems, acted in an orderly manner as if a clockwork machine had turned on the switch.

Alpha 7003 star system.

The commander in charge of occupying this place is Wu Yue. He received the command from the headquarters and immediately picked up the communicator:

"All departments, please pay attention and start the stealing plan."


Spherical ships arranged in various planetary systems, and spherical ships stationed in the edge regions of the star system.

Coupled with Cambrian 1027, the gravitational core of the star system, the black hole at the core of the galaxy, began to release a special force field.

When these force fields continued to spread, in less than ten minutes, the star system with a radius of 83,000 light-years was completely enveloped by the special force field.

Then, something terrible happened.

Alpha 7003 star system disappeared.

To be precise, this star system has been turned into a small universe.

Thousands of star systems were stripped out at almost the same time and turned into small universes.

After Wu Yue saw the feedback from the system, he immediately ordered: "Start the different-dimensional blocking system immediately."


"Activate the artificial cosmic crystal wall."


"Activate the Small Universe Joint Force Field."


With the rapid activation of these systems, the separated small universe quickly stabilized, and was completely separated from the three-body universe.

The Human Revolutionary Alliance's small universe manufacturing technology can be more powerful than other advanced civilizations. After all, the civilization of the Three-Body Problem does not have the rules of other universes, while the Human Revolutionary Alliance has the rules of other universes.

This can make a world of difference between the two.

There are mutually repulsive force fields between single universes, and the crystal walls of different universes are not so easy to crack.

In particular, it is difficult to enter the alien universe with a master, unless there is a strong enough technology, it can be forcibly entered, or smuggled in.

Obviously, the civilization of the Three-Body Problem has not yet reached that level. They can't even decipher the small universe in the Three-Body Problem, let alone the Human Revolutionary Alliance small universe loaded with the rules of various different universes.

All the civilizations monitoring the Human Revolutionary Alliance were stunned by the sudden situation.

The headquarters of the singer civilization is also a super ship located in a two-dimensional area.

When the singer spaceships in various areas reported the incident to the headquarters, they only knew that things were out of control.

Yes, this is a very serious matter.

In the past, although some civilizations secretly built small universes for self-protection, the scale was often only planetary level, or even planetary level.

And this time, the action of the Human Revolutionary Alliance directly poached thousands of star systems, and this kind of action has seriously affected the stability of the three-body universe.

With the disappearance of thousands of star systems, the expansion rate of the three-body universe accelerated again, increasing the expansion rate by 0.067%.

Don't look at it is only 0.067%, but the entire universe is changing.

If the Human Revolutionary Alliance continues to plunder the mass of the Trisolaran universe, the consequence will be that the universe expands faster and faster, and finally enters the "great tear state" ahead of schedule, causing the entire universe to collapse completely.

Singer civilization hides in a two-dimensional area, and can use dimensionality reduction strikes such as two-way foil recklessly.

But if it enters the state of the big tear of the universe, the singer civilization will surely die, because the universe has collapsed, and the rules of the universe will be completely chaotic, even a small universe cannot be spared.

This is the real cosmic-level strategic deterrence.

After Wang Gao studied the cosmic social structure of the three-body universe, he has been preparing for this plan.

Doesn't Singer Civilization think that taking the initiative to reduce dimensionality can make it invincible?

Is the returner planning to launch a return plan to bring the universe back to the pastoral state of the universe?

That person's Revolutionary Alliance simply lifted the table and completely evacuated the mass of the entire universe. At that time, the three-body universe would completely collapse and turn into a void of nothingness.

Once most of the mass is lost, the Three-Body Problem will be self-defeating, and all civilizations living in the Three-Body Problem will completely vanish.

Whether it's a high-ranking zero, or a scheming fishing civilization, it's the same with a cosmic scavenger singer.

In the end, they only had a dead end.

Just like the Lord of the Rings civilization lingering in the four-dimensional debris, the fish that suddenly left the sea had no chance of survival.

Singer civilization, marginal civilization, and those who return to zero have already reacted to what the People's Revolutionary Federation has done.

They quickly sent out an ultra-wide-area broadcast to the entire universe, warning the Human Revolutionary Federation not to continue extracting the mass of the universe, otherwise they would declare war on the Human Revolutionary Federation.

However, Wang Gao responded unceremoniously.

Hundreds of star systems were plundered in several weak regions.

War broke out instantly.

Those higher civilizations who didn't want to die had to let go of their previous filth and join forces to deal with the Human Revolutionary Alliance.

It's just that the Human Revolutionary Federation hides in a small universe and fights guerrillas all over the universe, and does not fight these civilizations head-on at all.

The war broke out, but the initiative was still on the side of the People's Revolutionary Federation.

In less than three years, the Human Revolutionary Alliance has plundered more than 8,000 star systems.

With the passage of time, various advanced civilizations also learned to behave, and gave up the plan to encircle and suppress the Revolutionary Alliance, and turned to occupying various star systems to ensure that the mass of the universe would not continue to lose.

The first cosmic war, at this stage, fell into a stalemate.

virtual meeting.

Wang Gao looked at the more than 8,000 star systems in his hand, UU reading www. said to everyone with a smile:

"The so-called advanced civilizations are nothing but paper tigers. No one could hold their weaknesses before, but now they are finally forced out by us."

"Supreme Consul, I think we can now pursue the victory and threaten these advanced civilizations to hand over their technology." Rey Diaz suggested clamoringly.

But Luo Ji shook his head: "Consul Rey Diaz, it's not enough right now. We must further compress their living space before we can force them to surrender completely."

Others have their own opinions.

However, most people's opinions are to seek stability and avoid being too radical.

Obviously, many people know that there are still some trump cards in these advanced civilizations. Once the opponent is pressed, they may take measures to perish together.

For example, Wang Gao is also very afraid of the returnees. They have a return plan in their hands. Once the other party restarts the universe, the problem will become more complicated.

Of course, now that more than 8,000 star systems have been siphoned out by the Human Revolutionary Alliance, the three-body universe is no longer ready for a restart.

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