From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 12 Partnering

Guillan Iros, a wine merchant.

Ji Lan reached out and gently shook the girl's white hand.

Adhering to the principle of saying too much and making too many mistakes, he simply introduced himself.

Wine merchant? Maiev, the girl with twin ponytails, raised her eyebrows and showed interest. Fine wine is indeed a work of human creativity. It can make people intoxicated, allowing them to glimpse ordinary invisible things in a trance. It can also stimulate emotions and inspiration, leading to a deeper sleep.

Unfortunately, I'm allergic to alcohol.

Maiev said softly with a smile on her lips.

Gilan thought about the girl's words and glanced at the book in her hand. Just as he was about to ask, he accidentally discovered that four rows of benches away from the right front, a gothic girl with long brown hair was turning her head. The eyes with black eye makeup were staring at him, with anger and even murderous intent in them.

'Um? ’

Ji Lan narrowed his eyes, feeling deeply puzzled.

He didn't know why the girl was so hostile to him.

Everyone, I have bad news. At this time, the red-haired female student returned from the car in front and said nervously. Passengers on the train suddenly disappeared, and the driver and conductor were also missing.


The old man in black suit punched his cane and said indifferently.

Another fat man wearing a striped brown and red suit stood up, chewing chocolate in his mouth and called:

Which man is willing to go with me to confirm?

I'll go with you.

A sturdy blond young man stood up and almost hit the ceiling of the carriage. He was wearing a military green leather jacket with a white vest underneath, and the outline of his chest and abdominal muscles were vaguely visible.

I'll go too. Another thin young man wearing a gray coat and beret stood up. He patted the bulge on his waist and added: I am a veteran.

Sorry to bother you two.

The fat man looked at the two men and nodded with a sense of security.

The three of them started to act together and went to investigate.

Mr. Gillan, you haven't answered my initial question yet. Maiev, the girl, retracted her gaze, turned around and asked with a smile. Why aren't you worried? If there is a serious accident, we will be in trouble.

I experienced a danger not long ago. Compared to real death, the accident in front of me is nothing. Ji Lan said lightly. I cherish every second of new life and look forward to everything.

I don't know if you are satisfied with this answer.

After hearing what he said, the girl fell into deep thought.

But the way she looked at Jilan again was full of curiosity and interest.

At this time, a man with gold-rimmed glasses wearing a white shirt and striped trousers stood up from the seat on the right, came next to Gillan and Maiev, and said in a low voice:

Something's wrong, you two.

Hmm? Did you find anything, sir?

Maiev, the girl with twin tails, looked at the other party and asked politely.

I just looked out the window and saw a gray shadow flashing through the woods. It seemed to be some kind of large beast... If the train had stopped here, we might be in danger.

The man with glasses explained solemnly.

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and placed it against his left chest.

Brennan Frankel, a surgeon.

Hello, I am Maiev Martiriya, folklorist, and this is Mr. Guillen Iros.

Maiev introduced the doctor.

Nice to meet you two. Dr. Brennan smiled and nodded, and suggested: Why don't the three of us act together so we can take care of you.

Maiev readily agreed.

Ji Lan thought for a while and nodded.

‘If I encounter force majeure danger, these two people can buy me time to escape. ’

Thoughts flashed through his mind.

The three men who went to investigate the situation came back soon. They told everyone in the carriage with ugly faces that the red-haired female student was not lying and that the train was indeed empty.

At this moment, everyone else present changed their expressions and became restless.

Not long after, someone planned to leave, opened the carriage door and jumped out.

After hesitating for a moment, the others also got off the train one after another, and the three of Ji Lan were no exception. But Jilan finally paid attention to the Gothic girl who was hostile to him. She was still sitting in her seat, her head lowered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Jilan stopped paying attention. After getting off the car, he saw a group of people gathering in the open space to discuss countermeasures. Several of the men had already started walking into the surrounding forest, seemingly trying to find a way out.

Be careful of the grass around you! There are animal traps all around here! A middle-aged man with a shabby appearance and carrying a large travel bag noticed something and turned around to warn everyone in the open space.

After the reminder, the man took out a crossbow and a crank knife from his travel bag, then left alone and disappeared deep into the forest.

Everyone in the clearing heard the man's warning, with ugly expressions on their faces. This was really not good news.

What should we do next? Dr. Brennan whispered while the three of Gillan were some distance away from the others. I heard them say just now that they planned to stay on the train and wait for rescue, but I had an ominous feeling.

It's better to leave as soon as possible and see if we can find a way out.

Gillan suggested.

He also wanted to go to that village as soon as possible and continue to search for the scribe's residence, in the basement of which the object of Orlando the Exorcist's dream was stored.

The girl Maiev and Dr. Brennan thought for a while, surprisingly did not refute, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Jilan took the lead and said:

The man just reminded us that there are animal traps around, so we should be careful.


Two people answered.

Dr. Brennan was still quite gentlemanly. Instead of hiding behind Gillan with Maiev, he took a step forward and followed Gillan in front.

Jilan nodded to him, and then pretended to carefully screen the traps in the grass.

In fact, he had basically figured out the arrangement points of the bear traps, so he deliberately avoided dense areas, so the three of them moved at a slow speed and quickly got away from the train.


anyone there--

At this time, strange shouts came from the surrounding jungle.

Dr. Brennan raised his head in confusion, while Maiev's face changed slightly.

What's the matter, Miss Marvel? the doctor asked.

Nothing. Maiev shook her head, and the two black horses swung their tails. I just thought of some bad things, but those are just folklore and should not be taken as true.


At this time, a dark shadow flashed quickly in the forest.

Jilan looked stern and shouted in a deep voice:


After that, he ran forward without looking back.

The girl and the doctor were startled at first when they saw this, but then they chose to believe Jilan and followed closely.

The three of them tried their best to escape in the forest. Maiev glanced back and saw a gray-haired headless monster with the size of a lion following them.

How could it be?! Her brown pupils shrank and her pretty face turned pale. The legend turns out to be true!

Maiev held the book in one hand, lifted her skirt with the other, and stepped forward with all her strength.

Even though the mud and broken branches and leaves stained the white skirt and women's leather shoes, she didn't care.

The doctor heard the girl's murmur, turned around and saw the monster, and was startled.

It wasn't until the three of them ran all the way to the wooden pile wall that the headless monster behind them disappeared. Dr. Brennan gasped, took off his glasses, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked:

Miss Maiev, did you recognize the monster just now?

The girl was dripping with sweat, her whole body was weak and she leaned against the wooden wall, nodding hesitantly.

After a long while, after her breath calmed down, she bit her lower lip and said:

That's the 'tribute wolf'... According to ancient Xilu folklore, in the Dawn BC era, tribesmen would cut off the heads of wild wolves and use their corpses to worship the old gods, eager to gain the attention of the four Si Sui. However, The only person who is most likely to respond to humanity is the fourth year old 'Mr. Pearl', also known as 'Moon God' Ivan...

Maiev glanced around, looking uneasy.

He is also the 'God of Change and Death' and is moody. After the heads of the sacrificial wolves are chopped off, an 'eye' extending to the chest and abdomen will open at the broken neck to peer into the lunar world on behalf of humans. Legend has it that it was pitch black there, so people would cry out for help in a panic.”

But if anyone answers this call, something unfortunate will most likely happen. Maiev folded her elbows helplessly and buried the book in her chest. I didn't expect the legend to come true.

No wonder I heard...

The doctor couldn't help but feel horrified when he thought of the words Hello and Is there anyone there he just heard?

Thanks to Luobobuuke for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks to Wupupil Tree for the 1,000 point reward!

Thanks to The Sky's Final Broken Wings for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to Bie Xiaoyao for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to Happy Puff for the 100-point reward!

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