From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 323: Upper bound decision!

Above the nine heavens, there is a blessed land somewhere.

Sun En came back here with only 30% of his Yuanshen left.

This place belongs to the heaven and the earth, and it also belongs to the outside of the heaven and earth. It is a realm that is free from the outside, but contains all things.

This is the place where the Void Shattering will come, and the world calls it the "Upper Realm".

It can also be said that this is the closest place to heaven.

It is the place where it is easiest to understand the truth of heaven, the most abundant vitality, and the place where the primordial spirit ages the slowest.

When Sun En brought back Sancheng Yuanshen miserably.

In the upper realm, several voices resounded immediately.

"Friend Sun, what's going on?"

"Why is your Primordial Spirit injured so badly?"

"What about the human emperor you went to pick up?"

Sun En manifested his body here, but it was almost illusory and transparent, but his emotions were still indifferent. When he was in this state of mind, even if he suffered such a heavy blow, he would still not show the emotions of mortals.

This is because, for him, although the injury is heavy, it will return to its original state sooner or later in time.

The key issue now is that Gu Chong's strength must be fully informed to everyone, and the countermeasures must be re-discussed. This person must not be allowed to ruin everyone's long-term plans.

With a flash of thought, Sun En completely informed everyone in the "upper realm" of what happened to Gu Chong after this manifestation.

These people are described as old and young, male and female.

Among them were two old acquaintances of Gu Chong, Xiang Yutian and Fu Cailin.

But no matter if they are seniors or newcomers, without exception, their whole body is full of demonic energy.

These are all people who have transformed their own origins of martial arts into the origins of demons.

In a sense, they are no longer humans, but demons!

There are only a few people who are like Sun En with a normal temperament. These people are the most powerful bosses in the upper realm. They have long been able to send and receive the origin of the demon race and the origin of martial arts, so that people can't see anything abnormal.

At this moment, when these demonized broken monks heard Sun En tell about the ins and outs of the matter.

One person said indifferently: "You haven't entered the broken realm, but you can force you to lose 70% of your primordial spirit. How does this person do it?"

Sun En shook his head and said: "That power is terrifying, it is the same world as the origin of the sun and the moon, but, even we can't master this power, but he is mastered by a person who has not yet entered the broken realm. I am no longer his enemy."

"Not only that, but there is an extremely powerful force in his body. Even if he gets rid of the world, it is far beyond my reach."

"The world will change, and there must be evil spirits. This person may be the protagonist of the era introduced by Heaven, and he must be eradicated as soon as possible!"

After listening to Sun En, several figures fell into contemplation, and one of them said:

"Friend Sun's perception of the way of heaven is already in the forefront among us. Since you are not his enemy, then it will be useless for any of us to go down."

Hearing this, all the figures fell into a brief silence.

Obviously, Gu Chong possessed the fundamental power to threaten their existence. If Sun En hadn't escaped decisively, he might have been completely wiped out.

If they go down rashly, they will be able to combine the power of everyone to destroy this human emperor, and these broken monks on their own will definitely suffer unimaginable sacrifices.

Although they cultivate the way of heaven, it does not mean that they look down on life and death. They integrate heaven and earth, but they are not really as unconscious as heaven and earth, and they are completely ruthless.

Consciousness means that they are still beings, and beings cannot die without fear.

They took refuge in the Demon Race for the sake of longevity. Now, if they lose their longevity, no one can do it.

So unless it is a last resort, no one wants to fight with Gu Chong, the emperor of the world.

At this time, someone frowned and said, "However, if he is really the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao, after a long time, there may be other changes, and if it hinders my long-term plan, it will be very bad.

We can't just sit still. Until now, only by opening the Demon Race channel in advance can we prevent all accidents from happening. "

Several people nodded when they heard the words: "We have been strengthening the luck of the demon race, so that it can grow to the extent that it can cover the way of heaven. Although it has not yet reached the expectation, it can be used, so that the demon race can come and surpass any previous era. The master!"

Sun En looked indifferent and nodded: "That's all, since he wants to stop the invasion of the demons, the demons will take care of him. When I summon the powerful demons to come, I will let him see what the demons are like. "

"It's not too late, let's do it now."

"It is exactly what I want, this world has bound me, and I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"The magic of the world has the hope of longevity."


The Temple of War had been damaged, but Gu Chong and the others had already memorized the forty-nine pictures of the God of War in their hearts. Only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling wanted to cry without tears, and they only remembered half of them because they were watching the flowers.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute road, and Gu Chong told the two that they could exchange military merit for the complete God of War catalogue in the future.

The arrival of the demons is a matter of nails, but I don't know the exact time. This time Sun En fled, I am afraid this process will be accelerated.

But after the incident at the Temple of War, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling completely admired Gu Chong, and even some of the grudges from the past dissipated a lot.

Some of Gu Chong's methods of governing the world may be too radical, but he is definitely a monarch who cares about the people.

Now Shenzhou's high-end combat power is seriously insufficient, and the burden of repelling the demons and saving the world rests on Gu Chong alone.

Ssangyong was also sweating for him, and there was no idea of ​​all kinds of small movements.

Because once Gu Chong fell, the world was basically hopeless.

Gu Chong didn't care about Shuanglong's thoughts in his heart, and his attention was more on the magic dragon.

This is a different species comparable to the Shattered Void, and it is very precious in the case of the shortage of high-end combat power in the Great Sui Gu Chong spent half a month training it, and displayed countless spiritual hints. , so that the dragon trusts him and obeys him.

Afterwards, they returned to Luoyang with Gu Chong. Such a dragon species naturally aroused the people of Luoyang for a while, and the ministers also praised the destiny of the Great Sui Dynasty.

At this time, Gu Chong put his mind away and put it back on national affairs.

The Civil and Martial Arts Academy in various states was OK, but the speed still made him a little dissatisfied.

The two legions should also be exchanged, and a new batch of troops should go out to plunder the population.

The construction of the Grand Canal is still a bit slow.

There are nine grand canals in total, and the scale far exceeds that of Yang Guang’s period.

Because Gu Chong has not only used the Grand Canal as a passage for merchant ships, but also used it to change the location of the leylines and accelerate the integration of the leylines and the national line, so that the Great Sui's luck will be as stable as Mount Tai.

There is hope to jump out of the three-hundred-year cycle of dynasties.


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