
《An in-depth report from Sports Weekly has been released.

It is worthy of being an established and senior sports media in China.

Sports coverage.

It attracted a lot of attention!

Even beyond the fans.

The circle is broken.

Sports exclusive report:

【From a discarded general from the national youth team to the savior of Inter Milan, the mystery behind Su Li is in this 3,000-word in-depth report.

It introduces in detail Su Li’s experience of growing up in the Dragon Kingdom.

Specifically mentioned the details of his expulsion from the National Youth League

“Su Li, who came back to participate in the East Asian Youth Championship in the middle of his trial with Arsenal in London, was expelled indefinitely from the National Youth Team after a conflict between players from the two teams!”

“A notice issued by the Football Association stated that Su Li was the instigator of the fight. It was his initiative to provoke the baseball players that led to the conflict.”

“However, we found through the video materials at the scene that it was the baseball player named Park Tae-sung who arrogantly stepped on the trophy to take pictures first, and then Su Li was pushed and pushed.”

“Su Li did this entirely to maintain his dignity, and it was a reasonable retaliation, not an active provocation!”

“Speaking of provocation, the baseball player deliberately stepped on the ball on the goal line. This is a provocation that violates football ethics!”

After that, the report changed.

Combined with last night,

Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu fought for Su Li in the studio.

Sports Weekly, in this in-depth report, raised three soul tortures for the Football Association!

One of them

“Was Su Li’s expulsion too arbitrary? Why was he the only one who was permanently expelled, while other players were simply suspended for a few games? Is there some human nature involved?”


“A discarded general who was expelled from the National Youth League joined Inter Milan without a word. In the first Serie A game of the new season, he was ordered to help Inter Milan beat the opponent. Does this mean that the level of the Long National Youth League is better than that of Inter Milan? So Can you abandon Su Li at will?”


“Is Su Li’s phenomenon just a coincidence? There are many talented and talented players who have been excluded from the national team due to some unexplainable factors and cannot even play in domestic careers – our football soil , how many geniuses like Su Li have been buried?”

These three soul tortures.

One is sharper than the other.

One is more aggressive than the other!

The spearhead is directed at the Dragon Kingdom Football Association.

This report caused an uproar in the Dragon Kingdom!

By noon that day

, there were already hundreds of people on the scarves. Ten thousand times of reposting!

Within 20 minutes of posting, the number of readers reached over 100,000.

The number of real readers was over 10 million! The comment area was also filled with excitement and the next one was immediately blocked. Many people scolded the Football Association for the unfair treatment suffered by Su Li.

“Turtle son XX, such a talented boy, only 17 years old, has been permanently expelled. Is his brain out of his mind? ? ?”

“The Football Association’s work level is very high. I suggest that they call the Serie A Football Association. If Suli is to be banned, then the whole world should be banned. Go ahead!”

“Old fans have long been used to it. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have any background. This is the case. For a big defeat, someone has to take the blame. Su Li is the one who takes the blame.”

“I was there watching the East Asian Youth Championship, and my lungs were about to explode! Instead of condemning the stick that openly provoked us, you punished Su Li? Have some backbone, okay?”

In addition, there are many fans.

They were shocked by Suli’s amazing talent in the match between Inter Milan and Sassuolo!

“As an Inter Milan fan for 20 years, I watched the live broadcast last night and almost gave up in the end, but when Suli came on the field, everything changed, and scoring goals became so easy for him!”

“I am a Bayern fan. I watched the highlights this morning. Oh my God, where is Suli? This is clearly Ronaldo who is more than 20 years younger!”

“After watching football for many years, after Ronaldo, I have never seen a player like Suli, who can do the pendulum dribble so well!”

“Don’t forget, Su Li is only 17 years old! At 17 years old, he has unlimited talent and a lot of potential that can be tapped. Maybe he can grow into a superstar like Ronaldo in the future!”

Among the many comments, there is one comment.

It has a lot of likes.

It seems to represent the voice of many people!

“I think it is a good thing for Su Li to be expelled from the National Youth League, both for him personally and for us fans! Su Li, just concentrate on playing football in Europe and don’t come back to play games, because you never know what weird tricks the Football Association will come up with!”

In short.

Thousands of words.

Converged into one sentence.

Su Li is awesome!

Football Association XX!

The more the fans thought about it, the more angry they became. They were so angry that they couldn’t even get into class.

They couldn’t even read books.

They flocked to the official WeChat account of the Football Association.

Various*@%¥#()Message. finally.

The server is under pressure.

The official Weibo was blown up!!!

Some fans hacked the Football Association’s website.

Picture of Suli celebrating after scoring a goal on behalf of Inter Milan.

Hit the homepage.

Attached is a sentence: When Su Li scored a goal at Inter Milan, who did he hit in the face?

As a last resort.

The Football Association also shut down its official website.

Clicking in only sees 404


Return to Milan.

Su Li became a great hero across the country.

This was beyond everyone’s expectation.

Su Li is looking forward to relying on this outstanding performance.

The Inter Milan first team can sign a first team contract with him.

With this contract.

Da Luo template.

You can start from Lv1.

Upgrade to Lv2!

What improvements will there be?

Su Li is looking forward to it!

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