Fleet Commander

Chapter 2006: Change the subject

In fact, the commander of the Glory Forces is quite constrained this time. As the commander of the Elizabethan Society, Gao Fatty knows very well about the commanders of the Glory Forces, because Nevada has been recuperating at the headquarters of the Elizabethan Society for a long time. These Glory Commanders It’s also clear what kind of virtue an officer is, a tall fat man. In the core area of ​​the justice force, the Elizabethan Society, these glory commanders are very restrained, but they will more or less show the feeling of superiority. This time at the headquarters of the glory force. This situation is more.

Fatty Gao really doesn’t understand where the Honor Commander is so superior. Fatty Gao, the commander of the iron-blooded force, has also seen him. As the commander who built the sss-class historical battleship, Fatty Gao is highly respected by the commander of the iron-blooded force. The treatment, but Commander Glory didn’t feel that way. You must know the knowledge that Veneto instilled when he appeared, coupled with the later efforts of Gao Fatty, his shortcomings were basically made up. Gao Fatty is now very versatile. The commander is just fine for the glory forces.

But tall fat guys also have their own problems. The biggest advantage of tall fat guys is that they are particularly good at grasping and judging the battlefield situation. However, such abilities cannot be exerted in such exchanges. On the contrary, the formation of the commander’s own skills is the most exchanged. In these respects, tall fat people can’t say no, but compared with professional commanders such as the glory forces, there are some problems, and the top view of their own skills can’t be said. In fact, this is also good for tall fat people, and what makes tall fat people the most unbearable is other The situation where the commander of the just forces was targeted.

Gao Fatty was not targeted. He is the commander of the sss-class historical battleship. No commander dared to target him in such a peaceful exchange, but this time, the commanders sent by the justice forces were of high fatty rank except for the King of Justice. The highest, so that the tall fat man must take care of other low-ranked just force commanders in such exchanges. Internal contradictions are internal contradictions. Facing the glory forces, the just force commanders must be united, but because of the low ranks The problem that this brings is not small.

I don’t know if it’s to show sincerity or to show off the military glory. The commanders arranged by the forces are all major generals. Gao Fatty is just a lieutenant colonel. Communication with these commanders is quite brain-intensive. Other commanders who don’t even have the rank of warrant officer. Even worse, this highlights the issue of the inability of the commander of the just forces. Fatty Gao has had enough of this.

The King of Justice knows this and there is no good way, because what he is involved here is the issue of the scope of cooperation with the glory forces, and Veneto is the same. Veneto can’t help the tall fat man now, but even though Veneto Neither the King of Justice can directly help the tall fat man, but there are ways to make up for some of these problems.

This kind of exchange commander-commander exchange is a kind of communication between ship mother and ship mother, and it is also possible for the commander to take the ship mother to communicate. Therefore, under the proposal of the justice king, Veneto accompanies the justice king and the high level of the glory forces. Continue to discuss matters of cooperation, other ship women also continue to communicate between ship women, and some ship women accompanied the commander to the commander exchange side. This time it was Colorado that followed Gao Fatty, not the four British ships. Mother is because there are not many British ship mothers of the glory forces, but the four British ship mothers of the tall fat man are very strong and prone to problems. Argentina and Canarias are not suitable for this occasion as historical warships of small countries. Brave little Lolita herself Too radical, it is easy to blow up when encountering a relatively special honor force commander, brave little Lori.

Colorado is the American ship mother. Not to mention that it is the same as Nevada. It is a ss-class historical battleship. It is not to say that it is also a member of the Iron Tortoise in history. It is just that Nevada is the beginning of the Iron Tortoise. Colorado is the end of the Iron Tortoise. The relationship between Colorado and Nevada is OK, Maryland. West Virginia is also somewhat prestigious in the Glory Forces. Colorado is also quite strong in the Glory Forces as the eldest sister of West Virginia in Maryland. This is also the core reason why the tall fat guys will bring Colorado.

However, the protagonist is not the tall fat Colorado but Strasbourg after the ship’s mother joined. This time the Strasbourg commander’s failure to come can be said to be the biggest mistake of the justice forces. If the Strasbourg commanded The officer would never be in such a passive situation, but although the commander of Strasbourg did not come, Strasbourg became the absolute protagonist in the following exchanges, and Colorado was standing aside.

Strasbourg itself is a very assertive historical battleship mother. The characteristic of Strasbourg is that she is very tolerant to the commander. She can allow the commander to do anything as long as the commander is not afraid of things. It is the character of Strasbourg that makes the current commander of Strasbourg a lawless guy. Although there is no way to be taught by Strasbourg because of the internal contradictions of the French ship’s mother, but this After a while back to the previous state.

After learning about the situation from Strasbourg, the commander of Strasbourg guided Strasbourg remotely~www.ltnovel.com~ The commander’s ability is not enough to start with the commander. This time, the participants in the exchange were not all historical battleships, so Strasbourg led the topic on the battleships. From the battleships, the lineup of the just forces cannot be said to be bad. That is, the warships of the high-ranking soldiers are all purple. A fast battleship with a large fifteen-inch main gun. It is the first battleship of this commander who is extremely good to be sent to participate in such a special construction. Needless to say, this high class soldier is so tall and fat. Up.

After the topic shifted, it was obviously different. Although the commanders of the justice forces were not high in ranks, the level of the warships was very high. You must know that the lowest rank of the commanders of the glory forces participating in the exchange this time is a colonel. Compared with these high-rank commanders The commanders of warships in the justice forces, except for the commanders of historical battleships like Gao Fatty Niu Ge, don’t even think about it. The justice forces’ high-rank commander battleships are very powerful. The same is true for the iron-blooded forces, but the glory forces are not. .

The commander of the Glory Forces this time had a few battleships that were really not good. At least the battleships that followed this commander were not good. This became a breakthrough point for the justice forces. Looking at this, Fatty Gao realized that he was in In this regard, Fatty Gao always thinks about how to deal with the increasingly difficult problems of the commanders of the Glory Forces. He never thought that he could change the subject. This kind of art of speaking will not work whether it is before or after the journey.

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