Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 951: : Great irony

At the beginning, Zou Yan ordered to kill him in front of everyone, killing him in the name of a man in the magic way.

If it weren't for the two demon heads of the Ten Thousand Demons Domain, he would definitely die.

Now that the Eastern Zhou Sacred Land is in trouble, I need Ten Thousand Monster Baby, so I think of him.

Isn't this irony?

If the four major sects were really interested, they would have invited him back to the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

"What did you say? Let Zou Yan come personally and kneel to rescue you?"

Liu Feng's face changed slightly, and he did not expect that Zhang Mofan would actually make such an excessive request.

Today, Zou Yan has gradually established prestige in the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and he is still the Sect Master of the four major sects.

"Why? He is the leader of the Alliance. Since he wants to think about the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, can't I do it by pulling down the begging? You know, I was almost killed by him at the beginning."

Zhang Mofan said.

Jing Zhiruo on the side originally wanted to persuade Zhang Mofan.

However, it was a bit embarrassing to hear Zhang Mofan say this.

Zhang Mofan can choose not to return to the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and he has done nothing wrong.

He is just a warrior in the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

"Zhang Mofan, compared with personal honor and disgrace, is the safety of the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty more important?"

Liu Feng continued to persuade.

"Then you should talk to Zou Yan, you don't have to waste time with me, and Jing Zhiruo, don't try to persuade me, I have no feelings for the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty."

Zhang Mofan said indifferently.

There was an ugly expression on Liu Feng's face. He didn't expect Zhang Mofan to be so unrelenting.

"You have changed. It seems that the easy life here has made you lose yourself. You are too selfish. You will only know how to regret when the samurai of the blood demon clan kills all your family and friends."

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he left with anger.

As for Jing Zhiruo, he took a look at Zhang Mofan and ran after him directly.

On the mountainside, Jing Zhiruo caught up with Liu Feng and said, "Brother Liu Feng, maybe Zhang Mo is duplicity? I believe in him."

"People can change."

Liu Feng sighed and said: "Everyone, at every stage, after encountering something, may change. Now, he has become the owner of the Tiangui Mountain Villa, with a high status, with beautiful women around him, and it is you. Would you choose this way?"

Upon hearing this, Jing Zhiruo was silent.

"Do you want to go back with me?"

Liu Feng asked instead.

"Okay, I will follow you back."

Jing Zhiruo returned, greeted Zhang Mofan, and left with Liu Feng.

Since Zhang Mofan didn't go, she couldn't stay in Tiangui Villa.

Naturally, Zhang Mofan didn't keep him.

The four women still helped Zhang Mofan squeeze his shoulders, and didn't say anything. They didn't know what happened to the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

However, after hearing about the existence of the Blood Demon Race, I also knew that this matter was extraordinary.

"Owner, I heard that the Blood Demon Race invaded the Eastern Zhou Sacred Land back then. Although the Eastern Zhou Holy Land successfully expelled the Blood Demon Race, it also caused the overall strength of the Eastern Zhou Holy Land to drop significantly, and many profound realm experts fell. ."

Yin Rou said.

"I know."

Zhang Mofan nodded.

"This time, the Blood Demon Race once again invaded the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid it has another purpose."

Yin Rou continued.

"Who did you listen to?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"Of course I heard what the elders said."

Yin Rou helped Zhang Mofan squeeze her shoulders, and said softly: "Owner, you don't have to worry about the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Then Zou Yan went to the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty to kill you."

"You are right."

Zhang Mofan smiled, with an indifferent expression on his face, and said: "Today the owner is in a good mood, so you will sing and dance for me."


The four girls all sacrificed their magic weapons and began to play.

Zhang Mofan at this time seemed to be completely immersed in a comfortable and comfortable environment.

After Liu Feng returned to the Confucian School, he went straight to an attic.

Inside, an old man in a white robe sat with an ancient book in his hand, all on it were records about the Blood Demon Race.

Since they discovered that the Blood Demon Race was disguised as a warrior and lurked in various places in the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, he has been exploring books and wanted to investigate the motives of the Blood Demon Race, but unfortunately, there has been no clue.

"Elder Luzi, I'm back."

Liu Feng shouted outside.

The elder who is called Lu Zi elder is one of the four great elders of the Confucian school, and his strength has reached the profound realm.

"Liu Feng, why did you come back? Is Zhang Mofan here?"

Lu Zi put down the book and asked directly.


Liu Feng shook his head and said, "Zhang Mofan seems to have a deep resentment towards Zou Yan, and he became the owner of the Heavenly Ghost Villa in the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and I am afraid that he does not intend to return to the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty."

"He didn't come, it was in my expectation."

Lu Zi stroked his beard.

"He also said that if you want him to come back, you must let Zou Yan go personally and kneel in front of him."

Liu Feng continued.

"This Zhang Mofan."

Lu Zi shook his head and said, "He's too tight-lipped, right? I really thought we wouldn't be able to do without him? This Eastern Zhou holy soil, there is more than one monster, this Zhang Mofan has a deep resentment towards Zou Yan, but Zou Yan is in full swing now."

Liu Feng sighed: "Moreover, some time ago, the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty landed in the Supervisory House. The Supervisor seemed to value Zou Yan very much. He gave Zou Yan the task of destroying the blood demons, and required our four sects to do their best. Cooperate with Zou Yan."

Supervisors, but the existence of Zhengjiu Pin is an official of the Qin Dynasty, an existence that is difficult for ordinary people to touch.

Now, Zou Yan is favored by the supervisory envoy. If the blood demon clan is eliminated, he might still be able to join the Qin Dynasty.

No matter how Zhang Mofan is, it is impossible to beat Zou Yan.

"Even if we are dissatisfied with Zou Yan, there is nothing we can do. The supervisor has orders, we must assist Zou Yan with all our strength."

Lu Zi shook his head and said, "Okay, we still have to tell Zou Yan about this matter first and let him decide."

In the center of the sacred soil of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there are magnificent palaces, and there are martial artists patrolling everywhere, and there are many martial artists in the world.

Here is a city.

Three big characters "Alliance City" appeared on the wall of the often eaten city

Here is the headquarters of the Four Great Sect Alliance, which was rebuilt from an old city.

This city has also developed, but only sect disciples are allowed to enter, and casual cultivators are not allowed to enter.

In the center of the Union City, there is a huge palace.

In the palace, a silver-haired young man was sitting with a book in his hands, and he was also looking at a book.

At this moment, a young girl walked in and said respectfully: "Leader, elder Luzi of Confucianism, please see me." Previous page Return to list and bookmark Next page

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