Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1130: : Demon Eater Bloodworm

Zhang Mofan frowned, looked into the distance, and saw Youlong Wujie, ready to cross the Five Desolate Spirit Pools, he also gave up tracking, and said: "You let Bai Qiu go, I won't kill you."

The Black Fiend Blood Emperor slapped Bai Qiu out with a palm, and the whole person fled in the direction of leaving the Five Wilderness Secrets.

Yiyeqing caught Bai Qiu and said, "Senior Sister Bai Qiu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Bai Qiu shook his head.

"I will chase him."

Zhang Mofan swept away and directly skipped the Five Desolation Spirit Pool, as if he hadn't noticed that the Five Desolation Spirit Pool was standing by a woman.

Ji Yue held a folding fan to resist her pretty face, so as not to splash the five waste energy on her face.

She looked at Zhang Mofan's back and said, "It seems that I didn't save him wrong back then. This former prince is not too useless."

As she spoke, her figure was twisted and she had disappeared.

Zhang Mofan rushed to the shore, just about to chase, but found two people lying beside him, who were Liu Feng and Xia Zhihua.

"what happened?"

Zhang Mofan rushed over and investigated, and found that both of them were swords in the deep, and all of them were sneak attacks behind him.

Fortunately, this sword didn't stab the vital point, nor did it stab the Qipu position.

Zhang Mofan bit his finger and dripped his blood into their mouths.

After a while, their injuries healed, and the two gradually became sober.

Liu Feng opened his eyes and found Zhang Mofan standing beside him, rubbing his head, and said, "I'm not dead?"

"What's the matter? Who attacked you behind?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"It's Zou Mian, that guy actually attacked us, he won't be taken refuge in the blood demon clan?"

Looking back, Liu Feng immediately showed an angry expression on his face. He was always smart, but he did not expect to be calculated by his companions.

"He didn't take refuge in the blood demon clan, but pretended to take refuge in the blood demon clan."

Xia Zhihua of the Confucian school said: "If he really betrayed us, then we might be dead with a sword attack."

Zhang Mofan was also secretly surprised. He knew that Zou Mian was in collusion with the Blood Demon Race, but he did not expect that he was pretending to surrender.

This Zou Mian, how deep is the city to be able to pretend to surrender?

"Qingqing has obtained the inheritance of the sacred sacred from the Five Desolations, and this secret space is afraid that it will collapse soon. Let's leave here first."

Zhang Mofan led everyone out from the secret realm.

However, many casual cultivators cast their eyes on him, and all of them showed greedy expressions.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhang Mofan glanced away and said coldly.

The half-xuan cultivator who came back halfway, took a step forward and said, "What are you doing? I heard that you got the Pure Yang Spirit Water, how about it, you have to share with us."

"Yes, we worked so hard to come here, but you took away all the benefits."

Many casual cultivators were obviously incited by others, and the temptation of Pure Yang Lingshui was too great, so they naturally wanted to get some spiritual water.

Zhang Mofan looked around and sneered: "Everyone, I advise you to disperse better, pure Yang Lingshui, even if I give it to you, do you think you can hold it? At that time, those masters of the blood demon clan, I am afraid The first one killed you."

These casual cultivators obviously didn't have much strength, but because of temporary greed, they wanted to obtain pure Yang spirit water.

"Furthermore, I used Pure Sun Spirit Water to save the sect master of the Zong Zongmen. What purpose do you want to obtain? Do you exchange it for resources?"

Zhang Mofan continued.

Many casual repairs were persuaded by Zhang Mofan and prepared to leave.

However, the Banxuan Sanxiu didn't change his mind at all, and sneered: "Zhang Mofan, I don't want to eat this one. I have been in the sacred soil of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty for so many years, fighting against people, heaven and earth. Just to become stronger, if you don't give me any spiritual water, don't blame me for being rude to you, the leader."

Come on, he is about to make a move.


A strange sound came from all around. In these surroundings, there was nothing but a stone tablet, and all the casual cultivators felt a kind of creepy feeling.

"Zhang Mofan, look, what is that?"

Bai Qiu pointed to a giant in the distance.

Everyone looked over, and it turned out to be a two-foot-long worm. The worm was white, but there were blood spots on its body, wriggling on the ground.

Moreover, his mouth actually swallowed a warrior, leaving only a head in his mouth.

Moreover, the aura on the insect's body was also very terrifying, reaching the level of the early stage of the true mystery.

"What kind of bug is that? How could there be such a big bug?"

"There are also there, and there are also there."


Many casual repairmen looked around and found that there were at least a dozen bloodworms around them.

Zhang Mofan looked at the insects and frowned, "Everyone, don't panic. This is a kind of Demon Devouring Bloodworm raised by the Blood Demon Race. Once you run around, the Demon Devouring Blood Worm will immediately catch up. Swallowed you up."

Moreover, this Gu blood worm was not deliberately dropped, and a formation was laid, almost surrounding them.

"Xiao Fan, this is obviously the trick of the Blood Demon Race, deliberately letting these casual practitioners hold you back, so that we can fall into the Demon Devouring Bloodworm Formation."

Yiye Qing said angrily.

"What Demon Devouring Bloodworm, watch me cut you off."

Feng Ruoye leaped forward, rushed directly, swung his long sword, and slashed away at a blood-eater.

The blood eater, shrinking, actually jumped up directly, and Feng Ruoye's sword light bombarded the soft skin of the blood eater, and was actually bounced out.

And the bloodworm also opened its hideous mouth and swallowed Feng Ruoye.

This Feng Ruoye's strength is definitely one of the best in the semi-mystery, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to walk through the Five Desolate Spirit Pools easily.

However, he is only half The Demon Devouring Bloodworm, whose strength is comparable to true mystery, is completely easy to swallow a half mystery in one bite.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Mofan leaped and rushed directly, a leg whip turned Feng Ruoye back, and at the same time, the sandy halberd in his hand also lit up with the light of three profound marks.

In front of the big halberd, the sacred fire was burning, directly piercing the devil-eater blood worm that had been culled.


The Demon Devouring Bloodworm struggled for a while, and flames burned all over, and it was completely dead.

Many casual practitioners were secretly surprised when they saw this scene.

"This Zhang Mofan, it's not a loss that he is the leader of the alliance. Just now, Feng Ruoye's sword beam hit the body of the Demon Devouring Bloodworm and was directly bounced away, but Zhang Mofan pierced the Demon Devouring Bloodworm with a halberd."

"That Feng Ruoye just now seems to be grabbing Zhang Mofan's pure sun spirit water, right?"

Everyone talked a lot.

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