Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1150: ups and downs

  Chapter 1150 Waves rise slightly

  At the end of the second year of Yanxi and the beginning of the third year of Yanxi, Emperor Wu wanted to send people to the southeast to go to sea.

  At the same time, Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou in the state of Wei, also wanted to send someone to go north to have a look.

   There is no other reason.

  Because throughout last year, there were far fewer Hu people who came to exchange supplies with their livestock than in previous years.

   "Emissary, Emissary, Xuchang sent another urgent message, saying that we should send a thousand horses there."

  The staff of Youzhou Governor's Mansion hurried in with official documents and reported to Wang Xiong.

   "Zhuzi! Cao Shuang's son, he is simply inhuman!"

  Wang Xiong didn't intend to reach out to pick up the official document at all, but instead changed color and started to curse:

   "It's just spring, just spring! Does he know what spring means to horses?"

   "At a time like this, where can I find a horse for him? Even if it's robbing, there must be a place to rob it, right?"

  Last year in the west of Youzhou, almost no Hu people came to sell horses.

   I heard from the soldiers on the frontier that horse thieves became more and more rampant at the border between Bingzhou and Youzhou.

  Especially in Guangning City, the most important border city in the west, horse thieves gathered around and dared to repeatedly attack the caravans traveling between Guangning City and Juyongguan.

   Sometimes even the officers and soldiers are doomed.

   But these horse thieves come and go like the wind, and they don't know where they came from.

  There are rumors that these are rebels who were driven out of Bingzhou, and others say that these horse thieves are simply pretending to be Han cavalry.

   But no matter where these horse thieves came from, they have already caused great trouble to Guangning City.

  By the time Wang Xiong came to his senses, Mo said that not many Hu people had come to Guangning to exchange livestock.

  The caravans from Guangning to Juyongguan are almost extinct.

  The horses that Youzhou exchanged from the Hu people the year before last were already about 20% less.

  Wang Xiong thought that Bingzhou was lost in the First World War in Guanzhong, which caused turmoil in Bingzhou, and even the Hu people in the frontier were also affected.

   Didn't expect the situation last year, just hit him with a sap.

  The number of horses collected in Youzhou has decreased by more than 40%, nearly half.

   This also caused Xuchang and Luoyang to send people to Soma repeatedly, and each time was more urgent.

  Especially Cao Shuang.

  It's just the beginning of spring, and three groups of people have already been sent over.

  Why don't Wang Xiong get angry and anxious?

  The reason why he pushed out Tian Yu back then was Cao Rui's support.

  In addition to different backgrounds, one of the most important reasons is that Wei State really needs to focus on the west to guard against Han State.

   As for the third reason, it is that Wei needs horses.

  If Tian Yu followed Tian Yu's approach and only focused on suppressing the Hu people, how could the Hu people be willing to sell their horses to Wei Guo?

  So Wang Xiong insisted on caring, and he could even give the Hu people some sweetness. The Hu people saw the benefits, and naturally transported horses into the frontier continuously.

  Facts have proved that Wang Xiong's approach has indeed played a role:

   Not only can the Hu people not violate the frontier fortress, but Youzhou can also pass through the Yishi market to exchange for war horses from the Hu people.

  Especially in these years, Great Wei first lost Longyou, then Liangzhou, and was repeatedly defeated by Han.

  The army of the Wei Dynasty urgently needs horses to replenish all the year round. Naturally, the two prefectures of You and Bing continue to increase the supply of horses.

   It's just who would have expected that in the first battle of Guanzhong, the Great Wei would lose the two prefectures of Yong and Bing at the same time.

  Youzhou became the only source of war horses—the supply of war horses from the Great Wei finally had a huge gap.

   Under such circumstances, the number of horses that Youzhou exchanged from the barbarians was nearly half less.

  The leak in the house coincided with the rain all night, which probably refers to this situation.

   "Your envoy, the Hu people in Shanggu and Daijun may have been bewitched by the Shu captives. If not, it would not be enough to explain this abnormality."

   Seeing Wang Xiong's pale face, the staff couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort him:

   "They all say that the barbarians are innocent, and that's true. Over the years, how has the envoy ever treated them so poorly? I didn't expect them to repay the envoy in such a way."

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

  Wang Xiong is not a fool. Facing the abnormal behavior of the barbarians in the west of Youzhou, he naturally thought of this possibility.

   It was just that his eyeballs rolled a bit, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head in a daze:

   "Hu Yi is afraid of power but not virtuous, I should have thought of it a long time ago!"

   That being said, if he went back to a few years ago, Wang Xiong believed that he would still make the same choice.

  After all, who would have thought that after the Kingdom of Shu acquired Longyou and Liangzhou, it would continue to send troops to the east and annex Yongzhou in less than ten years?

  If it weren't for the disadvantages of resisting bandits in the west, the barbarians of Youzhou, in a few years, wouldn't they fear power and be virtuous?

such a pity…

   "This is not my fault!" Wang Xiong looked up to the sky and sighed.

  The first emperor dared not say anything.

  But the princes of the court and the central government can be scolded.

   "No one in civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty can compare with Ge Zei and Feng Zei. When they suddenly heard that the people from Shu had arrived, they were all frightened, and several states handed over their hands."

   "The current situation in Youzhou is such that we know that the Shu captives are obstructing it, so what can we do?"

  In Wang Xiong's view, if Bingzhou is not lost in the west, why is Youzhou here?

   Besides, for so many years, he has been running Youzhou with all his heart, how many horses have he sent to the imperial court?

  After the First Battle of Xiaoguan, Youzhou had already sent a group of soldiers to Guanzhong.

  After the first battle in Guanzhong began, it was sent again.

  For Youzhou, which is already sparsely populated, this is the best effort.

  But the imperial court didn't seem to understand him, but urged him even more urgently.

  Wang Xiong only felt that he was really **** by a dog.

   "But the envoy, the general is in a hurry to ask for the horse, and may not be considerate to the envoy. If the envoy doesn't send the horse over, next time he can't say no, he will send someone over to question him."

  Wang Xiongben was still a little worried, but when he heard what the staff said, he immediately became angry:

   "How can I be afraid of my son? If he really dares to be held accountable, I will also dare to resign and return to the farm."

   Big deal, go home and be a rich man.

  This Youzhou governor, whoever loves to do it, will do it!

  I thought that after the Shu captives occupied Bingyong Erzhou and Hedong, they would either go southeast, go out of Wuguan to Jingzhou, or go east, go out of Hangu to Luoyang.

  Worst case, it should be out of Taihang, to Hanoi or Hebei.

   I never thought that the Shu captives would be the first to plan, but Youzhou.

  When Qin strengthened and destroyed the Six Kingdoms, he never thought of bypassing Yanshan and Taihang Mountains, and first plotting Yan.

  How dare this Ghost King Feng?

   It is unreasonable to really fall into his mother!


  Emperor Qin Shihuang and Emperor Gaozu of Han unified the world, can’t satisfy you?

   "Emissary, please be careful with your words, don't speak angry words!"

  The staff heard Wang Xiong's angry words, and quickly reminded, "I heard that the general has become more and more reckless in his actions recently."

   "The former general Man Boning (namely Man Chong) and Wang Yanyun (namely Wang Ling) were at odds with each other. The general valued Wang Yanyun, and he did not hesitate to transfer Man Boning back to the court and let Wang Yanyun succeed Man Boning as the governor of Yangzhou."

  "The former general Shi Sun Deda (that is, Sun Li) was deliberately sent to Jizhou by the general because he admonished the general a lot. Later, he dismissed Sun Deda as a commoner on the pretext of Shangdang's failure."

   "There are also celebrities such as Lu Yu and Fu Gu, who have recently been dismissed because they did not agree with the general."

   "If you really annoy the general because of this, maybe there will be some troubles."

  Wang Xiong sneered:

   "I didn't say anything angry. If the general really wants to change the governor of Youzhou, then let him go. I won't be attached to this position."

   Seeing that the governor looked like a broken can, the staff looked around and looked around for no one, and lowered their voices:

   "Why did the envoy make such a statement? The envoy has been in Youzhou for a long time, and the herdsmen are well-known. He is a general. If he wants to change the envoy, he has to consider whether someone is more suitable than the envoy, right?"

   "Not to mention the current Great Wei, it is not the general who has the final say. After all, Taifu Sima is also a veteran minister."

  Wang Xiong turned his head suddenly when he heard the words, and stared fixedly at the staff.

   Just when the staff of Youzhou Governor's Mansion were mentioning Sima Yi to Wang Xiong.

  Sima Yi, who was far away in Luoyang, happened to be thinking about the news about Youzhou at this time.

  After a long time, he finally sighed:

   "Feng Mingwen's move is really vicious. It's like drawing the bottom from the pot."

   "If Youzhou can't transport enough horses to the Central Plains, it will only take a few years. I'm afraid that I, Great Wei, will have no more cavalry to use!"

  Master Sima, who was standing by the side, asked hesitantly:

   "My lord, is it possible that this is an excuse because Wang Yuanbo (that is, Wang Xiong) did not want to send horses to Luoyang?"

  Sima Yi shook his head:

   "It's unlikely. It is said that Xuchang didn't receive many horses last year. It's ridiculous that Cao Shuang sent people to Youzhou to ask for horses as soon as spring began."

   Speaking of this, Sima Yi had a disdainful smile on his face:

   "Cao Shuang, Lizi, is just a dude. He can suddenly take power because of his clan status. How do you know the way to govern the country?"

  The beginning of spring is when the horses are weakest.

  Horses that ate hay all winter can finally eat fresh forage.

  Don’t say it’s the barbarians outside the Great Wall in Youzhou, even the horses raised by the local people in Youzhou should be carefully served.

  Cao Shuang is urging people to send horses at this time, is it not what is difficult for others?

  Master Sima didn't show any joy on his face:

   "My lord, if this is the case, I am afraid that Youzhou will not send us horses. What should we do?"

   Rao is Sima Yi's scheming, and he also finds it difficult to face the current situation.

   "Everyone in the world knows that Feng Mingwen has led the army in battle since his debut, and he has never been defeated. He is a famous general in the world."

   "But in my opinion, this person's tricks and calculations are even higher than that of the leader."

  Sima Yi sighed, "If Sun Deda (that is, Sun Li) is still the governor of Jizhou, I may not be able to plan something."

   "Unfortunately, Sun Deda was demoted to a commoner by Cao Shuang after all. Huan Fan, governor of Jizhou at this time, is a fellow of Cao Shuang."

   "Luoyang and Youzhou are separated by such a Jizhou, but it makes me feel powerless."

   "Cao Shuang occupies the righteousness, but he doesn't understand the overall situation. If Youzhou is really as I expected, and Feng Mingwen tricks it, when there are no war horses in the Central Plains, I am afraid that we will be captured by Feng Mingwen."

   Seeing the adults so pessimistic, Master Sima's heart sank:

   "My lord, doesn't that mean that the confrontation between Wei and Shu, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be to Wei?"

  Sima Yi smiled wryly:

   "It's so obvious, why ask?"

  Obviously knowing the other party's plan, but I can only watch helplessly, and there is no good countermeasure at all.

   This is simply a slow death.

  Both Sima Yi and his son felt a deep powerlessness at the same time.

   "My lord, since we have guessed Feng Mingwen's plan, should we tell Wang Yuanbo?"

   "Wang Yuanbo is not a mediocre person, even if he didn't know it at first, but by this time, I think he has already realized it."

   Sima Yi said, then shook his head again:

   "But even so, I'm afraid he can't crack Feng Mingwen's layout by relying on Youzhou alone."

   It should be said that this is no longer a calculation, but a temple calculation, and the competition is the national strength of both sides.

  Han has mastered the technology that can weave wool into woolen material, and the collection of wool alone is enough to subdue the hearts of the barbarians.

  Even if Da Wei wanted to learn, there was no time.

   And it may not be able to learn.

   Not to mention the strength of the Han State, which has surpassed the Great Wei.

   This is not an excuse for Sima Yi to fear the enemy, but a fact.

  Because judging from the secrets of the Han Dynasty that Yang Yi brought over, the significance of just being an armored cavalry is enough to make people frightened.

  Others may only see those horrifying armor weapons, elite soldiers and horses.

   But who is Sima Yi?

  He sees farther than others.

  He deeply knows that behind these things, it represents the strong national power accumulated by countless money and food.

  Thinking of this, Sima Yi, who has already passed the age of obedient ears, is actually a little depressed:

   "Why was Qin able to destroy the six kingdoms? A powerful country with elite soldiers and a favorable geographical position in the world. On the other hand, even if the six kingdoms in the Kanto region were united, it would be difficult for them to be of one mind. In the end, they would be wiped out one by one by Qin."

   "The current state of Han is somewhat stronger than the State of Qin. After all, the State of Qin did not have Liangzhou at that time."

   "And what about us?" Sima Yi pointed to himself, and then to the side of the guide, "How is it different from the six countries in the Kanto region?"

  Sima Shi was silent for a long time before asking in a low voice:

   "My lord, what shall we do? Is it just watching?"

   "Of course not." Sima Yi looked a little unclear, "Many families in the Central Plains are willing to support us now. If we just look at it like this, what will they think?"

  The Shu family was dismembered, the Hedong family was slaughtered, and the Liangzhou noble family was exterminated...

   These things frightened many aristocratic families from Hanoi in Henan and even Hebei.

   But in the same way, as the representative Sima Yishi, there is no retreat.

   "The Shu captives have the capital to drag it on, we can't afford it." Sima Yi's face tightened, "We have to find a fighting opportunity as soon as possible while Wei's fine cavalry is still capable of fighting, and we will be ashamed in the pass."

   Probably because people talked too much about it, Feng Duhu in Chang'an City Right Hussar General's Mansion even sneezed a few times:

   "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

  Maybe the sound was too loud, and the baby in his arms was scared to cry.

   "Don't cry, don't cry!"

  Feng Duhu coaxed carefully, while shaking slightly, he couldn't help stretching out his fingers, poked his pink face lightly, and grinned.

   This is the son of General Zhendong.

  But Feng Duhu is the real father of the child.

   "Could it be because you're hungry?"

  As the nominal adult of the child, General Guan glanced at it with experience and said something casually.

   "Oh, it's possible." Feng Duhu raised his head and looked around, "Where's your wife?"

   "I was still here just now, but in the blink of an eye, I don't know where to go."

  General Zhendong was a little helpless, "Let the wet nurse feed you."

  Feng Duhu gritted his teeth:

   "No, it's been a few months? How many times has she fed it? Is it true that the child was not born by her? Someone call her back."

   Patriarch Hua was called back, and he untied his clothes a little bit slowly to feed the child.

  Feng Duhu looked at her angrily:

   "What's the matter with having a son? How many people want to have a son! You're good, you don't care if your son is hungry and crying."

  The patriarch of the flower pouted:

   "The son can't be the patriarch, what good is it? I just want to have a daughter."

  Feng Duhu heard the words, and seeing her like this, he was so angry that he almost wanted to slap someone.

  (end of this chapter)

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