Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1087: change of mind

  Chapter 1087 People change their minds

  In August of the fifteenth year of Jianxing, the news of the fall of Shangdang reached Xuchang, and Cao Shuang, the general of Wei State, was furious.

   On the grounds that Sun Li, the governor of Jizhou, failed to assist the Shangdang, which led to the fall of the Shangdang, Sun Li was dismissed from his official position and demoted to a commoner.

   Then Cao Shuang intended to let his fellow countryman Huan Fan take over as the governor of Jizhou.

   Moreover, Huan Fan has a violent temperament. Although he is talented, he often bullies others.

  After the Xiahou family was suspected by Cao Rui, Xiahou Zhu was recalled to Luoyang by Cao Rui, and Huan Fan, as the general who conquered the captives and the general of Dongzhong Lang, envoy Chijie to replace Xiahou Mao's governor Qing and Xu Zhujun.

  During his tenure, he had a housing dispute with Xuzhou governor Zou Qi, and he once intended to use his power as envoy to kill Zou Qi.

  Huan Fan learned that Cao Shuang intended to make himself the governor of Jizhou instead of the governor of Jizhou.

  The original Jizhou Mu Luzhao was the general of Zhenbei, and he didn't even have a general number.

  Huan Fan thought he had been insulted, and said to his wife Zhong Chang:

   "I'd rather be the nine ministers in the court and kneel to the three princes than be under Lu Zizhan (that is, Lu Zhao)."

  Before Sun Li, Lu Zhao, the Mu of Jizhou, became an official after Huan Fan, and Huan Fan thought he was higher than Lu Zhao.

  Now Cao Shuang asked him to take a post in Jizhou, but the official position is not even comparable to that of Lu Zhao. How can he be convinced by this?

  Huan Fan's wife, Zhong Changshi, was quite knowledgeable and persuaded him:

   "The king was in the east to supervise the Qing and Xu Erzhou military forces. He wanted to kill the governor of Xuzhou, and everyone said that it was difficult for him to do so."

   "Today's general regards you as a fellow countryman, so he ordered you to be the governor of Jizhou. It is true that he believes in you. And you are ashamed to be under the general of Zhenbei, and it is difficult to be the best."

   "If it's hard for you to do anything, who will be willing to be your colleague in the future?"

  Huan Fanben complained a few words to his wife, but never thought that his wife would say these words, which directly hit his sore spot.

   Huan Fan, who had a violent personality, became angry from embarrassment, and cursed on the spot:

   "You are only a woman's ear, what do you know?"

   After scolding, he was still puzzled, so he turned around and took down the saber hanging on the wall, took the saber with his backhand, and hit Zhong Changshi with the hilt towards Zhong Chang's abdomen.

  Mr. Zhong Chang didn't expect that Huan Fan would fight as soon as he said it.

   Unprepared for a moment, the abdomen was hit by the handle of the knife on the spot.

  All she heard was a scream and she was knocked to the ground.

   At the same time, he covered his abdomen with his hands, and his face suddenly turned pale.

  Huan Fanben wanted to hit her a second time, but seeing her like this, it was not easy to strike again, so he snorted, turned around and left.

  Ms. Zhong Chang stretched out her hand, wanting to stop Huan Fan, opened her mouth, but seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and finally couldn't make a sound.

   It wasn't until Huan Fan left that the servant woman dared to come and help the mistress.

   "Ma'am, you are bleeding!"

  The maid who helped Fan's wife could not help exclaiming when she saw blood oozing from the mistress' skirt.

  Fan's wife clutched her abdomen and said weakly:

   "Hurry up, call the medical worker..."

   Before he finished speaking, he passed out.

   It turned out that Fan's wife was pregnant, but Huan Fan's blow not only caused her to have an abortion and miscarriage, but also caused a **** collapse.

   Within two days, Fan's wife collapsed and died. (Note: The story of Huan Fan is recorded in historical books, not edited by the author Hu.)

  Huan Fan refused to take office in Jizhou on the pretext of dealing with the funeral of his deceased wife.

  Shang Shuxuan Cao Lang Xu Yun learned of this, went to persuade Cao Shuang:

   "Huan Yuanze (that is, Huan Fan) became an official before Lu Zizhan (that is, the former Jizhou Mu Lu Zhao), and his talent far surpassed Lu Zizhan. Lu Zizhan served as Jizhou Mu as a general in Zhenbei."

   "The general asked Huan Yuan to be the governor of Jizhou after Lu Zizhan, and he didn't have the title of a general."

   "The general's move is like telling the world that in the eyes of the general, Huan Yuan is far inferior to Lu Zizhan. This is not the way to employ people."

  Cao Shuang was just buying people's hearts, and Xu Yun was born in the Xu family in Jizhou, which was comparable to the Cui family in Qinghe.

   And Huan Fan was born in the Longkang Huan family in Qiaojun, who is also a local rich family.

  Although Huan Fan is not as close to Cao Shuang as Taichung Sangou, as a fellow of Cao Shuang, he is also trusted by Cao Shuang.

  Cao Shuang's win over Huan Fan is actually wining over the Huan family in Qiaojun, and also consolidating his hometown.

   That's why he wanted Huan Fan to go to Jizhou.

  At this time, when Cao Shuang heard Xu Yun's words, he suddenly realized, so he asked:

   "Huan Yuan has a great talent. I knew it a long time ago. I didn't expect him not to go to Jizhou. There is another reason for this. So what should I do?"

   "In the land of Hebei, the general of Zhenbei has always been the general. Now that Lu Zizhan has returned to the court, it is not easy to be the general of Zhenbei again. Let him take another position."

  The implication is that at least Huan Fan cannot be subdued under Lu Zhao.

   Cao Shuang nodded when he heard the words, "It makes sense."

  So he played the emperor again, and asked Huan Fan to move to Zhenbei General and lead Jizhou Mu.

  After Huan Fan was appointed, he set off for Jizhou to take office as Xu Yun expected.

   Cao Shuang learned that Huan Fan had taken over the post of Jizhou Mu, and happily said to Xu Yun: "Everything is as you expected."

  Xu Yun said modestly: "Yun just happened to know what Huan Yuanze was thinking."

  Why did Xu Yun know Huan Fan's thoughts?

   It's all because Xu Huan and Xu Huan are good friends.

  In the early years, Xu Yun married Wei Wei Ruan Gong's daughter as his wife. After worshiping and entering the bridal chamber, Xu Yun found out that the Ruan family's daughter was extremely ugly. He was so scared that he ran out of the new house and didn't dare to stay in it.

  Everyone in the Xu family was deeply worried, but no matter how much he persuaded, Xu Yun refused to take another step into the new house.

  Later, when Huan Fan came to visit, Ruan's daughter said happily when she heard about it: "Huan Lang is visiting, so I don't have to worry about it. He will persuade A Lang to enter the new house."

  After learning about Xu Yun's bride, Huan Fan really persuaded Xu Yun:

   "The Ruan family is also a powerful family. Since they married an ugly girl and Qing, there should be a reason for it, and Qing should investigate it."

   Xu Yun listened to Huan Fan's words, and sure enough, he entered the new house again that night.

   It's just that when he saw the bride's face, the courage he had worked up so hard disappeared in an instant, and he wanted to run out again.

  Ruan's daughter knew that if she let him run out again, she might not have a chance to turn him back in her life.

  So she grabbed Xu Yun's clothes quickly and refused to let him go.

   Xu Yun struggled for a long time but failed to run, so he had to ask:

   "Women have four virtues, but how many do you have?"

   (Four Virtues: Women’s Virtue, Women’s Words, Women’s Appearance, and Women’s Work)

  Ruan's daughter replied: "What the bride lacks is Ronger. But a scholar has a hundred lines, how many do you have?"

  Xu Yunxin said that my name was passed down to Jizhou when I was young, don't you know?

  So he replied: "I have prepared all the things I do."

  Ruan's girl retorted sharply: "A husband's hundred behaviors are based on virtue, and you are lustful and not virtuous. What do you mean by having everything?"

   Xu Yun, a dignified celebrity, was left speechless when asked by his bride.

  Recalling the persuasion of his good friend Huan Fan, he immediately came to his senses, and couldn't help but look at his young gentleman with admiration.

  So, I slept in the new room that night.

  When Xu Yun was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he recommended many fellow villagers to be officials. Someone reported to Cao Rui that he was nepotism, so Cao Rui sent Huben to arrest him.

  Under the urgency of the matter, Ruan's daughter ran out barefoot, regardless of wearing shoes, and said a word to Xu Yun:

   "The wise master can win with reason, but it is difficult to ask for love."

  Xu Yun nodded in understanding, and after seeing Cao Rui, facing the emperor's question, he calmly replied:

   "I am a native of my hometown, and I understand it best. Please send someone to check whether the school is competent or not. If you are not competent, you will be punished."

   After Cao Rui's inspection, it was so, so it was released.

  Seeing that Xu Yun's clothes were worn out, he gave him new clothes.

  After Xu Yun was taken away, everyone in Xu's mansion was crying, but the goddess Ruan was calm and comforted everyone:

   "Don't worry, Alang will be back home in a while."

   Then I cooked corn porridge myself.

  After the porridge was cooked, Xu Yun returned to the house as expected.

  After this incident, Ruan's daughter completely won the respect of the Xu family.

  Xu Yun would consult with Ruan's daughter whenever he was undecided.

  On this day, Ruan's daughter was very happy to see her Alang coming back from duty, and asked involuntarily:

   "Ah Lang seems to be in high spirits today?"

   Xu Yun helped his friend get promoted, but he couldn't publicize it, so he was feeling uncomfortable.

  Hearing his little gentleman ask at this time, he naturally took the opportunity to say everything.

  Unexpectedly, when Ruan's daughter heard this, she sighed.

  Seeing this, I can’t help feeling a little strange:

   "Why is Xijun like this?"

  Ruan's daughter said:

   "From my concubine's point of view, it might be a good thing for Huan Lang to avoid official duties at home."

   "Ah Lang's move is to push him out. In order to repay the great general's kindness in the future, Mr. Huan Lang is afraid that he will do his best to help the general."

   Xu Yun doesn't quite understand:

   "The general is the auxiliary minister appointed by the late emperor, and Yuan Ze and the general are from the same hometown. Naturally, they want to help the general. What's wrong with that?"

  Ruan's daughter glanced at him, and said slowly:

   "The auxiliary ministers of the Wei Dynasty are more than one general."

  Hearing the words, Xu Yun was immediately shocked, and then fixedly looked at Ruan's daughter:

   "What do you mean by Xijun?"

   "Alang thinks, how does Wei compare with Han?"

   Xu Yun answered subconsciously:

   "The Great Wei occupies the center of the world, representing the orthodoxy of the world..."

  Ruan's daughter suddenly sneered.

  Xu Yun coughed in embarrassment, looked around, made sure no one was eavesdropping, and then said embarrassingly:

   "The two countries of Han and Wei, who will be able to unify the universe in the future, and who will know?"

  Ruan's daughter sneered again:

   "After the first battle in Guanzhong, the general situation of the world has been determined, so why should Alang deceive himself?"

  Xu Yun turned pale with shock: "Be careful what you say!"

   "You and I are one, why bother to hide it?" Ruan's daughter didn't change her face, "The Great Wei has been in the middle of the world for decades, but why have they been defeated by the Han repeatedly and lost the land of three states in a row?"

   Xu Yun was suddenly dumbfounded.

   "Great Wei has ten states, but it still can't destroy Han, which has only one state. Now it only has seven states, but can it defeat Han, which has four states?"

   Xu Yun lacked confidence and said:

   "With seven states against four states, the advantage is still in Wei."

  Ruan's daughter sneered again:

   "If Taifu Sima and General Cao can work together to assist the emperor and fight against the bandits together, there is still some credibility in what Alang said."

   "However, the people of Wei are currently in a state of disarray. Although the dispute between the two auxiliary ministers has not been brought to the fore, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two auxiliary ministers will inevitably be at odds in the future."

   "Therefore, the dispute between Wei and Han seems to be seven states against four states, but in fact it is not too much to say that three states are against four states."

  If Xu Yun had a violent temper like Huan Fan, and he heard Ruan's daughter's heart-pounding words, if he couldn't save face, he might have to stage another good show of killing his wife in anger.

   It's just that Xu Yunsu knew that Ruan's daughter was very insightful, and knew that what she said at this time was the truth.

  Plus, she doesn't seem very optimistic about her recommendation of Huan Fan.

  So Xu Yun asked humbly:

   "What is Xi Jun's opinion?"

   "The concubine has two opinions: If the Han Dynasty sends troops to the east first and occupies Luoyang, Hebei, and Lord Huan Lang can escape the disaster, then he will be safe."

   "However, if the two auxiliary ministers of the Wei Dynasty decide the winner before the Han Dynasty sends troops, then Mr. Huan Lang may be imprisoned."

   Xu Yun was shocked: "Why?"

   "Based on the relationship between Huan Langjun and the general, even if he loses the land of Hebei, Huan Langjun is nothing more than losing his official position."

   "And the two auxiliary ministers are fighting, A Lang thinks, who will win?"

   Xu Yun hesitated to speak.

   "Ah Lang doesn't dare to speak, so let the concubine speak. The general is so indulgent when he first took power, I'm afraid that sooner or later he will lose people's hearts."

   "Sima Taifu, as a veteran of the four dynasties, has a great reputation and is in charge of an elite man. When the time is right, he will ascend to the top. Why should he be a general?"

   "As a clan relative, even if he loses the right to assist the government, he can still be a rich man, but those who are attached to the general may not escape liquidation."

   "That's why my concubine said that if things happen in the future as I expected, Mr. Huan Lang may not be able to escape from prison."

  Xu Yun was in Shangshutai, so he knew that the "Three Dogs of Taichung" did not hesitate to change the law easily for personal gain, and some people had already begun to feel resentment.

  Although Xu Yun usually felt that something was wrong, he hadn't thought about it deeply.

  At this time, when I heard my little gentleman's analysis, I broke out in a cold sweat.

  He cried out: "If this is the case, then didn't I harm Yuan Ze?"

  He stomped his feet regretfully, "No, I have to write to Yuan Ze and ask him to resign from Jizhou Mu!"

  Ruan's daughter saw it, and quickly stopped him:

   "No, Mr. Huan Lang has always been resentful of being subservient to Lu Zhao. Now that he finally got what he wanted, how could he easily listen to A Lang's words?"

   "Ah Lang's writing this time, I am afraid that instead of dissuading him, it will make him feel resentful."

  Xu Yun remembered that a few years ago, when his friend was in charge of Qing and Xu, he was denounced by the governor of Xuzhou and dismissed.

  Although he was recommended as the governor of Yanzhou, he was not very successful in Yanzhou because of the conflict with Lu Zhao (the former Jizhou Mu Lu Zhao was from Yanzhou).

   Now that he has finally survived, with his temperament, it is definitely impossible to give up easily.

  Thinking of this, Xu Yun couldn't help stomping his feet: "What should I do?"

   Seeing this, Ruan's daughter turned to comfort him and said: "This is just my concubine's guess, why should Alang do this?"

  Xu Yun admitted frankly: "My gentleman must have insight in every word, so I am not worried?"

  He looked at Ruan's daughter, "If the future is really what Xi Jun said, how can I save Yuan Ze?"

   "If A Lang believes that Taifu Sima can win, why not gain the trust of Taifu as soon as possible? If he can make a contribution in front of Taifu, why worry about not having a chance to save people?"

   Isn't this just standing in line ahead of time?

  Xu Yun began to hesitate again after hearing Ruan's daughter's suggestion.

   Standing in line at this time can be said to be a big gamble on the rest of my political career, and there is no room for mistakes.

   "Let me think about it."

   "It's been less than a year since the Han Kingdom took Guanzhong, and the Taifu and the General haven't broken their faces yet. Alang still has at least a few years to go, so don't worry."

  (end of this chapter)

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