In the past few days, Harry always secretly studied the “Sun Golden Sutra”. He has roughly figured out some of the magic recorded in the book. Last time he recited the first half of “The Undead Gets Up, Praise the Sun,” let him Entering the spiritual world, Harry guessed that the second half would allow him to go deeper into the soul’s home. In Egypt, it was the Hades, and he didn’t know what it was in London.

He found that he could influence and manipulate the undead, enter the spiritual world at any time, and walk in another plane that the wizards could not see.

The biggest advantage is that he no longer has to worry about the night tour being caught.

But recently Harry didn’t dare to go out and try to touch this magic book. The last time he made the move, Hogwarts was very nervous recently. The professors took turns on the night, and the students were uneasy and exchanged. Gossip.

Ron vowed to say: “That must be the ghost of evil. It lingers in the hallway and makes all sorts of strange noises every night…”

“No!” Neville plucked up his courage and said, “It’s mummy, my grandmother will have two incestations of Egyptian wizards… then it’s like hieroglyphics… I heard the incantation sound that scared me that day. Only mummy will read incantation like this.”

Next to Harry did not participate in their discussion, he stood aside with some guilty conscience.

Ron and Neville argued a few words and turned to ask Harry: “Harry, what do you think? Is it mummy or ghost when it invaded the school that day?”

“It’s me!” Harry replied silently in his heart. He had some guilty conscience, but there was a hint of deep and deep excitement – he could only say that he was a born Gryffindor troublemaker, and Harry opened his mouth and swallowed. Said a few words: “I… I think…”

“It’s a Death Eater!” There was a nasty voice that made Harry familiar, and Harry turned his head back. It turned out to be Malfoy’s annoying guy. He rarely saw him recently, and Slytherin loved it the past. The guy who has been in the limelight has recently lived in a simple way. This is the first time that Harry has seen Malfoy in addition to the class. His face is a little pale, but it is not without blood, withered pale.

It is a kind of squat, as if it is a deep, quiet, pale pale.

The unique impetuousness and pride of Malfoy’s pampered child has disappeared. He sees that there is no aloof and remote that is nostrils, and that kind of impetuousness becomes self-confidence, which was often expressed in Hermione. Confidence, but whether he has the confidence of Hermione and the inferiority of Muggle-born, belongs to the temperament of Miss Master.

It was the mixture of the old Malfoy, the aristocratic arrogance and the confidence of power and strength.

This made Harry have to remember that he had overheard what Snape had said that night – Malfoy was in contact with the cutting-edge black magic, which made Harry more resentful to him, so when Malfoy saw Harry, Showing the sharp face that he is very familiar with.

“You don’t know? Azkaban’s Death Eaters have collectively escaped from prison! Now they are moving around… The professors also suspect that the night’s incident was caused by a Death Eater invading Hogwarts. … I thought you already knew… especially Weasley, is his father not working in the Ministry of Magic?”

“It seems that Mr. Weasley is not valued in the Ministry of Magic… I have several powerful friends who have sent me a letter to inform him… but Mr. Weasley is in the Ministry of Magic, but even one who is willing to tell him about it. No one is there.”

Ron angered: “That’s because your father is well informed among the Death Eaters, who knows him and those…”

“Permanently sticking!” Malfoy shook his wrist, and the wand hidden in the pocket of his sleeve fell into his hand. He was incant and quick, and Harry didn’t respond. He used a sticky mantra. Ron’s upper and lower lips stuck together, sealing Ron’s mouth, things happened too quickly, and most people couldn’t react.

Harry screamed and rushed up, but Malfoy easily blocked him with obstacles.

Malfoy said with a sneer: “It seems that Mr. Ron’s mouth knows what to do… If he dares to talk indiscriminately, his mouth and Mr. Weasley’s position will be in trouble again. I remember Weiss. Mr. Lai has just been reinstated… because his stupid son drove a flying Muggle car and made a big mess.”

“I hope that he will not be suspended again because of the son, rude and a respected pure blood… The Weasleys are all raised by his salary.” Malfoy said A look at Ron’s old school uniform and wand, and smirked and turned away.

Ron’s face changed fiercely, and he screamed in anger at Malfoy’s back.

Malfoy went halfway and suddenly turned back: “Dumstrom’s principal proposed to conduct an exchange with Hogwarts, including senior friendship and junior exchange students, Dumbledore is considering… …but he can’t think about it for a long time. My father and several school managers are happy to see it. Since Dumbledore was the principal, Hogwarts’ achievements have been obvious to all.”

“But if others tout or true results, then you need to compare with other magic schools.”

“Soon you will hear the news of the exchange activities between the two schools! Demstrom is a truly open magic school. I must say that their professors are much more enlightened than Dumbledore. This is important. The exchange activities are not the ones who can be mixed in by the unknown people… and some famous people hope that he will not miss the bottom of the exchange and add shame to Hogwarts.”

Malfoy loudly touted: “Dumstrom is a school that focuses on duel magic and magic duel. Their teachings in black magic are famous. I dare say that no school in a magic school is more suitable than them. The game is over.”

Harry shouted to Malfoy: “So you can’t do it, right?”

Malfoy didn’t have a plan, just sneer at Harry and smiled and turned away.

Ron had already unlocked the sticky spell that sealed his mouth. He was crazy, although Gryffindor’s classmates came up to comfort him, but more people thought it was not, and the Death Eaters escaped. The news made them extremely uneasy, and many people shivered with fear.

In the next flight class, Mrs. Huo Qi explained the news to everyone. She comforted everyone: “There is no evidence that the Death Eaters invaded Hogwarts. Professor Snape is investigating the day’s affairs, magic. The ministry has taken control of the situation and is trying to hunt down the Death Eaters. They are like a stray dog ​​and dare not face the road.”

“Hogworth has President Dumbledore and professors who are the most feared of the Death Eaters.”

“No Death Eater dared to enter Hogwarts under the eyes of President Dumbledore.”

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