Chen Ang is temporarily staying at Bojin’s property in Hogmund Village, the only village in the UK that is full of wizarding residents. The Hogwarts School is located next to the Great Lake, which originated from this village. The cottages are covered with thatched roofs, like medieval villages, even though the wizards have been able to build buildings that are as grand and magnificent as the Ministry of Magic.

But the wizards are engraved in the nervousness and weirdness of the bloodline, so that they will make a variety of strange choices for normal people.

On the one hand, because of the wizards who control the magical power, the habits of life are different from those of Muggles. Most of the Muggles think that they are dangerous and troublesome. They just wave their wands, so they are rough and rough, and they are rough and rough. It seems that there is no word in the dictionary and it is neat and tidy, because for Muggles, the messy placement habits will make them unable to find things, but for the wizard, it is a flying mantra.

They are not afraid of breaking or destroying things, because as long as you are not a magical item, a ‘repair as early as possible’ can restore something that is inadvertently damaged, and when it is messed up, a ‘clean up’ can make They are neat and tidy.

Therefore, the wizard has different understandings of damage, injury, and disorder than Muggles. They simply can’t care about the troubles that can be easily solved by magic, so in Muggles, they and everyone are like bears. Unlimited indulgence.

On the other hand, the bloodline that gives them the magic makes them look neurotic, mad and eccentric. According to the results of Chen Ang’s research on Bojin bloodline, the magic of the surge in the bloodline will erode their rationality. This result makes Chen Ang Somewhat surprised, because the wizards eventually turned out to be like Cthulhu, or they eventually turned to magic.

The magic is completely different from the rational perspective of human observation of the world. Magic is another way of observing the world. From a scientific, human perspective, it looks a bit confusing and difficult to interpret. Its logic and internal laws are seen by humans. It is hard to name, a mess.

The magic of the wizards is ultimately indescribable.

The more powerful the wizard, the more mad, of course, this is also the proof that the closer they are to magic, because the magic itself is chaotic, anti-rational, if the anecdotes studied by Chen Ang are magical rationality and intelligence Then, the magic of this world wizard is the expression of magical chaos and disorder.

The little wizards who have just awakened the magic are closest to normal people, but as they grow up, the magic in the bloodline will gradually erode their rationality, making them more and more difficult to understand humans – what they call Muggles Because humans (Muggles) are subject to acceptance.

The old wizards are more and more eccentric.

They will eat the liver of the cockroach, the viscera of the bat, the eyes of the squid, will allow their appearance to become alienated, usually become more ugly and distorted, the knuckles are prominent, the skin is as thin as the bones, and the spirit is close to madness.

Of course, these are the symptoms of the most serious wizards. In general, only the poorest wizards at the bottom will become like this in their later years. Learning forformable power will also accelerate this symptom. They are eroded by magic. Almost mutated.

And those purely pure family of pure blood, because of the magic of inheritance and the superiority of bloodline, rarely appear before the old age, the magic erodes their rationality, but the magic helps them slow down the process, the pure blood family – – Both are the natural laws of the survival of the fittest and the product of choice. Their bloodline is relatively stable and resistant to the erosion of magic, so they are old and dead, and they just look a little weird that’s all. They will carefully choose their own marriage partners to prevent bad degradation of the bloodline.

Even so, the magic of their natural bloodline is deteriorating and they are getting weaker and weaker.

But for those who are poor and have a bad bloodline, the pure blood is qualified to look down on them and even treat them as debris. Chen Ang investigated in the pubs where the wizards often meet, most of them are not pure. The blood family, with normal age, will become a madman in the eyes of normal people.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic turned a blind eye to this.

The magical resistance of the pure blood family is not unconditional. Once the black magic is refined, they will also have this madness trend.

The term “mud species” is not the distortion of the pure-blooded wizards, but the sawing of the non-pure blood, the long-term screening of the wizard bloodline, which becomes ugly and distorted in old age, mad, and begins to eat cockroaches and bats. Something that smells bad, starts bloodthirsty, and after the spirit is extremely unstable, gives these non-pure blood nicknames.

They realized that if they let non-pure blood confuse their bloodline, they would degrade their ‘noble’ bloodline.

Coupled with the impact of the wizards who have Muggle bloodline, the magic world has two kinds of thoughts on this kind of magic erosion. The representative of the pure blood family, Voldemort, the greatness of the wizard comes from the bloodline, the pure magic of the witch line. Strong, elegant and calm, and the wizard with Muggle, will only become distorted and ugly.

The white wizard, led by Dumbledore, believes that the root cause of the wizard becoming evil and darkness, madness is black magic, and the wizard of the Muggle bloodline is only less resistant to black magic.

Of course, in Chen Ang, both sides are stupid. No one dares to really make the magical factor that makes the wizard crazy. Because it is simply denying the pride of the entire magic world, the wizard is proud of his own magic. They think they are out. The whole of the ordinary lies in the magical magic and powerful magic, let them deny the magic, does that mean that they deny all of them?

Undoubtedly, Bojin also showed the twisted, weird side. He applied a loyal loyalty in the village of Hogmund, but it was dirty and chaotic, and the house was dilapidated, showing the same as the Leaky Bar, Grimaud Square. The 12, the squatting and other completely identical wizard aesthetics are strikingly unified with the style of Hogmund and the Diagonal Lane.

For the wizard, to keep it clean and clean, only one or two curses are needed. It is not difficult to create grand and spectacular interior comfort and luxury. Magic is enough to do it, but they are going to be messy. And narrow, what else can explain this besides the mental problem?

Chen Ang pushes open the door that is full of nail scratches and creeps. The porch is an empty room with peeling wallpaper on the wall, worn carpet with dried blood, some rusty lanterns and Some chandeliers and candlesticks are covered with broken spider webs. There is a staircase leading upstairs. On the wall, there were some portraits that were darkened by age. When they heard the sound of pushing the door, the portraits began to wake up. They turned to look at Chen Ang, suddenly opened their mouths, and the piercing sounds were intertwined. Some old women’s portraits began. Scream.

Chen Ang looked at them indifferently, and he raised his hand slightly, whispering: “Avada!”

In an instant, the whole room was quiet. Chen Ang walked in the middle of those stagnation portraits and slowly climbed up the stairs. The little fairy gu lu behind him showed a blank expression. It excitedly shakes the already quiet portraits. Screaming in the mouth: “Herbert grandfather, Bervina grandma? Aunt Benamo?”

“God! Master… you killed them!”

“Shut up! Those are just some false memories. Their reaction, their actions are the driving of the curse behind this… Letting the portraits live is definitely one of the most stupid acts in history. I really don’t know these wizards. What do you think? Dead people, let them die, but they have to make a false memory and use the curse to drive themselves to deceive themselves.”

He glanced at the dirty room and told Gu Lu: “Put it clean and be spotless. All the messy things are piled up in the basement. I don’t want to see anything except the necessary furniture. Useless things.”

After that, Chen Ang sent a document on “Laboratory Standardization Construction” and told him: “According to this standard, there is nothing to use the deformation spell first. It is not difficult to build this thing with your magic level. “”

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