When Chen Ang saw Alex, he couldn’t recognize what the flesh and blood was. When he recognized Alex, Chen Ang was a bit stunned: “I didn’t expect things to be there. Interesting development, this is a waste of him, will make him more powerful, to find me to gain strength, I did not expect, actually was broken!”

Chen Ang saw his unyielding eyes and said: “This look is strong and powerful!”

“I thought it was unpolished jade. I didn’t think I had been polished. I hope that this temper will not abolish you…” Chen Ang stood in front of Alex, calmly said: “Yes, you know what you are wondering. That Experimental material… It seems to be Francis! He is really under my control. Don’t be surprised, as a free experimental material, he is destined to be experimental to death.”

Chen Ang looked at Alex’s sharp, strong eyes, said with a slight smile: “So, the reason why he will abolish your power, leave your name, is subject to my orders. In order to force you to find I…that is, the culprit of everything is me.”

“I didn’t intend to tell you this, an experimental mouse, telling him that it makes sense?”

“But I didn’t expect that there would be such a wonderful thing in your team. The captain Lothar, I thought it was a material, ready to transform you, let you make him crippled and cultivate. I didn’t expect it to be even myself. The men under the control of bad waste. Lothar gave up on you, as I expected, I am the clearest to control the injury caused by Francis, but I did not expect that he will not even give up the reward points for your ability to heal.”

“I didn’t even think that there was such a wonderful thing in your team. It was stupid to start with his teammates… She didn’t know what would happen if she did this? As a result, she was prepared to torture you to death, but there were two accidents. First, someone is willing to pay reward points to restore your disability injury, so that you have the ability to act, you can also bear, when she is tortured, it is hard to expose the fact that you can already move, this is the opportunity to escape The second is that I stay in your body, and the power of entropy combined with your small universe, while abolishing all your strength, also gives you a strong vitality.”

“Now that you have gone through these hardships, the spirit is in the dead, and the miraculous recovery of life, which reminds me of a person – Bai Xiong, you are now very cultivation second male qualifications? I thought you could practice My well-designed Jiuyang battle body has achieved the Nine Yang Divine Art, and I have never imagined that you have such a bizarre experience. If so, let’s use hatred as a force!”

Chen Ang asked Hong Fan to bring Alex to the lab and calmly asked: “Now know the truth, do you hate me?”

Answering him is Alex’s extremely resentful eyes. Chen Ang looked at this kind of eyes not only did not resent, but laughed: “Good, very good, keep this look, don’t be like the waste of Francis, even I hate that I don’t dare.”

“As a scientist, I believe that this world is materialistic, but I can always find out in experiments that some experimental bodies can create miracles with strong consciousness. At that time, I realized that this world is material, but It can be felt through human subjective consciousness that, without consciousness, material world has no meaning to people.”

“So I believe in the amount of human mental power. Only when it is extremely emotional, can it be extremely good.”

Chen Ang waved a screen and looked at the complicated formulas and mannequins on the screen and sighed: “The original experimental plan has been worked out, but unfortunately… it has to be overthrown. It was just modulation of Sinew-Transformation Canon True. Qi, the fusion of small cosmic forces, and finally transformed into the Jiuyang battle body, now Nine Yang Divine Art does not match your temperament. But it is better…”

Chen Ang reveals the expression of enjoyment: “Being able to practice innovation, expand and enterprising, constantly practice new ideas, create new practices, and have extraordinary significance for our scientific research and my personal progress. The body is always the old thing, I want to create something new in you… Well, the power of the magnetic field can be added.”

“First of all, study your current state and do a basic research as the basis for later planning.”

Chen Ang fixed Alex on the operating table and ordered Hong Fan to say: “Now you have to be my experimental assistant, don’t mess up anymore, or you will slice your research, you can’t die anyway.”

Hong Fan’s face was calm and his legs were slightly trembling. He placed the surgical instrument on Chen Ang’s right hand. He certainly didn’t learn Chen Ang’s basic experimental education, but he did so many experiments, and he became a good doctor. With a personal experience, Hong Fan’s qualifications for transforming biology have become more practical.

Chen Ang whispered on the test bench and looked at him with a look full of life-seeking desires. “Francis is a one-time experimental material, so the transformation is very rigid and there is no potential for self-development. In fact, I really created it. There are countless possibilities for the experimental body. They can improve themselves, make progress, and create miracles. For example, the transformation of Francis is like a cup. His potential is fixed and it is placed in an industrialized, rigid template. , like an industrial product, the water that is contained in the quilt. There is no other possibility in his future.”

“But you are different from Hong Fan. You are pouring out the water in the cup. There is no shape, no restriction. It is a kind of creation with self-development possibilities, just like the martial artist I like very much, Mr. Bruce Lee said, don’t do it. The cup, to do the water, to be able to have a law, to limit the infinite. To create the future.”

“It is a third-rate scientist who knows how to make industrial products. It is a second-rate scientist who knows how to practice art. Only by creating scientific creations that are infinite possibilities, and constantly developing and practicing, is the first-class scientist.” Chen Ang said slightly: “I am First class scientist!”

“Everything can be studied and analyzed, and all methods can be solved. A true researcher, wherever he goes, what he meets, will not forget the end of the law, seeking the inner, the detection, the discovery, the research, the existence of analysis. Alex, you must remember this, keep improving, constantly develop yourself, let yourself exercise, and pursue unlimited possibilities.”

“Only you can make a miracle! In the infinite variable, find the only correct solution.”

Although Chen Ang has always emphasized Alex’s eyes, in fact, Alex has only two blood holes in his eyes, and he can see the brain with severe damage. When the woman digs his eyes, he must bring it out. A lot of brains. Therefore, Alex’s eyes can only be said to be a feeling of spiritual sensitivity to the limit.

Hong Fan felt a little bit, but there was absolutely no Chen Ang clear. Chen Ang could even feel Alex’s doubts and puzzles. He smiled and explained: “Because my revenge is an impossible, if there is no way to create a miracle, it is absolutely impossible to succeed!”

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