“Those reincarnations are only a few minority shareholders in the capital market. They borrowed their resources to operate. Are they afraid that he will take the company away?” Chen Ang handed him the information: “Let’s take a look!” Under the leadership of outstanding managers such as Xiao Bolang and Zhao Yingqi, the organizational structure of the Eye of Horus has been perfected.”

“We have imitated the modern corporate system and divided the eyes of Horus into two parts, each defined as the country that operates Egypt, the growing, growing local companies, and the penetration of the globe, operating and adding value to us from Lord God. The organizational entity of the capital brought by Space, and the transnational secret organization that takes into account the interests of other agents.”

“The specific form of the organization is also divided into two parts. The operation of the Lord God Space resource is called the inner ring. The leader is the Elder Council, which is equivalent to the board of directors. I am the chief Great Elder Amon, you are the second executive Elder Nut. Hong Fan is the first to execute Elder Sate…” Chen Ang said that he threw him a lot of documents and regulations, and a lot of information made Zhang Ziqiang feel helpless.

He hurriedly swept through a few thin documents, the complicated organization regulations and interest styles, rules and regulations, which made his brain hurt. It is worth mentioning the file: “I don’t understand these, but it looks really good. formal.”

“That is, of course, we are the operators of the formal underground secret organization, of course, the organization regulations are official!” Chen Ang opened several documents and pointed to the signature above: “These are the internal affairs Elder, too It was Xiao Bolang who made them. Now their codenames are Hugh and Taifnut, responsible for the reorganization of the Eye of Horus.”

“Now the reorganization is completed, the organization can renew its youth and firepower, and when we are absent, healthy operations, now the eyes of Horus have not excluded other forces from sand, like modern companies, after Xiao Blang Their efforts, the reorganized Horus Eye organization also has a strong assimilation and self-purification ability.”

“Through the solidarity and correct restructuring of our Founder team, we have ensured the realization of our core interests. The other human resources and real influence of the Horus Eye organization will not be wasted. We decided to structure the Central and Outer Rings and establish operations. The structure and way of adding value to this part of the capital, that is, the removal of core strengths and organizations, such as the nine-column god, including the Egyptian government, ordinary blood and low-level members, will be cut relative to the inner ring, in the inner ring of the dominance At the same time, accept other forces to develop and operate.”

“In my vision, the inner ring is the reincarnation to join, firmly in our hands, and the core strength of the Lord God Space resource value-added operation. Central is to embrace, transform, attract and assimilate other external forces through the blood family. Operate the Eye of Horus – the backbone of the blood empire. The outer ring is the basic organizational structure that controls the military, enterprises, local forces, intelligence organizations, etc., and attracts grassroots forces that assimilate other talents.”

“Forming an inner ring like a holding company, Central like a multinational company, the outer ring is like a unique structure of government organizations.”

“At this time, we can not only absorb a large number of reincarnations to invest in our inner ring organization, achieve capital appreciation, share dividends, we as it should be by rights have the greatest interest, but also to rapidly expand the Central and outer ring organizations, At the same time, it forms a core, decentralized decision-making layout, and helps us to achieve good development of the organization after leaving the world.”

Chen Ang looked at the huge platform that has gradually revealed his true feelings. He said: “If this organizational form is successful, we can not only form an absolute home advantage in this world, but even extend this model to the entire Lord God. Space, in the case of the rules of the main gods, adjust the structure and organizational structure of the company, realize the corporateization of the reincarnation squad, let the reincarnation have an investment market, perfect the Lord God Space capital market, and realize the great achievements of the reincarnation resource capital operation! ”

“To completely improve the Lord God Space capital market, change the current use of space resources, simplify, shallow and brainless, Lord God Space’s reform and opening up, financial innovation, who are you? When you are reincarnation The capital crocodile can earn a lot of support benefits when lying down.”

Chen Ang said: “If this plan is successful, it will completely change the organizational structure of the reincarnation squad of the current mercenary battle group situation. It will change the current status like the grass head, unorganized, unrecorded, unstructured, and the rights of the reincarnation. Not guaranteed the grass team!”

Zhang Ziqiang was stupid, and he whispered, “You plan very well, but as long as the simple task of the Lord God is arranged, these things will be like the castle on the beach, disappeared without a wave.” Trace, we are the ants in a system created by the Lord God. I think very well, but it seems…”

Chen Ang sighed: “This is the difference between you and me. For the Lord God, you are always trembling with fear, treating it as an incomprehensible, unrecognizable being, but I have been trying to understand and understand. To discover the inner existence of the Lord God, to explore its law of operation, to adapt to it, to influence it, to transform it… to learn, to know, not to be afraid of failure!”

“There is nothing in this world that we can’t recognize!”

“Even if it is a cockroach in the main god system, the reincarnation should try to study it, not individual, thin, one-sided research, but use organization, science, philosophy, a group, even The civilization of civilization, to explore and discover, to study deconstruction… This is the noble place of our humanity!”

Chen Ang looked at Zhang Ziqiang’s eyes and said sincerely: “The first thing in Lord God Space is that it is true to survive. But people can’t just survive. It’s animals, plants, wild beast, bacteria, what it is, and what it is. For people, to explore! If you just want to survive, what is the difference with the fool? Just like the millennium, the poet on the banks of the Polo River sang…”

“Lu Manman is a long way to go, I will go up and down!”

“There is also the goodness of the rest of the heart, although it is still regrettable!”

“Although these two sentences are not up and down, but it does say my heart!” Chen Ang whispered slightly, no matter what Zhang Ziqiang was in contemplation, he walked down the spire and strolled on the high platform, looking at the distance Cairo The people in the city lighted up and nodded: “The reason why you must test you first is to screen out those objects that are really suitable for experimentation and cooperation!”

“If you can’t complete this test, you can die!”

Chen Ang’s voice echoed in the cold wind: “And… if the company wants to go public, how can it not show its own strength? Even if it can’t initiate the financing process, let investors know the hard power of their company. And I opened the company with a knife, and I sold my stock in a face-to-face manner!”

“The investment market is still not perfect. We have to cross the river by feeling the stones! Do not force you to buy with a knife. How to establish the confidence of your investment? This is the pain of financial reform! Do you want to understand?”

Chen Ang lightly said with a smile : “I am also a corresponding call to realize the financial innovation of Lord God Space!”

“Lord God Space, the first road show for Horus Eyes, is starting now!”

“Welcome all investors to come to our shareholder meeting!”

Red blood team captain David put into the stone wall, violently hit, let the stone piece spread out in a beautiful open form, Hong Fan with a hand pressed David’s head, he can feel the skull of David It has been broken into a few large pieces, and the brain is even more sprinkled on the ground, but David’s vitality is still supported by tenacious, and even the consciousness is still awake.

But with this monster grabbed his head with one hand, David finally fell into despair.

He didn’t know what kind of evil he had recruited, and made this power, undying and unextinguished monsters come to the door. This person not only possessed powerful blood and black magic, but also the body is incredible, and the body is immortal and monster. Similarly, he smashed three times and eventually became stronger and stronger. By the third time, even if he broke the cards, it was the result of crushing.

In the end, David Undying Being was broken. Although he could rely on his undead ability and support, David knew that in this way, this monster will definitely kill him. He is desperate.

At that moment, the monster actually spoke up: “Not bad, qualified enough!”

He released the right hand holding the back of David’s brain, and the muscles of his body recovered from a streamlined shape, revealing a yellow-faced face with a thick eyebrow and a large-faced face. Hong Fan licked some sore hands and feet and suddenly remembered Chen Ang’s awkwardness. Raised his head and said to David: “You can survive three rounds without dying. You are qualified to participate in the ‘thing’. See where the lights are?”

“As long as you are alive, go there! Otherwise, you will die!”

Hong Fan turned to look at the remaining lineup of the half-dead and half-dead of the Red Blood team. He smiled and looked away. He left the place in the inexplicable eyes of the Red Blood team.

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